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A topic for YOGA - Would anyone here be interested?

192 replies

CoteDAzur · 21/05/2015 11:19

I want to ask MN to create a topic for yoga. Would you be interested to share ideas, tips, and achievements in our practice on a Yoga topic?

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playingup · 15/06/2015 07:04

Good idea I'd be interested.

Totallypearshaped · 18/06/2015 21:34

Second the 1000 names Devi prayer mentioned by Springtimemama
It's on YouTube and it's beautiful...

Namaste all!

CoteDAzur · 20/06/2015 11:02

Do you all have plans for "Yoga Day" tomorrow? Are there any events planned in the UK? I will be going to this one. It will be boiling hot, but should be fun Smile

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Yogasuz · 20/06/2015 16:53

Love this thread Smile I do two classes a week and try and do more at home.
Inspired by my yoga teachers comment this morning that the positions we fear/dislike the most are the ones we usually most need, what are your favourite and least favourite asana's?

airedailleurs · 21/06/2015 19:37

hi cote how was the Monaco yoga day? I love that they incorporated the solstice into the title too! Do you live there? I know that area very well.

I attended a lovely workshop today but could only stay for the morning, it was a lovely chance to just focus on yoga and meet new people.

Looking forward to celebrating many more in years to come!

CoteDAzur · 21/06/2015 20:05

aire - It was great Smile We were about 400-500, I think, yoga-ing away on the les terrasses du casino - i.e. behind the opera building. I'm right there on the first row but thankfully, not very visible. And the second photo is my feet against the lovely facade of the casino Grin

Was there anything going on in the UK to celebrate today?

A topic for YOGA - Would anyone here be interested?
A topic for YOGA - Would anyone here be interested?
OP posts:
airedailleurs · 21/06/2015 21:05

hi cote it looks amazing! yes lots going on here today, they showed it on the bbc apparently, it's caught peoples' imaginations all over the world it seems!

how long have you lived there? I wonder if we know each other in rl?

LostInWales · 21/06/2015 21:12

I love yoga. At the end of a horrible trail of pain clinics my lovely doctor (after telling me currently there was nothing more medicine could really offer apart from morphine and pregabalin for my degenerative bones) said in a rush that he really thought I would benefit from yoga, at which I snorted and just did the smile and nod. Six months later I am doing shoulder stands with the best of them and whilst the pain killers are my most important weapon yoga is giving me strength and flexibility and hopefully slowing any more damage. Can't say how much I loved just watching the video cote posted with the veteran. To say I feel inspired is a bit of an understatememt.

On friday we did the warrior poses and at the start of it our teacher had us do a little sequence, we started raising our hands as if we were holding a weapon whilst she spoke 'we turn to' and there was a bent down at the bottom where we let things flow over us. I loved it and I've been doing the sequence every day but want to know what the words wore. I know that is about as vague as I can be but come on, this is MN, someone will know!
CoteDAzur · 21/06/2015 21:18

I've been living in this region for quite some time. Who knows, maybe we do know each other in RL Smile

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MrSlant · 21/06/2015 21:25

I am very jealous of the Monaco yoga in front of the casino, I celebrated by teaching my sons a few poses. Obviously they rocked child but found a downward dog really hard which was a lesson to me, they are super sporty boys but obviously this isn't always great for the flexibility in their legs. Finally managed to impress them by being able to do things they couldn't Grin.

airedailleurs · 21/06/2015 21:48

how lovely that yoga could help you *lost", something to do with channeling energy and aligning and strengthening the body no doubt. At the end of the yoga workshop this morning when we performed pra??m?sana (hands together) for 5 minutes, I had a real sense of my hands closing a circuit of my body's energy. So much to discover and learn, I can't wait!

CoteDAzur · 24/06/2015 21:57

MNHQ has just informed us over on the Site Stuff thread that our topic will be up and running next week! Smile

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PoppyShakespeare · 29/06/2015 08:49

yay for yoga chat

I'm thinking about private yoga lessons, anyone here have or teach one to one? Am hoping it will be a way back to classes, have emailed my old hot yoga instructor (he's not old or hot) to see if he can help - i just can't face taking all my physical disorders into a class at the moment

KittyB52 · 29/06/2015 22:00

I am a total beginner, would love to learn yoga. I have tried a couple of yoga videos from Youtube but found them too hard (because I am too unfit and inflexible and impatient). The one that told you to lie on your back and focus on your breathing was my favourite. Grin

I have been trying to find a class nearby but most of them seem to be during the day, which doesn't really work for me because I, you know, work. Pfft.

Would a private lesson or two set me on the right path, do you think? I have very tight calf muscles, I can't touch my toes and have a twingey back. I think my poor body is crying out for some lovely yoga or pilates (rather than cake, which is what it usually gets).
airedailleurs · 29/06/2015 22:15

hi kitty yes I think a couple of private lessons would be the way to go; it's important to perform the movements correctly in both yoga and pilates and it's easy to get overlooked in a class if you are doing it wrong.

I too find the timing of yoga classes tricky; nearly all the gyms I have considered joining don't offer classes at times I can go, and classes in yoga centres that have fuller timetables are rather pricey!

squareheadcut · 29/06/2015 22:17

I just joined a class. Great intro offer 20 days 20 quid.

airedailleurs · 29/06/2015 22:19

wow that's cheap, I'm guessing it's not in london though :-(

CoteDAzur · 29/06/2015 22:24

I'm going to a free vinyasa class tomorrow morning. Great outdoor class facing the sea Smile It gets a bit hot but I'm not complaining.

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KittyB52 · 30/06/2015 19:35

I have finally found a class near me that starts after work - woop! I can go along for one session to see if I like it, so am going to the class on Thursday. I already have a mat, but will need some gear, as I don't have anything suitable (I favour loose 'n' baggy clothing over 'bodycon' Grin).

Any recs for items/brands?

CoteDAzur · 30/06/2015 20:57

I usually do yoga with baggy crops that I had bought from Nike ages ago. As for tops, Lululemon is just wonderful but their stuff isn't cheap. Their products go on sale all the time, so it's worth it to check back often.

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PoppyShakespeare · 30/06/2015 22:04

am v happy to have made contact with old hot yoga teacher, am going to see him (for a massage) before going on hols then maybe just slip back into class and see how it goes

airedailleurs · 30/06/2015 22:48

hi cote is the free class a weekly one? I will be in mc in a couple of weeks and that sounds amazing! is it in the yoga centre on larvotto beach by any chance?


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airedailleurs · 30/06/2015 22:49

think I've found it:


CoteDAzur · 30/06/2015 22:55

No, it's just for this week, I'm afraid. I know of that yoga place but never took a class there. I'll let you know if I hear of free classes several weeks from now Smile

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CoteDAzur · 30/06/2015 22:56

Hey, I didn't know about that class. Thanks, I might check it out Smile

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