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Blackbird in my bedroom! Get it out! Get it out!

399 replies

HumperdinkFangboner · 12/05/2011 07:12

what do I do?!

I have NEVER moved so fast, was in bed it flew in the window like a bat out of hell and I've ran out slamming the door behind me.

Now tell me it's likely to fly out on his accord whilst I do the school run?

OP posts:
HumperdinkFangboner · 13/05/2011 23:10

It'd take a lot more than a dead bird to stop Ralph Fiennes related horniness!

OP posts:
mummylin2495 · 13/05/2011 23:17

we could get him dug up so we could stuff him,then he would always be around.Ive always fancied being a taxidermist.Im very interested in it and quite often ask my dh to go and visit one Grin

HumperdinkFangboner · 13/05/2011 23:22


I'll pop him in the post.

OP posts:
OldLadyKnowsNothing · 13/05/2011 23:22

I loved him more than all you bitches!

mummylin2495 · 13/05/2011 23:25

is he coming by pidgeon post Grin ???

sharbie · 13/05/2011 23:34

op - i have a whole nest of birds in my guttering.take your pick.

mummylin2495 · 13/05/2011 23:41

Noooooooo The Op cant have your birds ,she will kill them off ! And we have been upset enough as it is today.

OldLadyKnowsNothing · 13/05/2011 23:42

I know you. I love you. You're my best friend. How are the baby birds? Do they shut up when it's dark?

sharbie · 13/05/2011 23:42

that's the general idea mummy

sharbie · 13/05/2011 23:43

Grin olkn - finally shut up about 9 ish.

will start at 4 am approx

OldLadyKnowsNothing · 13/05/2011 23:47

I used to work in a residential school. It's beautifully located with woodlands all around.

How I hated the middle of June, when the dawn chorus would wake every child in the place at 3.15am.

It was always a blackbird that started the chorus, so you have my sympathy.

I love you, I do.
mummylin2495 · 13/05/2011 23:49

you need to take better care of them ,have you provided them with dummies and a soft teddy bear to cuddle up to .Maybe you could sing a lullabye to them and they will go to sleep earlier Grin

OldLadyKnowsNothing · 13/05/2011 23:54


sharbie · 13/05/2011 23:58

love you too Grin
but you don't love me enough to adopt them??

mummylin2495 · 14/05/2011 00:00

I love those kittens and think their mum is doing a great job with them.! Oh well off to my own nest now,goodnight.

OldLadyKnowsNothing · 14/05/2011 00:04

I'd love to adopt them, sharbie, but I have jackdaws in my chimney, and swifts in the byre, not to mention sparrows in the hedgerows. Not sure where I'd put them.

Damn this fresh air.

All that money on mourning wine, and I've sobered up.

sharbie · 14/05/2011 00:07

Smile ok let you off then - you have your fair share

OldLadyKnowsNothing · 14/05/2011 00:55


sharbie · 14/05/2011 09:29

Grin night

keep · 14/05/2011 12:57

Good news people. This thread has come to the attention of Andrew Lloyd Webber who is a close and personal complete stranger to me.

Andy is very interested in making Jackdaw The Musical and hopes the OP will sign away all rights so that he can make a wonderful musical so that rich people all around the world can pay lots of money to learn about the great spectacular, all singing, all dancing marvel that is Jackdaw The Musical.

OP Please email Him on

HumperdinkFangboner · 14/05/2011 14:02


Keep - I think I love you a little bit.

OP posts:
ExitPursuedByAKitten · 14/05/2011 17:02

Me too


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mummylin2495 · 14/05/2011 22:30

hello all fellow mourners,i do hope you have all been able to continue with your normal life today.I myself have been prone on the floor at times ,no-one could console me at all.Obviously i will be the most distraught as i loved jack the most.I will be happy when i can stuff him

OldLadyKnowsNothing · 15/05/2011 17:11
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