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Mumsnet County … name a place, street, shop or service

225 replies

WhirlyByrd · 01/05/2012 11:50

Your challenge is to suggest names for the places, streets and shops that would make up the County of Mumsnet.

The city would be called Forum. Its suburbs: Boden (designer, very expensive), Hunbury Hills (flashy and a bit TOWIE), Cleek (gated community).

OP posts:
PomBearWithAnOFRS · 02/05/2012 21:48

The Labour Klaxon needs to do a different klax than the Pustule Eruption Klaxon, which both need to be different to the Zombie Apocalypse/Generalised End of the World Klaxon...
We need a Klaxon Control Officer - volunteers anyone?
Where's Apocalypse when we need her?

PomBearWithAnOFRS · 02/05/2012 21:48

Oooo and somewhere to put Zombie's wheelie bin - maybe in a purpose built bin-shelter right beside the statue in the Town Square?

AfternoonsAndCoffeespoons · 02/05/2012 22:01

A construction firm called 'Sue Purbly Built' Shock I have spent hours, no days, trying to 'get' that name!

TheOriginalSteamingNit · 02/05/2012 22:03

Every year the locals would make mannequins to hang on the walls of houses and sit on the village green, as one sees in villages. It would be the straw man competition.

sleepychunky · 05/05/2012 20:09

And Norman the Foreman would of course be in charge of any building work that needed to be carried out.

ifeellove · 05/05/2012 20:45

Public loos have a special POAS cubicle with neon + and - sign above for all to see

Professional handholders available for hire

MadameChinLegs · 05/05/2012 21:03

Can we have a shop that just sells Pom Bears?

realhousewifeofdevoncounty · 05/05/2012 21:06

A pub called " the Mooncup". sorry if it's been done, cba to read whole thread! Grin

Whoopydofoxpoo · 05/05/2012 21:23

Would dogs be welcome in this town ?

taxiformumplease · 05/05/2012 21:25

custardo corner cafe.

CuttedUpPear · 05/05/2012 21:26

taxiformumplease · 05/05/2012 21:26

joules horse riding school.

MoonlightandRoses · 05/05/2012 21:37

Whoopydo - of course! Bags, scoopers and ketchup (for the fox/badger poo) to be provided at strategic locations throughout the county.

Do we have a municipal park yet, BTW? Think it would have to be FENTON Park Smile.

MoonlightandRoses · 05/05/2012 21:39

But, we don't want cutted up pear, we want cutted-up pear...

Whoopydofoxpoo · 05/05/2012 21:41

Moonlight - thank you !

FENTON park - yes ! (no deer please )

CuttedUpPear · 05/05/2012 21:52

I think you'll find that I am the proprietor of said shop and will stock it accordingly.

ClicksArse · 05/05/2012 22:04

Do we have a white good store yet called "The Maintenance Wash(ing Machines)?

Whoopydofoxpoo · 05/05/2012 22:07

A really speedy broadband service !

and an internet forum that never goes off line Angry at least not without warning !

JarethTheGoblinKing · 05/05/2012 23:06

Can I have an tower in the middle of the city with escher staircases and lots and lots of goblins please??

MoonlightandRoses · 05/05/2012 23:08

And no bloody broken bananas either [stamps foot]. (Yes, I am that customer Grin).

Jareth - sounds good, but you are aware goblins will have to follow the same clean up rules as dogs, and I understand they are far messier?

JarethTheGoblinKing · 05/05/2012 23:14

Its alright. We can just shoot them out of canons towards any invading nethuns zombies

dontcallmehon · 05/05/2012 23:32

The Goodhousekeeping cleaning emporium. Stacked with useful cleaning items. Also the good reads library which sounds an alarm to alert the other residences if you choose the wrong type of book. Spill the drink coffee shop and crèche where mums can drink coffee whilst their little darlings run amok.


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MoonlightandRoses · 05/05/2012 23:52

dontcall wouldn't the Spill the drink coffee shop be the other side of the bridge from us? [Hopes]

dontcallmehon · 06/05/2012 00:11

Yes, Spill the drink would be in Hunsbury. We could have a naice coffee shop which serves lemon drizzle cake.

MoonlightandRoses · 06/05/2012 21:49

Phew - lemon drizzle cake you say? Do you think they would serve it with a side order of chocolate almond cake? Lemon and chocolate is a v.good combination.

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