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Fictional characters who could have done with a good talking to

311 replies

MmeLindor · 29/06/2015 21:15

Reading this this blog today and thinking that I would have included Donna Moss.

Donna could have done with realising that she was more than just a secretary, or admin assistant. By the end of Season 7, she'd escaped Josh's office and snagged herself a fab job, but wish it hadn't taken so long! Typical scene - in the CJ interview, where she says 'oh, but what do I know', I wanted to give her a good shake.

Who would you include?

OP posts:
StandoutMop · 29/06/2015 22:35

Jude (the obscure), just so much unnecessary angst over everything.

In fact a lot of Hardy makes me rage - maybe that is the point of them, misery of our own making and all that.

ThePhoenixRising · 29/06/2015 22:37

The tiger in Life of Pi :o :o :o

Love that!

LuluJakey1 · 29/06/2015 22:38

Cathy in Wuthering Heights
Tess D'Urbyfield
The new Mrs DeWinter in 'Rebecca'

YonicScrewdriver · 29/06/2015 22:40

Dumbledore. Stop leaving everything to a bunch of teenagers. And tell someone else the bloody plan!

Sansarya · 29/06/2015 22:40

Anne of Green Gables: I know you love Gilbert and are delighted to be his wife etc etc, but for gods sake get him to take a doctor's practice in a city, where you can keep up with your writing ambitions, than in a tiny fishing village in the middle of nowhere where you'll have nothing to do except get involved in the vagaries of village life!

fairnotfit · 29/06/2015 22:40

Lizzie Eustace. Shallow, vacuous, greedy, spineless.

Also Becky Bloomwood. You're not a warmhearted, well-meaning pickle who gets herself into amusing scrapes. You're a materialistic airhead.

IreneR · 29/06/2015 22:41

I love this thread. And all of you for contributing. It's MADE my afternoon.

MadAngryGnome · 29/06/2015 22:41

Linda Radlett. Stop faffing about with 'great loves' who turn out to be boring bankers, give your daughter a nicer name and a bit of attention once in a while and have a bit of self respect over Fabrice.

Carrie also needs to stop investing in shoes and write a sensible financial plan.

Sidge · 29/06/2015 22:42

Bridget fucking Jones.

Sort yourself out for goodness sake.

KingJoffreyLikesJaffaCakes · 29/06/2015 22:43

Totally Bridget Jones.

What a train wreck..

Hoppinggreen · 29/06/2015 22:43

Cinderella - stop being such a fecking doormat with all your " yes stepmother" crap and waiting to be rescued by a Prince. Woman up and tell your evil stepmother and ugly step sisters to do their own bloody housework. Oh, and and stop talking to mice, it's just weird.

Sansarya · 29/06/2015 22:44

Isabella Linton: stay away from Heathcliff, he's a psychopath who will rape you and impregnate you on your wedding life, is obsessed with a dead woman he thinks was the love of his life, and will generally make your life miserable. Run and run fast!

elderflowerlemonade · 29/06/2015 22:45

I always had a lot of admiration for Isabella.

She left an abusing prick whilst pregnant and unwell and very, very young.

KingJoffreyLikesJaffaCakes · 29/06/2015 22:46

And Dumbledore, the Elder Wand looks like anal beads.

What's that about? Hmm

fairnotfit · 29/06/2015 22:46

Oh, and Mary-Lou Trelawney. Sit down, shut up, and mind your own business.

KingJoffreyLikesJaffaCakes · 29/06/2015 22:47

Heathcliff, read between the lines. She's your sister.

MmeLindor · 29/06/2015 22:48

LOL at the tiger! Would have been a short film

OP posts:
MadAngryGnome · 29/06/2015 22:52

Oh and Sophie's mummy: if a tiger pops his head round your door asking to come for tea, it might be more reasonable to stall him and call the police rather than inviting him in to drain your water system.

Has the zoo lost a tiger? Although the tiger seems polite, might he actually be a bit wild and hurt you and your daughter? Is it really wise to be in an enclosed space with such a (self-confessed) hungry animal?

All things worth considering, rather than just 'drat, I've not got a tin of Tiger Food in'.

fancyanotherfez · 29/06/2015 23:03

I totally agree with Cathy in Wuthering Heights. I've never felt so misled by what I thought a book was going to be about before I read it! I can't believe no one has mentioned Holden Caulfield- irritating little oaf. Needs to be told to shut up and stop being such an entitled little brat!

PatsyNoPasta · 29/06/2015 23:05

Miss Havisham - you dodged a bullet. Your intended was a prick. Now take off your dress, put it in a box and stick it up in the loft. Send all the presents back. Keep the cake, champagne and pearls. Light a fire. Light the candles. Pour yourself a large glass of bubbly and grab a huge slice of cake. This is your life. Fabulous.

seagreengirl · 29/06/2015 23:06

Ross Poldark in the book, not so much the series, mooning over Elizabeth, it makes me so mad.

SmartiesMakeMeNaughty · 29/06/2015 23:10

Mr and Mrs Lisbon. You keep your daughters in such claustrophobic proximity to you, under such strict rules that they have resorted to killing themselves.
Just let them go out and do normal things with their peers.


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SaucyJack · 29/06/2015 23:18

Robb Stark- just go and crack one out in the shower over Jeyne, and then put marry the least worst of the Frey girls. Trust me on this.

CremeBrulee · 29/06/2015 23:23

Hermione Grainger I know Ron has certain charms but marriage, really? Surely a couple of years of teenage angst and shagging would suffice.

A woman with an intellect as keen as yours would surely ditch him and disapporate off to the wizard equivalent of Oxbridge, meet a dashing young professor (possibly played by Bendict Cumberbatch in the inevitable movie version) and live a fulfilling cultured, intellectual wizard life.

timefortiggy · 29/06/2015 23:28

Fer fuck sake scarlett, Ashleys a drip.

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