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Blackbird in my bedroom! Get it out! Get it out!

399 replies

HumperdinkFangboner · 12/05/2011 07:12

what do I do?!

I have NEVER moved so fast, was in bed it flew in the window like a bat out of hell and I've ran out slamming the door behind me.

Now tell me it's likely to fly out on his accord whilst I do the school run?

OP posts:
Vallhala · 12/05/2011 10:55

I got there first Orm!

He'll be fine until your Dad gets to you, OP.

Vallhala · 12/05/2011 10:56

He's a crow!!!!

keep · 12/05/2011 10:56

I don't see why you can't call the firebrigade, they do rescue cats stuck up trees etc.

Dont call 999 but call your nearest fire service direct and they may send a chap out.

Ormirian · 12/05/2011 10:56

I like birds. I'll come round as long as you can wait till after work and however long it takes me to get to your part of the country.

Of course you could always tempt it out with a small baby or one of severed limbs...


Suncottage · 12/05/2011 10:56


Of course - it becomes clearer now.

Anyone married to a policeman? This could get interesting?

Ormirian · 12/05/2011 10:57

Yeah I just realised that val. Bugger!

Yes I am OLD.

HumperdinkFangboner · 12/05/2011 10:57

a crow, well they're evil! I feel justified in my reaction.

OP posts:
MrsCampbellBlack · 12/05/2011 10:58

Sounds like a jackdaw to me - we had 2 in our sitting room when we came home from our holiday last year - was hideous!

DH did manage to get them out but it wasn't easy as they kept hiding under a sofa.

I'd go and knock on random neighbours doors until some-one helps.

It will unfortunately shit everywhere - our rug was utterly ruined.

ChinnityRhino · 12/05/2011 10:58

with the grey head isn't he/she a jackdaw

op there are very fierce, you need to be really careful...... sorry couldn't resist

northernmonkey · 12/05/2011 10:58

Where abouts on the south coast are you?? I'm east sussex if thats any help. I could come move it for you. We had our fair share of birds fly in the house when i was younger and my dad used to keep birds so i'm sort of used to them :)

geordieminx · 12/05/2011 10:58


HumperdinkFangboner · 12/05/2011 10:59

the window opens doubly so it's wide open, I could throw food to him from the garden or will that make it worse.

OP posts:
ellifino · 12/05/2011 10:59

Did you do the open window / lights off thing?

HumperdinkFangboner · 12/05/2011 11:01

windows are open and lights are off, but the curtains are open and the sun is streaming in.

South Coast plus ferry journey if anyone's willing to save me!

OP posts:
stripeywoollenhat · 12/05/2011 11:02

go back into your bedroom. do not look at the bird. open all of the windows. then go downstairs and don't go near your bedroom again till this evening when you've got some help. your presence will be stressing it terribly and it might die of a heart attack. with a bit of luck it'll find its own way out before you have to humiliate yourself ask the neighbours for help.

Suncottage · 12/05/2011 11:02

Does anyone know the mating call of the jackdaw/blackbird/crow/dementor?

ExitPursuedByALamb · 12/05/2011 11:03

Poor you Humper. Small birds are manageable but a crow or a jackdaw is a whole different matter. Although this thread has made me cry with laughter.

I would leave him to calm down. (But could you sneak in and take a picture so we can all have a nosey).

When you said gas mask I imagined the one we used to have in the garage from WW2. Now that would have been a sight.

LRDTheFeministDragon · 12/05/2011 11:03

I think he is a jackdaw. They are very gentle - honestly, if you picked him up the problem would be getting him to stop following you around. We had them down our chimney a few times and I had to reach up into the chimney to pick them out as they couldn't understand how themselves.

I wish I could come help you, it's horrible if you are really scared of something.

HumperdinkFangboner · 12/05/2011 11:03

lol at dementor, oh god it's not funny.

OP posts:
ClaireDeLoon · 12/05/2011 11:04

I would come and help as I'm expert at rescuing blackbirds and starlings from MurderingCat1 but sadly I'm in London and also wearing my fave dress and don't want bird poo on it. Good luck though.

Buda · 12/05/2011 11:04

Just spat green tea all over the keyboard reading Keep's newspaper 'report'! Hilarious.

ellifino - can't imagine she has lights on in board daylight?

Humperdink - can you get to the window? what about putting some bread on the windowsill - maybe it would go for it and then realise it can escape?


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ClaireDeLoon · 12/05/2011 11:04

Have you tried throwing a towel over and grabbing it while it's wondering why it's got a towel on it's head?

Vallhala · 12/05/2011 11:05

Well worth going into the garden and throwing bird food into the air so that he can see it... don't laugh but as you're on the coast folk will do this for the gulls and birds ain't daft when it comes to food (getting stuck in bedrooms, yes, but food, no). They soon twig to the fact that food thrown upwards for gulls to catch means dinner for them too.

It's quite possible that if you do this (fairly close to the window so he can see but not directly beside it) and then leave Mortimer will bugger off outside to eat.

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