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Blackbird in my bedroom! Get it out! Get it out!

399 replies

HumperdinkFangboner · 12/05/2011 07:12

what do I do?!

I have NEVER moved so fast, was in bed it flew in the window like a bat out of hell and I've ran out slamming the door behind me.

Now tell me it's likely to fly out on his accord whilst I do the school run?

OP posts:
Wordwork · 13/05/2011 15:05

I do feel slightly scared for the OP. Jackdaws are hoodies (grey colouration on head); they go about in massive gangs; they stand around on chimneytops looking shifty and probably smoking. There's not a chance OP isn't going to be made to suffer for this death.

Suncottage · 13/05/2011 15:07

"Daddy, Daddy, Daddy" - three hungry, tiny little chick in a nest struggle to understand what Mummy has told them;

"Daddy is not coming back my Darlings" she had said gently

The littlest chick adjusted his tiny little crutch under a little wing

"Mother" he said "I shall leave school and go to work, I am big enough now"

His mother hung her head low and a single tear fell from her large clear eye.

keep · 13/05/2011 15:09

0845 768 2020 is The National Bird Bereavement line for anyone raffected by the death of a Bird.

0791 265 9891 is for Birdline a non profitable organisation which can arrange counselling for anyone suffering Post Traumatic Bird Death Disorder.

Please don't bottle your grief up, get the help you need.

I have messaged Justine at Mumsnet and she is looking at my suggestion of having a separate chat board for the bird community, called Birdsnet.

Ormirian · 13/05/2011 15:11

I've always fancied a pet raven. When mum was working before she got married she used to sit and type in a room in with a big window overlooking a garden. A raven used to fly in and visit her sometimes and share her lunch. Now that would be nice.

mummylin2495 · 13/05/2011 15:13

ha ha ha @ birdsnet.This has been a great thread but i now have to continue with my gardening chores. So i will sadly leave you all for now and maybe pop back later to check that everyone is able to function after such a sad event.Grin

keep · 13/05/2011 15:16

Mummylin, there is a high police presence in the area due to a string of sequin thong related thefts. Police have warned people to be vigilant and are offering an invisible postcoding service to anyone who turns up at the local station wearing the thong, between 1.00 and 5.00 on Sunday.

mummylin2495 · 13/05/2011 15:16

Threads at Birdsnet

Where can i get the best worms
AIBU to land in someones bedroom without the risk of beeing bumpedoff slain
Please reccomend the best area for trees to rear my family !

keep · 13/05/2011 15:17

Omg just looked on ebay. Toupee prices have rocketed!

mummylin2495 · 13/05/2011 15:18

keep i am going to read up on my csi skills and offer my assistance

KatieMiddleton · 13/05/2011 15:19

Surely the bird bereavement line ends 28 20?

ExitPursuedByAKitten · 13/05/2011 15:23

I used to have a phone number that ended 2820. I could never say it without laughing.

CaveMum · 13/05/2011 15:27

Mummylin I am slightly concerned about the "silent dear" you wiped away (see post @ 14:34:50).

mummylin2495 · 13/05/2011 17:37

Oh i was so distraught that i could not see what i was typing owing to my tears ! And to cap it all i am also too distraught to cook so will have to be fish and chips tonight !

LilyPickle · 13/05/2011 18:12

After reading the whole thread I am truly devastated. At least we know he lived his last 24 hours in peace and wasn't scared to death by, oh I dunno, a gas-masked woman waving a hoover hose at him for example. Hmm

OhYouBadBadKitten · 13/05/2011 18:32

oh suncottage that is so sad :(

RIP Jack. I would have loved you better.

HumperdinkFangboner · 13/05/2011 19:04

oh bollocks I missed his wake.

I was looking in chat and it had bloody disappeared!

and it wasn't the hoover hose... it was an attachment.

OP posts:
OldLadyKnowsNothing · 13/05/2011 19:07

You haven't missed his wake, we're all down the pub getting pissed celebrating his life. Wine Wine Wine

mummylin2495 · 13/05/2011 22:30

Just checking in to make sure my fellow mourners are ok after our very sad day. RIP jack Wine cheers

OldLadyKnowsNothing · 13/05/2011 22:35

OldLadyKnowsNothing · 13/05/2011 22:37

Bugger, I should have been sitting on the stairs wailing, hang on a mo'

Jack! Oh, my baby!

HumperdinkFangboner · 13/05/2011 22:37

It's been a stressful 36hrs, so I'm consoling myself in bed with Ralph Fiennes, still picking bird seed out of my arse.

See ya Jack.

OP posts:

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OldLadyKnowsNothing · 13/05/2011 22:41

Murderer! How can you sleep easy in your bed at a time like this... oh, you aren't.

As you were.


HumperdinkFangboner · 13/05/2011 22:46

It weren't me wot done it!

I shant rest until I've cleared my name!

OP posts:
OldLadyKnowsNothing · 13/05/2011 22:57

Well, no, you're obviously not resting now.


Odd how bereavement can make you horny, eh?

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