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to go commando whilst wearing jeans

347 replies

GetOrfMoiLand · 11/08/2010 09:12

Had some low cut jeans on yesterday.

SIL said 'how do you wear those without your knickers showing over the top'

Me: 'don't wear knickers'

SIL: Shock HOW can you go commando.

She was seriously shocked that I didn't wear knickers. I said how the bloody hell can you - skinny jeans so a VPL would show, if you wore a g string it would peek out over the top and look horrible.

She made me feel a complete bohemian.

OP posts:
FoghornLeghorn · 11/08/2010 11:58

Grin BOF

I also get the post bath woosh Blush and sounds like I have years of it to come still too

tyler80 · 11/08/2010 11:59

I do wonder whether those reports about female ejaculation are just actually someone having sex a few hours after a bath :)

droves · 11/08/2010 12:01

you lot are outrageous.

funny thread!

BOF pmsl !

castille · 11/08/2010 12:03

BOF - if that isn't a irrefutable argument for full-time knicker wearing I don't know what is


droves · 11/08/2010 12:03

wtf is female ejaculation? Confused

is it a bad one too google?
have googled things on here before and my nerves eyes have never recovered .


PuppyMonkey · 11/08/2010 12:06

Eh? No discharge? Half day periods?? Are you in fact a real woman??? Shock

Me and DP used to use the withdrawal method. Got pregnant that way. Now that really will give you discharge. Grin

ChippingIn · 11/08/2010 12:10

Oh my god - you lot are just tooo much....

I don't know what I'd do without out Grin

tyler80 · 11/08/2010 12:15

I would just like to point out that I still do have very heavy, painful, 6 day periods, will happily swap for a bit of discharge Grin

Carrie06 · 11/08/2010 12:17

Although I have never lost anything "up there", twice I have had underwear fall out of my jeans/trousers leg the following day.

Occasion 1 - many years ago walking to uni and the previous day's bra was hiding in my jeans and worked its way out of the trouser leg. Was with friends and quickly grabbed it and stuck in bag. Not sure if people knew what it was or really wanted to know.

Occasion 2 - couple of months ago. Was at class in gym and previous day's knickers were hiding in gym bottoms. This time, not as bad as felt bulge as I was leaping around the class and managed to stuff them into sock leg - thank god I wasn't wearing silly trainer socks or would have been lost.

Please tell me this has happened to someone else. I have learned my lesson to carefully check trousers for errant knickers/bras etc Grin

AnyFucker · 11/08/2010 12:40

< tumbleweed >

GetOrfMoiLand · 11/08/2010 12:52

"I do wonder whether those reports about female ejaculation are just actually someone having sex a few hours after a bath"

LOLOL tyler!

OP posts:
suwoo · 11/08/2010 13:08

My mooncup once worked its way out of my fadge and sat in my knickers whilst I carried out a 30 minute presentation.

GetOrfMoiLand · 11/08/2010 13:09

OP posts:
MamaVoo · 11/08/2010 13:14

I'm jealous of the ability to retain gallons of water up there. You'd be handy to know if stranded in a desert. My fanjo doesn't do any tricks Sad

MamaVoo · 11/08/2010 13:16

Actually, that stranded in the desert thing is pretty gross now I think about it. I think I'd just quietly expire instead, thanks all the same.

suwoo · 11/08/2010 13:17

I also seem to have a fanny like a dyson. May I refer you to this thread

The best of it was, I was pg with DC3 6 weeks later Shock

RunningOutOfIdeas · 11/08/2010 13:21

I must remember not to read MN at work. I am crying onto my keyboard.

GetOrfMoiLand · 11/08/2010 13:21

PMSL at mamavoo.

OOh this is a good thread. So glad I put it in AIBU and not style and beauty. Grin

OP posts:
PussinJimmyChoos · 11/08/2010 13:22
droves · 11/08/2010 13:27

omg @ suwoo .
Did you call your dc3 Moonchild ? Wink Grin

Alibabaandthe40nappies · 11/08/2010 13:37

GetOrf thank you for this thread. I have got hideous morning sickness today and roaring with laughter while reading this seems to cured it temporarily Grin

I do not go commando.

I do get the bath/swimming woosh.

Suwoo - jesus christ woman, what a nightmare! My cervix was trying to crawl up somewhere near my lungs while I read that thread!!

CheapHawaiian · 11/08/2010 13:41

Thank you for the post-bath swoosh confessions.

I thought it was just me.Blush

I was in the kitchen making a coffee, about two hours after my bath when dd shouted, "Mummy's weeing on the floor!"

Oh, the shame! I know my neighbour heard her.


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suwoo · 11/08/2010 13:43

No, I called him Felix. One of the meanings is fate Wink

GetOrfMoiLand · 11/08/2010 13:43

Lol at cheap hawaiian Grin

OP posts:
marantha · 11/08/2010 13:51

GetOrfMoiLand Do you wear your knickers on you head instead? I used to do this for years (in private of course) to keep the hair off my face when cleaning etc. I stopped when I realised I'd gone to Sainsbury's one day with them still on by mistake.
I've since bought a hairband and use that instead now.

G-strings/thongs. NOT hygienic- better full briefs or nothing at all I say.

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