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Mumsnet County … name a place, street, shop or service

225 replies

WhirlyByrd · 01/05/2012 11:50

Your challenge is to suggest names for the places, streets and shops that would make up the County of Mumsnet.

The city would be called Forum. Its suburbs: Boden (designer, very expensive), Hunbury Hills (flashy and a bit TOWIE), Cleek (gated community).

OP posts:
junkcollector · 01/05/2012 16:02

All non drivers would have electroshock therapy and non lift-giving Citizens shouting "it's a basic life skill!" in their faces until they succumbed to the brainwashing truth.

KurriKurri · 01/05/2012 16:16

An arid area on the outskirts of the County, called The Far Side of Fuck, used for the containment of bridezillas, guestzillas, present list senders, evil inlaws, and bitchy work colleagues etc etc.

WhirlyByrd · 01/05/2012 17:24

MumsnetHQ pleeease can tech make thus into a virtual world like Second Life. We could lose days there!

OP posts:
RavenVonChaos · 01/05/2012 21:43

Thanks ladies for making me laugh Grin

WhirlyByrd · 01/05/2012 21:51

Kurri I think the Far Side of Fuck should be a very big arid island with a holding prison, like Alcatraz.

I would also propose a Relative remedial school, for those with problematic MILS, SILs, etc.

OP posts:
iklboo · 01/05/2012 21:53

Those who think the world revolves around them would live on the Entitled Estate.

debka · 01/05/2012 21:54

The Far Side of Fuck should have a dungeon, called Fuck Off Some More. This contains, of course, SWMNBN.

DeadRisingPies · 01/05/2012 22:03

Getting worried - is someone keeping a spreadsheet of all these brilliant ideas?

SkivingAgain · 01/05/2012 22:08

A suburban cul-de-sac called Lady Gardens (there is one of these in a village in Herefordshire Grin)

WhirlyByrd · 01/05/2012 22:09

DeadRising are you volunteering to be our town planner Grin

OP posts:
travailtotravel · 01/05/2012 22:23

Can't believe no-one has opened a Wine shop yet ... I'll do that.
Could be called Sauvignon Plonk .... or Philiglass and Sippit.

DeadRisingPies · 01/05/2012 22:26

WhirlyByrd I never volunteer, just feed ideas and hope someone else does the work. Something like this would be good

DeadRisingPies · 01/05/2012 22:28
CharlieUniformNovemberTango · 01/05/2012 22:39

I could run the local Cuntstabulary. I'm down with the lingo already.

CharlieUniformNovemberTango · 01/05/2012 22:44

There would have to be a sex shop. It could be called ANAL (All Nice And Lubed)

ExitPursuedByABear · 01/05/2012 23:03

And Hully can patrol the borders with her gun.

MoonlightandRoses · 01/05/2012 23:03

The "Never Google..." internet cafe (open 24 hours) should be smack in the middle of the red light district Pedant's Corner

DeadRisingPies · 01/05/2012 23:16

Have we got a library yet? Need somewhere for the Mumsnet Classics.

OldGreyWiffleTest · 01/05/2012 23:24

There would be a discreet red-light area nicknamed The Cunning Stunt.

And the daily train would be called Old Grey Wiffle Test.

ExitPursuedByABear · 01/05/2012 23:26

The Swimming Pool would have a very large shallow end, where I could be found.

The Pit of Whinge would be next to the Mouldies dump.

OldGreyWiffleTest · 01/05/2012 23:38

Would Of - the name of the local carpenter.

MoonlightandRoses · 01/05/2012 23:42

The interiors shop will only stock F&B from their exclusive MN range along with household items from the new Pedlar's Nest.


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kotinka · 01/05/2012 23:45

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DeadRisingPies · 01/05/2012 23:50

Scud Hut, on the Far Side of Fuck Island, for the porn addicted DHs. Maybe within the Alcatraz campus.

SaggyOldClothCatPuss · 02/05/2012 10:47

Can I come? And what will I do??

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