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Blackbird in my bedroom! Get it out! Get it out!

399 replies

HumperdinkFangboner · 12/05/2011 07:12

what do I do?!

I have NEVER moved so fast, was in bed it flew in the window like a bat out of hell and I've ran out slamming the door behind me.

Now tell me it's likely to fly out on his accord whilst I do the school run?

OP posts:
LeMousquetaireAnonyme · 12/05/2011 11:05

this one?

Crows are really clever (resentful) and usually not easily frighten, can you go in with some food and tempt him out? throw bit by bit and then a big throw through the window?

HumperdinkFangboner · 12/05/2011 11:05

if he'd stop flapping, it'd be fine but my automatic reaction is to flap with him and screech!

just read ^ about the wheely bin!

OP posts:
ClaireDeLoon · 12/05/2011 11:05

Oh I just saw it was jackdaw - such pretty birds I think.

HumperdinkFangboner · 12/05/2011 11:06

Val - what do they eat?

OP posts:
Psammead · 12/05/2011 11:06

Www OP I feel so bad for you Sad

Leave it now.

keep · 12/05/2011 11:07

You could always make a positive out of a negative situation -
Easy Mumsnet Crow Lunch
2 eggs
seasoned bread crumbs or flour
oil or bacon grease
Remove breast meat from crow. Beat with meat mallet (for tenderizing). Dip pieces in beaten egg and then in bread crumbs or flour. Fry in oil in hot pan. Bacon grease can be substituted for oil. Leave inside a tad pink.

Serve in wholemeal pitta with side salad.

375 calories

2.5 weight watchers points

Nefret · 12/05/2011 11:09

Open the window wide, close the door and leave it alone to calm down and it should fly out.

I once had two starlings come down the chimney so I left them on there own and off they went.

We also had a magpie come down another chimney but there was a gas fire in front! We had to dismantle the fireplace and my husband was on standby with a towel while I took the front off. He managed to catch it no problem then proceeded to chase me round the house with it with the bird and I both screeching Shock

Eventually he let it out of the window and it flew off, I still haven't forgiven him for that Wink

HumperdinkFangboner · 12/05/2011 11:09

oh I couldn't eat him, despite the flapping, I feel we've bonded.

bread is ok for them to eat yes?

OP posts:
Hassled · 12/05/2011 11:09

How do you know the jackdaw isn't taking refuge from something or someone? There could be bully jackdaws out there ready to pounce (if birds do pounce) the minute he goes out the window. The bullies are probably setting a trap as we speak.

ApocalypseCheeseToastie · 12/05/2011 11:10

Haha, this reminds me of the time a pigeon got into the suit hire shop in town, everyone kept laughing as they walked past and being a nosy sod I went to investigate, to be met with a very proud looking pigeon nesting in the collar of a shirt. There was shit splattered everywhere Grin

PurveyorOfBaloney · 12/05/2011 11:13

Is your name Lenore?

mousymouse · 12/05/2011 11:13

friends of mine went away for a weekend.
the weather forcast said it is going to be very hot.
they thought they were clever leaving the windows a tiny bit open (in germany, the windows tilt inwards 2 inches or so and can be locked in that position)
they came back finding a pair of pigeons starting to build a nest in their living room. using stuff from the laundry basket for nesting, bird shit and torn books everywhere. took them ages and a lot of money to rectify, of course insurance didn't pay...

ExitPursuedByALamb · 12/05/2011 11:14

Not surprised he was scared by that!

keep · 12/05/2011 11:15

You definately sure it's not a parrot that's been dyed black?

You can train parrots to ride bikes so it wouldn't be too hard to train one to burgle peoples homes looking for Jewellery.

They would be dyed black so you wouldn't recognise it in a line up.

I'm sure I saw a documentary about birds being trained to steal from peoles homes, or maybe I'm thinking of Stuart Little II........

PurveyorOfBaloney · 12/05/2011 11:15

It isn't there by accident you know:

"Recent research has found some crow species capable not only of tool use, but of tool construction as well. Crows are now considered to be among the world's most intelligent animals. The Jackdaw and (along with its fellow corvid, the European Magpie) has been found to have a neostriatum approximately the same relative size as is found in chimpanzees and humans, and significantly larger than is found in the gibbon."

With a brain that size it must have an ulterior motive.

If you ever get rid of it, count your valuables!

Wordwork · 12/05/2011 11:15

I had a swift in my bedroom once, caught between the overlapping upper and lower panes of an open sash window. Nervewrackingly, I had to move the panes about to get to the point where I could reach in and pull the bird out gently by its wing. Every moment was fraught with the possibility of hearing little boney snaps.

Once I had it in my hands it was lovely though. Swifts never ever land, so the chance of inspecting it closely was a rare one. I then had to throw it into the sky, because I think they are such total skydwellers that they can't easily take off from the ground.

Similar things have happened many times with housemartins. No tips, though. I generally just blunder about unsuccessfully until the poor things exhausted enough to be caught and released.

PurveyorOfBaloney · 12/05/2011 11:16

Ha keep, we're thinking along the same criminal lines

But the dyed parrot is genius!

ajandjjmum · 12/05/2011 11:17

Now I've got the guys at mini (to stop laughing) to look in the roof of the car, and the pest control man coming around to fumigate, I can take my attention from the huge spider in dd's car to your problem Humperdink.

Have you tried hanging something tasty (to jackdaws) off a very long stick/fishing rod sort of thing, just outside the open window?

keep · 12/05/2011 11:25

Advertise it on freecycle, I'll bet you'll get people queueing round the block to take it off your hands. You can always say that 'Free iphone' was a typo and should have said 'free bird' when they're up in your bedroom.

geordieminx · 12/05/2011 11:26

Has no one got a cat you can borrow????

Suncottage · 12/05/2011 11:29

Is it wearing a hooped jumper, mask and carrying a bag with SWAG written on it?


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PurveyorOfBaloney · 12/05/2011 11:31

I've got it!!!!!!!!

You need a Scarecrow outfit Grin

keep · 12/05/2011 11:34

Try to talk to it just in case its a talking Mynor Bird and you can reason with it and ask it to leave.

In all honesty, i would call the police saying I was downstairs and I can hear someone upstairs moving around.

ChinnityRhino · 12/05/2011 11:36

keep, really?

I thought I was a wuss, I'm not after all Grin

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