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Am I the only one who thinks that black women and straight hair generally don't go well together?

194 replies

MrsThierryHenry · 25/07/2008 15:47

Yes, it's Friday afternoon idle timewasting chat time!

When I see a black woman (or man, for that matter) with straight hair, I just can't help thinking that 99% of the time some lovely curls would suit them SO much better. Compare this to this.

Now, okay, perhaps Beyonce's not the best example here, as she would look amazing even with no hair at all (the cow! ) but on the whole IMO black skin and straight hair is not a happy pudding.

Anyone else?

OP posts:
Hecate · 25/07/2008 15:57


hanaflower · 25/07/2008 15:58

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electricluluarella · 25/07/2008 15:59

i think women and men for that matter can do whatever they want with their hair, regardless of skin colour etc

lots of curly haired women use straighteners or perm their straight hair


MrsFearnleyWhittingstall · 25/07/2008 15:59

I would maybe get a hardhat .

LyraSilvertongue · 25/07/2008 16:01

Would you also say all white women should have straight hair? or is it only black women you'd like to deny the choice to?

LyraSilvertongue · 25/07/2008 16:02

What about very dark skinned indian women? They generally have straight hair. Does that 'not go well together' either? Should they all hot-foot it down the hairdressers for a curly perm?

CatIsSleepy · 25/07/2008 16:02

I think, perhaps, you're the only one that feels like this...

IllegallyBrunette · 25/07/2008 16:02

Blimey, what a thing to say.

Rubyrubyruby · 25/07/2008 16:03

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Stargazing · 25/07/2008 16:04

I am a dark-skinned Indian woman with straight hair.

I think I look smokin'!

think dark-skinned/ black women are generally beautiful and can therefore carry off any type of hair. White women on the other hand ... bah. Too ugly to deserve hair at all.

MrsThierryHenry · 25/07/2008 16:04

Hmmm...don't misunderstand me, folks, I'm not so much saying what people 'should' and 'shouldn't''s more a question of 'does it look good?'

I agree, hanaflower, with your statement about face shape - there are some black women who have quite 'European' features and who even I think suit straight hair better than women who have more 'African' features. But when I see black women around me with straight hair, 9 times out of 10 I think curls (afro or bigger curls) would just look muuuuuch better.

As for your question about Japanese women - that's not what I was asking!

OP posts:
Stargazing · 25/07/2008 16:05

erm... I hope you lot will know that was a joke.

(Not the bit about me being hot. That part was true )

schneebly · 25/07/2008 16:05


Lauriefairycake · 25/07/2008 16:05

'European features'

get out now........

when in a hole stop digging

electricluluarella · 25/07/2008 16:06

but whether it looks good is nothing to do with whether women are black or white.. it is to do with that individual. and if they think they look good, then great !

Dragonbutter · 25/07/2008 16:06

beyonce's parents
not that it matters. what a ridiculous thing to say!

CatIsSleepy · 25/07/2008 16:07

you might as well ask, do white women look good with straight hair?
it's a bit of a daft question really

LyraSilvertongue · 25/07/2008 16:07

Most black women's hair in it's natural state is more like this than the flowing curls in the Beyonce picture.
Now can you understand why straight is so popular?

MrsThierryHenry · 25/07/2008 16:07

Dragon - I'm not sure what you're trying to say...please elucidate!

OP posts:
MaloryTowersUrbaniteLady · 25/07/2008 16:08

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Dropdeadfred · 25/07/2008 16:08

Beyonce looks better with straight hair out of those two pics..her curls look crispy

RubyRioja · 25/07/2008 16:09

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MrsThierryHenry · 25/07/2008 16:10

Lyra...mine's not! More like this

OP posts:
kormachameleon · 25/07/2008 16:10

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LyraSilvertongue · 25/07/2008 16:11

Hair straightening isn't about trying to be more like white women. It's because afro hair is so limiting and you can't do a whole lot with it. You can't compare it with skin lightening.

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