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to go commando whilst wearing jeans

347 replies

GetOrfMoiLand · 11/08/2010 09:12

Had some low cut jeans on yesterday.

SIL said 'how do you wear those without your knickers showing over the top'

Me: 'don't wear knickers'

SIL: Shock HOW can you go commando.

She was seriously shocked that I didn't wear knickers. I said how the bloody hell can you - skinny jeans so a VPL would show, if you wore a g string it would peek out over the top and look horrible.

She made me feel a complete bohemian.

OP posts:
usualsuspect · 11/08/2010 11:26

Well yes any fucker ..I need my big pants for my tena lady .not sure if they will stick directly onto my jearns

usualsuspect · 11/08/2010 11:27

or jeans

BitOfFun · 11/08/2010 11:28

A condom which must have come off once slid out of me while I was at work the next day. That was a bit of a surprise.
GetOrfMoiLand · 11/08/2010 11:28

No wee leakage here, thank gawd.

I have tried immediately post-bath, standing squatty stylee despereately trying to expel the excess liquid out.

No luck. Like Tyler says, it comes out as and when it wants to, like a toddler hiding under a table.

OP posts:
sapphireblue · 11/08/2010 11:28

after 3 ladies........pelvic floor sqeeeeeeze!!

sapphireblue · 11/08/2010 11:29

rofl bitoffun..............did it fall out of your trouser leg?

BitOfFun · 11/08/2010 11:30

I was wearing a skirt. It just sort of plopped onto the floor Blush. In front of the Deputy Head.

aleene · 11/08/2010 11:32

Shock Shock Shock What happened next??

aleene · 11/08/2010 11:34

BoF come back!! We have to know!

BitOfFun · 11/08/2010 11:34

A group of boys had just walked past in the corridor. Like when you blame somebody else for a smelly fart, I just looked down and said "Urgh, that's disgusting", and he stalked off in hot pursuit of them. Somebody probably did detention for it Grin

AmazingBouncingFerret · 11/08/2010 11:38

OMG that's fucking hilarious!! Grin

sapphireblue · 11/08/2010 11:42

totally fucking hilarious! Funniest anecdote this year so far I recon.......

aleene · 11/08/2010 11:42

You are cool under pressure BoF. Grin

AnyFucker · 11/08/2010 11:42
StayingDavidTennantsGirl · 11/08/2010 11:42

Now that's class, BoF! Grin

LindenAvery · 11/08/2010 11:44

Hmmm - fanjo stories - possibly TMI but a nurse once had trouble removing a speculum after a smear test - much laughter from both of us about my 'grip' - Wink Blush

AnyFucker · 11/08/2010 11:45

there are too many fanny fart stories to tell...

sarah293 · 11/08/2010 11:48

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GetOrfMoiLand · 11/08/2010 11:48

I once had two practice nurses and a doctor peering between my stirruped legs looking for my mirena thread.

I have a retrioverted uterus and they couldn't see my cervix, and were taking it in turns to have a prod around. One of them said 'ooh it's because you're a big girl' (am 6 foot), which was flattering.

Another one of them said 'if you see us walking down the high street you are goung to cross the road in embarrassment aren't you?' Yep.

They never did find it - had to have an op in the end to remove the mirena.

I have this very distinct memory of three women peering up there, all giggling like pixies.

OP posts:
sarah293 · 11/08/2010 11:49

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tyler80 · 11/08/2010 11:51

At one of my smear tests the nurse was telling me how the previous lady was in such a rush to get dressed and leave she left her knickers behind ! I wonder when she realised she was going commando?

AnyFucker · 11/08/2010 11:53

my dad once found a pair of my knickers behind a cushion on the sofa Blush

it had seen some action the night before...


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BrightLightBrightLight · 11/08/2010 11:54

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sockmonkey · 11/08/2010 11:55

Someone reccomended a kind of chicken dance after a bath to expell the liquid.

Doesn't work.

FoghornLeghorn · 11/08/2010 11:55

Arosed by the seam Grin ROFL !

I'm with you GOML - I always go comando unless I'm wearing a skirt/dress.

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