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Blackbird in my bedroom! Get it out! Get it out!

399 replies

HumperdinkFangboner · 12/05/2011 07:12

what do I do?!

I have NEVER moved so fast, was in bed it flew in the window like a bat out of hell and I've ran out slamming the door behind me.

Now tell me it's likely to fly out on his accord whilst I do the school run?

OP posts:
Suncottage · 12/05/2011 10:06

This is like a Bergman film. A trapped bird.................have you checked to see if Death is standing on the rocks by the stormy sea? Is a shutter banging in the wind.

Cue close up of blackbird's eye.................

AmazingBouncingFerret · 12/05/2011 10:06

I dont suppose you have two shopping baskets handy do you? They always work a treat when we get pigeons wandering into the shop!

threestars · 12/05/2011 10:07

Get a toy light sabre/sword. Point it next to the bird so that the bird can hop onto it. Move it slowly to the window and allow bird to escape.

This happened to me last week. I went hysterical and jumped up and down uselessly. Luckily my friend was there and very calm and sorted it without shrieking.

AmazingBouncingFerret · 12/05/2011 10:08

OP is this you?

MmeLindt · 12/05/2011 10:09

We had a swallow in the house recently. Husband was hopeless.

I thought that Psammead was suggesting you go into the duvet and make like a ghost to scare it out.

ajandjjmum · 12/05/2011 10:10

Oi you lot - over to my thread to help me get a spider out of the car - far more life threatening!!!

Good luck OP.

Psammead · 12/05/2011 10:11

Oh yes, do the ghost thing!!

aj sell the car.

ChinnityRhino · 12/05/2011 10:11

I must say I would not be calm if its a jackdaw or a crow
I take back the pansy comment

I thought we were talking about cute birds not harbingers(sp?) of doom

ChinnityRhino · 12/05/2011 10:12

link aj?

but I'm with psammead, sell it, no other option

Psammead · 12/05/2011 10:15

Op if it's some kind of half-insane raven thing, you need to fashion a helmet from your biggest tupperware box. Make sure arms and legs are covered, and then practise a battle cry.

Then just charge it with the hoover and towel.

ChinnityRhino · 12/05/2011 10:16

lol poor op, we aren't helping at all

aj I cant find your thread

Psammead · 12/05/2011 10:18

I think she's doing it right now , Odin help her.

AlmaSinger · 12/05/2011 10:20

It's like a Terrordactyl? Probably a rook! Hve you got it out yet?

HumperdinkFangboner · 12/05/2011 10:21

Oh god oh god.

He's still in there, he went mad when I went in and started flapping wildly. I joined in with the flapping, then screamed and ran out.

I don't know what make he is, but he's really big!

Will the council help?

OP posts:
ChinnityRhino · 12/05/2011 10:22

lol you poor thing

I would come and help if I was closer

the council may help yes, but what about neighbours or friedns first, y'know to save embarressment Grin

MmeLindt · 12/05/2011 10:23

You big girls blouse.

How big is he?

Do you have a falconry nearby?

threestars · 12/05/2011 10:23

LIGHT SABRE, LIGHT SABRE!!! And put on some toy mask/eye shield thing in case it pecks your eyes out.

AmazingBouncingFerret · 12/05/2011 10:24

See now we are all probably imagining something that looks like this But in reality it probably closely resembles this

Psammead · 12/05/2011 10:24

Thick gardening gloves, thick sleeves, tupperware helmet. Grab it and throw it like a fucker.

Out the window, obv.

AlmaSinger · 12/05/2011 10:24

Oh no! Did the hoover attachment not help? Did you try throwing a towel over him?

Just perpare yourself mentally, take a really deep breath before you go in, and remember you are the superior being - if you go in to a room you can always remember how to get out again!

AmazingBouncingFerret · 12/05/2011 10:25

Humperdink have you not got a local nature rescue place that can come and get it?

Psammead · 12/05/2011 10:25

ABF Grin


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ChinnityRhino · 12/05/2011 10:26

dp says borrow a cat

HumperdinkFangboner · 12/05/2011 10:26

yes come save me Trin.

Neighbours cars aren't there so must be at work. Friends working too, except heavily pregnant with twins friend who would probably tell to me do one. My Dad said he'll come round at 6 if its still there.

OP posts:
ChinnityRhino · 12/05/2011 10:27

you could try to make friends with it whilst you wait for your dad

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