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Am I the only one who thinks that black women and straight hair generally don't go well together?

194 replies

MrsThierryHenry · 25/07/2008 15:47

Yes, it's Friday afternoon idle timewasting chat time!

When I see a black woman (or man, for that matter) with straight hair, I just can't help thinking that 99% of the time some lovely curls would suit them SO much better. Compare this to this.

Now, okay, perhaps Beyonce's not the best example here, as she would look amazing even with no hair at all (the cow! ) but on the whole IMO black skin and straight hair is not a happy pudding.

Anyone else?

OP posts:
MrsThierryHenry · 25/07/2008 16:11

Well said, Ruby! I agree that a black woman has the right to do her hair as she pleases...blond, black, brunette, straight, afro, whatever she wants. I also think that generally curls look better.

OP posts:
zippitippitoes · 25/07/2008 16:11

my dd2 has naturally extremely curly hair which i really like but she hates

that is her prerogative

the fact that she is white and straightens it isnt any different from being black and straightening it surely

if i leave my hair to its own devices it defintely looks worse than after titivating

MrsThierryHenry · 25/07/2008 16:11

Lyra - 'you can't do a whole lot with it'. Are you sure? I can do LOADS with my afro hair!

OP posts:
beanieb · 25/07/2008 16:12

Some black people are born with straight hair you know! Incredible isn't it!

LyraSilvertongue · 25/07/2008 16:12

MrsThierryHenry, I don't like that at all. You'd look better with straight hair imo

EffiePerine · 25/07/2008 16:12


how bizarre

wasn't aware there was anb uber hairstyle for white women either (unless it's the dreaded Rachel)

MrsThierryHenry · 25/07/2008 16:12

Beanieb - I didn't know that. Got any pics?

OP posts:
beanieb · 25/07/2008 16:12

"there are some black women who have quite 'European' features and who even I think suit straight hair better than women who have more 'African' features"

LyraSilvertongue · 25/07/2008 16:12

Beanieb, not very many.

1973 · 25/07/2008 16:13

but your hair isnt naturally like that MTH.
so your not arguing for taking what nature gave, just that you dont think straight hair suits?

anyways, beyonce looks better with straight imo

RubyRioja · 25/07/2008 16:14

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MrsThierryHenry · 25/07/2008 16:16

1973, my hair is naturally curly and I twist it to make it look like that photo - like plaiting, except with 2 strands.

OP posts:
Dragonbutter · 25/07/2008 16:16

my point, was that there's a good chance that beyonce has to make an effort to get her hair to be curly.
if so, i find it strange that you don't think her natural hair suits her.

MrsThierryHenry · 25/07/2008 16:17

Ruby - yes, there has been a whole history of that, and the skin lightening issue which you mentioned earlier is closely related.

Although the afro hair 'subduing' issue is also linked with the fact that the natural afro is not easy, 'wash and wear'. So the hair issue is a little more complex.

OP posts:
LyraSilvertongue · 25/07/2008 16:17

MrsTH, how easy is it to twist? And don't they fall out? Do they last long?

witchandchips · 25/07/2008 16:17

no i take your 70s white women with an afro and raise it by the grunge era white man with dreadlocks

NorkyButNice · 25/07/2008 16:17

Am at this post.

I am a mixed race woman. With curly hair I look like a microphone. With straight hair I look like Cleopatra (or so I like to tell myself!).

And that's Cleopatra the Egyptian glamourpuss, not Cleopatra the bad pop group.

RubyRioja · 25/07/2008 16:18

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MrsThierryHenry · 25/07/2008 16:18

Dragon, I'm really confused now - are you saying Beyonce's natural hair is straight?

OP posts:
LyraSilvertongue · 25/07/2008 16:19

I think it's highly unlikely that Beyonce's hair is naturally straight, dragonbutter.

MrsThierryHenry · 25/07/2008 16:19

Lyra, twisting is easy-peasy. never pay anyone to do it. Just get some loc + twist gel. Motowngirl website gives great instructions.

Well, this HAS been a controversial discussion, hasn't it?!

OP posts:
Hannah81 · 25/07/2008 16:20

My friend is indian and has long NATURALLY straight hair, so does her mother and sister for that matter - why would you say something like that? I have to be honest, i look at people and don't see colour.

what about really tanned people? should they all go and perm thier hair? My skin is really fair and i have ginger hair - maybe you would like to tell me what to do with my hair? you seem to have opinions on how black people should look - you really shouldn't go round stereotyping people, it's not on.


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RubyRioja · 25/07/2008 16:21

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LyraSilvertongue · 25/07/2008 16:21

MTH, I might try it. I was getting fed up with the straight hair look anyway...

EffiePerine · 25/07/2008 16:22

I would however go for the argument that it must be really time-consuming (and expensive) to be constantly straightening/braiding etc.

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