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Am I the only one who thinks that black women and straight hair generally don't go well together?

194 replies

MrsThierryHenry · 25/07/2008 15:47

Yes, it's Friday afternoon idle timewasting chat time!

When I see a black woman (or man, for that matter) with straight hair, I just can't help thinking that 99% of the time some lovely curls would suit them SO much better. Compare this to this.

Now, okay, perhaps Beyonce's not the best example here, as she would look amazing even with no hair at all (the cow! ) but on the whole IMO black skin and straight hair is not a happy pudding.

Anyone else?

OP posts:
Dragonbutter · 01/08/2008 14:50

Blu, we can see you x-posted. Otherwise, that is quite some post considering you had 30 seconds to compose it

Blu · 01/08/2008 14:52

Well, you can see I didn't take time to review! Sorry about my typing - it's usually bad but worse now I have a new laptop with which haven't bonded.

MrsThierryHenry · 01/08/2008 14:58

My God I didn't expect this thread to go this way when I started it!

Okay, here are (some of?) the reasons why I posted what I posted last Friday:

  1. I genuinely, genuinely think it's a crying shame that so many black women damage their hair for a style that often doesn't flatter them as well as curly alternatives (I also would love to ban all straighteners mwahahaharrr if it were up to me - especially that straighter-than-straight look, to whoever said that! - but I believe in freedom of choice and was therefore careful in my OP to make this an issue of style, not politics)

  2. I genuinely wanted to canvass opinions and was not expecting such a strong response from the 'PC brigade'. Call me naive if you will.

  3. I chose not to write everything in detail in my OP because it would have taken up your whole screen! Most likely half of you would have read the first 10 lines then gone: 'ahhh.. f*** it, can't be bothered to read the rest'. So I decided that the short 'n' curly (ho ho ho) version would be more effective to attract more posters and get more of a conversation going. This, however, doesn't excuse people going with their presumptions and not asking me questions like 'Are you including Asian women?'; 'Are you dictating what women should do with their hair?'; 'Are you a suede-head, bovver-boot wearing BNP fascist?', etc.

    However, I have been fascinated by the way this discussion has developed; it's been really intriguing finding out your opinions!

    M7 - You've given me food for thought about the Katrina issue. Can't pretend that I've read loads about it, so I shan't waste anyone's time by writing loads of unresearched, meaningless bollocks just to sustain my position!

    Also I know M7 can sometimes be rather...boisterous in her posts, but she is very witty and still makes me laugh!(By the way, we weren't in cahoots - never met before this thread)

    Hmmm...what next, you ask, Dragonbutter? How about 'I think Robert Mugabe is the best thing that happened to Zimbabwe; he's just been the victim of a hate campaign by the West'?

    I AM joking!!!
OP posts:
Blu · 01/08/2008 15:10

I can't look in 'Style and beauty' without getting a shock to my olitics .

And genuinely...isn't TM7 a man? I thought I saw that on another thread?? Not that it matters...can't assume anything about anyone on the web.

TheMagnificent7 · 01/08/2008 15:10

Absolutely. We should all have our opinion. And my opinion is that blu is unable to write a post clearly. That last one was bollocks.

That's B O L L O C K S. Also, not latin.

If nasty posts were deleted then surely Slim22's original decision that this post is totally sick and that we are all racists should have been deleted too.

Now, Blu. I apologised, but I don't feel much like it again. If I feel the need to explain myself, in Latin or otherwise, you'll be on speedial. In the meantime, your post probably should have sounded more clever, but liked the tot reference. Got that one. Yes. Funny. Lol. PMSL. Quick, my sides have split.

Blu · 01/08/2008 15:14
TheMagnificent7 · 01/08/2008 15:17

And were you one of the ones that was convinced i was John Leslie ? That made me laugh for days. And how funny that it was totally vindicated last week too!

I see some of my other sparring partners have changed their names after their telling off by MN. Lol.

Thanks fuck you didn't have a go at the Gingers.

MrsThierryHenry · 01/08/2008 15:19

Heyyyyyyy...the Gingers! That's it! I've been trying to find another thread topic that'll get tongues wagging and fingers flying! Keep your eyes peeled, MNers, it'll be in active convos in just seconds!

(apols M7 for assuming you were female! GAaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh! I am a hypocrite!!)

OP posts:
Blu · 01/08/2008 15:27

There have been numerous M discussions about red-heads - and they have usually invoked a heated mini-spat about whether it is racist, akin-to-racist, or has no relevance to racism, to make coments about them.

M7 - no, never been on a thread about J Leslie. Oh well.

TheMagnificent7 · 01/08/2008 15:31

Er...hello! Never ever said what my sex, race, hair colour, sexual or religious preference is, or whether I'm disabled. Please all keep your assumptions to yourself. If I told anyone any of those things and then it made a difference to your posts I'd be ever so disappointed

Now, about them Gingers...

MrsThierryHenry · 01/08/2008 15:46

Where are you on my ginger thread? Come on!!

OP posts:
JT · 01/08/2008 16:45


KnightCider · 01/08/2008 22:55

tm7 - do you think you know me? wrong again
I don't recall ever 'sparring' with you and have certainly not had a ticking off from MNHQ.

TheMagnificent7 · 01/08/2008 23:03

"Themagnificent7 - When you try, as you so often do, to sound well read on any subject you are debating here, it's worth remembereing that hastily googled, paper thin soundbites are possibly far more obvious to other posters than you think. I did, at one point think that although you are an arse you were also fairly interesting and informed, but the more of your dissertations i come across the quicker that illusion is fractured.
Oh and you know how you like to frequent threads on racial issues, lambasting the right on types while trying to retain the impression that you just might be black yourself? Well, it's not worknig either. you have an axe to grind and clearly think you're doing so in a clever, double-bluff sort of way - but nope, aint working."

OK, if we haven't 'sparred' then you're a creepy stalker. Why such an interest ? You sound like someone with a grudge...

KnightCider · 02/08/2008 00:19

I stated my impression of you based on your posts on this thread and a recollection of similar thoughts when I've read your posts before
Honestly dear, there are several posters who have me dusting off my binoculars due to their intelligence, humour and coherence, you're not one of them. Sorry. I've only noticed you because of you MASSIVE posts and try-hard style.
If you're going to get freaked out every time someone has an opinion on your posts - an internet forum may not be for you.

TheMagnificent7 · 02/08/2008 00:57

Yes dear. Now run along x

TheMagnificent7 · 02/08/2008 13:33

Is my stalker gone ? I hate the creepy internet ones. You never know where they live

BigGitDad · 05/08/2008 11:23

Doea Magnificent7 have a Yul Brynner haircut I wonder?

DaddyJ · 05/08/2008 11:25

Black women and very short hair on the other hand..irresistible

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