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Mumsnet County … name a place, street, shop or service

225 replies

WhirlyByrd · 01/05/2012 11:50

Your challenge is to suggest names for the places, streets and shops that would make up the County of Mumsnet.

The city would be called Forum. Its suburbs: Boden (designer, very expensive), Hunbury Hills (flashy and a bit TOWIE), Cleek (gated community).

OP posts:
MoonlightandRoses · 02/05/2012 16:35

Mardy - you could advertise using the strap line 'bosoms hoiked here'...

SlightlyJaded · 02/05/2012 16:52

nickel I know. I KNOW. I initially thought I would just do a little summary of shops - top to bottom - nothing complicated. Then I realised I had to catagorise everything or it would all go cutted up pear shaped.

That's when it started to get ugly.

But I had put in too much work to give up so I posted in the full knowledge that there were errors and omissions Shock

Knowing full well that the proprietors of the missing establishments, shops and businesses would rectify the situation Grin

nickelhasababy · 02/05/2012 16:56
nickelhasababy · 02/05/2012 16:56

also, the junk shop with Saggyoldclothcatpuss in the window.

Saltire · 02/05/2012 18:01

Ahem the wine shop shall be called "Is it wine o clock yet?...why yes it is " WineWine in tasteful coloured letter with decor of pebbles and shite

Saltire · 02/05/2012 18:02

And, flying on a big flagpole for all to see shall be a Saltire Grin

iklboo · 02/05/2012 19:34

Sorry if it's already been said, but the local constabulary will be the Grammar Police, won't they?

WhirlyByrd · 02/05/2012 20:02

I am liking the way MN county is shaping up. When can we move in? Grin

OP posts:
SarahStratton · 02/05/2012 20:10

You forgot the Troll Booth on the Trip Trap Troll Bridge.

MadameChinLegs · 02/05/2012 20:38

A male-only hostel called Cocklodgers
Are their rules on the length of time I can leave my laundry on the line, and do I get fined for using different coloured pegs on items?

Can we have a bell that goes off to signify tea and cake time in the town?

SarahStratton · 02/05/2012 20:40

It is always BrewWine and [cakey] o' clock. Always.

WhirlyByrd · 02/05/2012 20:45

MadameChin the goodhousekewping pedants will be inspecting washing lines to ensure all laundry is pegged in a logical manner with matching pegs.

OP posts:
UphillBothWays · 02/05/2012 20:54

MardyBra's shop can sell a D+ bra range called "Lardjov Nork"

SaggyOldClothCatPuss · 02/05/2012 20:56

Ok. I'll sit in the window of the junk shop. Although I might make it an upcycling and repair shop with a wooden pet department!

UphillBothWays · 02/05/2012 20:57

Loudspeakers are strategically placed to broadcast the message "POAS!" whenever anyone mentions that their period is late.

SarahStratton · 02/05/2012 20:59

Ravens, FailCats and LittleDogs are all protected species.

MadameChinLegs · 02/05/2012 21:01

Can we have an 'Im in Labour' claxon with a electronic public noticeboard for updated in the town square? Then all us nutters keen supporters can congregate with flasks and nibbles whilst reading the updates?

MadameChinLegs · 02/05/2012 21:01

Shock I've just thought......who are we going to be Twinned with?

MoonlightandRoses · 02/05/2012 21:06

PistonHeads? Grin - well, better than F 4 or NM

SarahStratton · 02/05/2012 21:07

Daily Mail forum?

Digital Spy?

SaggyOldClothCatPuss · 02/05/2012 21:09

Can we have an annual ticker tape parade? With sparkles and bunting?

DoubleNegativePanda · 02/05/2012 21:10

There would be a massive gate across the trip-trap bridge that has a sign "down for maintenance", every stinking night just when you wanted to get in.


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MoonlightandRoses · 02/05/2012 21:13

Ooh, we could have floats and far too much alcohol they way they do for Mardi Gras in New Orleans .

NorbertDentressangle · 02/05/2012 21:26

I think it would have a bat sanctuary too.

blackeyedsusan · 02/05/2012 21:40

you haave forgotten Lissies tea shop!

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