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Mumsnet County … name a place, street, shop or service

225 replies

WhirlyByrd · 01/05/2012 11:50

Your challenge is to suggest names for the places, streets and shops that would make up the County of Mumsnet.

The city would be called Forum. Its suburbs: Boden (designer, very expensive), Hunbury Hills (flashy and a bit TOWIE), Cleek (gated community).

OP posts:
EduStudent · 01/05/2012 12:30

A hairdressers called Booble Plate.

And a quiche shop.

SarahStratton · 01/05/2012 12:31

Could the Bridge over the River of Sweetcorn have a Troll Booth please? Grin

T'would make me vair happy.

takeonboard · 01/05/2012 12:31

Ocado would deliver to all in the "cutted up pear" van driven by Jesus.

BumpingFuglies · 01/05/2012 12:31

AIBU Alley. A highly dangerous and twisting concourse complete with flamethrowers, randomly activated biscuit catapults, wine "jumps", a series of "gavels" thrown by residents and entry permissable only by writing in whole words and sentences. Users are provided with hard-hats and there is gallery viewing for lurkers.

cocolepew · 01/05/2012 12:33

They will be a truck stop just out of town where all the hairy handed truckers can meet.

MinnieBar · 01/05/2012 12:33

The courthouse would also have to be very big to deal with all the cases that are put to the MN Jury. Following on from that, the gavel shop - called, of course, '' - would do a roaring trade.

SarahStratton · 01/05/2012 12:33

Marriage Guidance Counselling will be run by AnyFucker, obviously. Little do we know that she is taking bungs from the solictors, Leave, The & Bastard.

BumpingFuglies · 01/05/2012 12:34

Residents should be provided with a copy of The Rules. It would have to be digital of course, since no-one should be expected to carry half their bodyweight.

BumpingFuglies · 01/05/2012 12:36

The pubs should be called The Nobdie Inn and The Turning Tavern

MinnieBar · 01/05/2012 12:37

There would have to be a quiche shop too, selling a very wide variety of quiches, some of which can only be accessed by going down the shop's side alley - it's a bit off the beaten track.

SarahStratton · 01/05/2012 12:37

There are Wolefs in the Zoo.

BumpingFuglies · 01/05/2012 12:38

Grin Minnie

KurriKurri · 01/05/2012 12:38

A haberdashers called 'Thread about a Thread'

SarahStratton · 01/05/2012 12:40

There is a crossing place over the river. It is called SWMNBN Ford.

MinnieBar · 01/05/2012 12:42

Can I be the first person to say, 'Betcha this makes the roundup'?

nickelhasababy · 01/05/2012 12:45

should that be the name of the Bookies?

SarahStratton · 01/05/2012 12:46

Roundup is the name of the freebie local paper.

SlightlyJaded · 01/05/2012 12:46

Love the haberdashers Kurri

I think the gated community would actually be called Le Quiche on the Hill

Peter Andre would run local courses for dads called 'Lovin' Your Kids Like Pete'

There would be a gift shop called Pebbly Shite

A lovely, local gynaecolagist would do home visits. Her name would be Ms Vagine.

Rezolution · 01/05/2012 12:47

The main square would be called Four by Four Square with yellow lines all around it where only 4x4 vehicles would be allowed to park.
The council estate would be called Debtford and the town apartments would be Yuppy Landings.
The Shopping Maul would be where the local youths meet to fight socialise.
This thread could run for weeks. Yay!

beanandspud · 01/05/2012 12:50

Ms Vagine would work from the 'Flamin' Fanjo' clinic Jaded

LittleFrieda · 01/05/2012 12:51

There's a private school with a lake and its own fencing salle. And a state school with a car park and its own crack den.

QuintessentialShadows · 01/05/2012 13:08

There must be a goat farm.

Can somebody come up with a suitable name for the goat farm?

And a campsite called Bell-End Tenting


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WhirlyByrd · 01/05/2012 13:09

Holiday resort = Little Twunting By Sea

OP posts:
BitterAndTwistedChoreDodger · 01/05/2012 13:10

Could the goat farm be called 'Won't somebody think of the kids?'

QuintessentialShadows · 01/05/2012 13:11

Or "Get-Me-Goat" ?

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