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Fictional characters who could have done with a good talking to

311 replies

MmeLindor · 29/06/2015 21:15

Reading this this blog today and thinking that I would have included Donna Moss.

Donna could have done with realising that she was more than just a secretary, or admin assistant. By the end of Season 7, she'd escaped Josh's office and snagged herself a fab job, but wish it hadn't taken so long! Typical scene - in the CJ interview, where she says 'oh, but what do I know', I wanted to give her a good shake.

Who would you include?

OP posts:
SistersofPercy · 30/06/2015 14:18


UptoapointLordCopper · 30/06/2015 14:37

Love this!

Jane Eyre - I like her. Can't stand Rochester but at least she managed to say no to that St John whatshishame person.

Angel Clare - bastard of the first order.

Never thought of Cathy and Heathcliff as siblings, but now it all makes perfect sense! Thank you MN.

fancyanotherfez · 30/06/2015 14:38

I know they are not in the books, but Charlie and Lola's parents need to do some actual parenting, especially of that irritating spoilt little brat Lola...

UptoapointLordCopper · 30/06/2015 14:40

And Horrid Henry's parents. Honestly. They need to read the How-to-talk book.

fancyanotherfez · 30/06/2015 14:44

sweet pea I'm interested in how your English teacher could possibly think that Cathy and Heathcliffe were anything other than deeply unpleasant and spoilt. The siblings thing does make sense of it but really- nasty pair of users!

JeanneDeMontbaston · 30/06/2015 14:48

I love this thread.

And totally agree about Donna. I do get why she goes for Josh, and I probably would too, but he is a dick. Somewhere in a parallel universe there's a deleted scene with Donna and CJ. Promise.

Anyway - both Lee and Kara in BSG, but especially Lee. FFS, man, you have a gorgeous woman you've been in lust with forever giving you a chance and your marriage is already down the toilet. Also, Dee is the world's most boring person, and you have a stick up your arse. HTH.

Criseyde in Chaucer's Troilus and Criseyde. Honestly, woman - he's not that much of a catch, he's in love with being in love, and your uncle is a creepy old letch who has shoved the two of you together. Go shag some Greeks and be happy.

JeanneDeMontbaston · 30/06/2015 14:50

Oh, and Snape.

Sorry, but you are 38 and obsessing over someone who died when she was marginally older than your students. As someone who teaches adult students, I'm telling you, that's creepy and odd.

LurcioAgain · 30/06/2015 14:50

Mary Challinor from Devil's Cub... You have to shoot him to stop him raping you. Two words: "red" and "flag".

Quietattheback · 30/06/2015 14:53

Margret in A Cat on a Hot Tin Roof - ok, ok so your husband is rejecting you and that sucks but how on earth do you think being whiny, clingy, needy and just plain irritating is going to sort it, I really don't know... And he bats for the other side anyway so do yourself a favour, ditch Brick and find a nice bloke who actually likes vaginas!

MardyBra · 30/06/2015 14:53

Late to the thread, but agree with so many, especially Emma Bovary and the cunt that is Angel Clare.

This may be controversial, but Laura and him played by Trevor Howard in Brief Encounter. Stop pissing everyone around with your emotional affair.

MardyBra · 30/06/2015 14:55

Alec. I've remembered.

MardyBra · 30/06/2015 14:56

Richard Griffith's character in The History Boys needs more than coaching. He needs investigating by Operation Yewtree.

JeanneDeMontbaston · 30/06/2015 15:02

If anyone in Gone with the Wind needs a talking to, it's Scarlett - but not about Ashley. Yes, Ashley is a drip. And Rhett is a rapist. And that dizzy sensation during sex? That is an orgasm. You can get them without having to fall in love with a man who hasn't got the balls to point out that he loves you because he's too scared you might not be very nice about it.

How Rhett gets a reputation as a dashing perfect hero, I don't know. It pisses me off. His entire character is about having absolutely no courage or empathy while also possessing a sexy pair of shoulders and some nice suits.

Butteredparsnips · 30/06/2015 15:05

Linerunner I'm nominating Lucy. there was all that computer code stuff when she was a child, and now she has become the least believable fictional character. Ever

EeekEeekEeekEeek · 30/06/2015 15:06

Rachel Verinder in The Moonstone. Just tell him you saw him steal the fucking rock and get it sorted out! There was no need to drag it out for that long. Stop being a martyr, and get involved.

Butteredparsnips · 30/06/2015 15:09

Would like to nominate Grandpa Joe. so he spends his entire life in bed and then as soon as there is a trip to a chocolate factory on offer, he some how manages to get up and about. Entitled much.

MardyBra · 30/06/2015 15:11

Michelle Pfeiffer in Frankie and Johnny: Don't fall for it - he's a fucking stalker.

MardyBra · 30/06/2015 15:12

yy to Grandpa Joe. Lazy bastard.

JeanneDeMontbaston · 30/06/2015 15:14
MardyBra · 30/06/2015 15:16

Wendy Craig's character in Butterflies:

I know it's still the 70s, but other women have found feminism, got jobs and don't worry love, the ready meal and the pot noodle are coming soon.

reup · 30/06/2015 15:17

Apologies if its been said already but that awful couple in Chesik Beach - why didn't they talk to each other? So irritating.

MrsHathaway · 30/06/2015 15:20

Lurcio - his father then manages to book into an inn before you get there even though even you yourself didn't know it existed until ten minutes ago and didn't expect to be in this town until twenty minutes ago etc etc. Stalker.


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LamppostInWinter · 30/06/2015 15:25

Harry Potter. It's a great portrayal of your average teenage boy, but seriously. Stop whining and falling out with everyone and the whole thing probably could have been wrapped up by the end of book 5.

SurelyYoureJokingMrFeynman · 30/06/2015 15:25

Esther Summerson. I love you dearly, but for god's sake woman, stop with the eternal "I am not worthy I am not worthy". A simple "thank you" for once would be refreshing for us all.

HarrietVane99 · 30/06/2015 15:26

In defence of the Robin, she grew into a perfectly competent teenager and was actually the adult in that household for much of the war.

I'm afraid I have to nominate my namesake, Harriet Vane. 'I've hated almost everything that ever happened to me.' Yes, you had poor taste in men when you were younger and you were tried for murder, but you have a First from Oxford, a successful career, a flat in London and enough money to travel when you want to, and friends who respect you and were loyal to you when it mattered. Stop whining.

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