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to go commando whilst wearing jeans

347 replies

GetOrfMoiLand · 11/08/2010 09:12

Had some low cut jeans on yesterday.

SIL said 'how do you wear those without your knickers showing over the top'

Me: 'don't wear knickers'

SIL: Shock HOW can you go commando.

She was seriously shocked that I didn't wear knickers. I said how the bloody hell can you - skinny jeans so a VPL would show, if you wore a g string it would peek out over the top and look horrible.

She made me feel a complete bohemian.

OP posts:
GetOrfMoiLand · 12/08/2010 10:35

lol again at Marantha.

Where do you get your washing powder from? Billingsgate?

OP posts:
LittleMissHissyFit · 12/08/2010 10:43

marantha "I don't wish to come over all Sherlock Holmes here.."

freebirdx · 12/08/2010 10:45

lol at this thread, has kept me away from my desk for far too long.

VoidofDiscovery · 12/08/2010 11:26

Ah, Mumnet at it's very best. Laugh out loud funny, eye opening, educational and honest.

Now why doesn't The Wail run these MN stories?

elastamum · 12/08/2010 11:46

Look you lot. I am trying to type up someones appraisal here and this thread is causing me to spit tea all over my laptop and get no work done. Priceless Grin
PS. am wearing m&s finest under my jeans

marantha · 12/08/2010 12:49

elastamum What, not on your head like normal people?

FellatioNelson · 12/08/2010 13:23

,thinking hard for all natural ec-friendly organic flange-goo laundry product brand name, logo, catch phrase and TV jingle.>

Where are all the poets and Haiku writers when we need them?

elastamum · 12/08/2010 13:29

Now Knickers on the head is something I can identify with. Very useful when doing your makeup - but I only use clean ones Confused

elastamum · 12/08/2010 13:30

And I am a bleached blonde Grin

elastamum · 12/08/2010 13:35

Maybe thats it!!! Instead of doing my roots all I need to do is go to bed each night with yesterdays knickers on my head. Bingo Bleaching effect = job done !!! Grin

(you can tell I am a lone parent - expect the girls on the dating thread might have soemthing to say about this idea)

Acanthus · 12/08/2010 14:03

"Who forgets to take out their tampon?"

COD, that's who!

Were you here then?

CatIsSleepy · 12/08/2010 14:12

interesting thread Grin
do you never catch your pubes in the zip?

MinnieMummy · 12/08/2010 14:23

Spider - sorry to ruin your theory, but I've never experienced the post-bath phenomenon but can attest to the other two traits. Have just had third DC though so it's quite possibly just a matter of time...

Heartsease · 12/08/2010 14:33

Have you never left your flies open?

GetOrfMoiLand · 12/08/2010 15:07

Have you ever trapped your pubes - YES. I remember doing so in M&S changing rooms and yelping. My best friend stood outside pissed herself (not literally) when I told her what I did.

OP posts:
Polgara2 · 12/08/2010 15:13

Oh this is priceless! am ROFLing away here.I love MN - I always find out things I didn't know that I didn't know Grin.

mamaloco · 12/08/2010 15:14

Thanks all for a good laugh Grin. I am not that loco then!

AvrilHeytch · 12/08/2010 17:27

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Heartsease · 12/08/2010 17:29

AvrilHeytch, that was the question I was afraid to ask!

isthatporridgeinyourhair · 12/08/2010 17:35

Avril Yuck - I'll never be able to try on a pair of jeans without checking for someone's secretions now.

ChippingIn · 12/08/2010 19:46

GOML - I'm all for going commando - but please tell me you meant swimming bath changing rooms and not clothes shopping changing rooms....??


All you other regular commandos (of which I can be one at times), you don't try on clothes commando do you????

AvrilHeytch · 12/08/2010 20:50

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ChippingIn · 12/08/2010 21:13

Oh god Avril, I think I must have blanked that out.

GOML - that's not on :( Please tell me you were trying on tops and your fly just worked its way down....

I mean, you get those signs saying 'For health reasons please keep your undies on' (worded far more nicely though) I always though, Hmm wtf - who wouldn't??? now I know.

Does this mean I'm now going to have to resign myself to wearing trousers a size too big because I can't try them on until I've washed them?

chipmonkey · 12/08/2010 21:40

Envy at half day periods. And I am in the too much discharge camp as well.

BigHairyLeggedSpider · 12/08/2010 21:48

There's a camp for people with too much discharge? Do they sit around in Yurts and use Hand Mirrors to share discharge horror stories???

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