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A topic for YOGA - Would anyone here be interested?

192 replies

CoteDAzur · 21/05/2015 11:19

I want to ask MN to create a topic for yoga. Would you be interested to share ideas, tips, and achievements in our practice on a Yoga topic?

OP posts:
Grantaire · 21/05/2015 14:55

I'd love some yoga tips.

I'm completely inflexible and dream of being good at yoga but I always end up demoralised by how rubbish I am.

I'm strong and fit, do lots and lots of weight and interval training and have good endurance.

Flexibility? Rubbish as a rubbish thing.

I would come and hang around in your topic, begging for stories of rubbish people getting better at it. We have no local classes which doesn't help.

usmama · 21/05/2015 14:58

i'm in too. have come back to yoga postnatally and it is helping me so much.

kateclarke · 21/05/2015 15:10

I would also love a yoga board

MargoReadbetter · 21/05/2015 15:11

Yes! Thanks for the suggestion.

CoteDAzur · 21/05/2015 15:14

Right! I just posted on Site Stuff, asking for a Yoga topic Smile

Please take a minute to write a message of support on my post to MNHQ.

I'm looking forward to having our Yoga topic!

OP posts:
Archfarchnad · 21/05/2015 15:17

"I use chalk (the kind used by climbers) to get a better grip on the mat if my hands get sweaty."

Ooh, that's a brilliant idea. I used to climb so I have a chalk bag somewhere.

So far I've been subtly moving my hands to the edge of the mat and gripping on to the sides, but my teacher is now kindly pointing out that the arms should ideally be parallel to the body, not splayed out in either direction. I wouldn't have the hand strength to do the 'holding a grape' technique for more than a few seconds.

Glad I'm not the only sweaty-hander.

YouTheCat · 21/05/2015 15:18

Sounds good.

I do Forrest. Only been going for 10 months.

Arch, I wear non-slip gloves - it helps. Might invest in some socks too as we do a lot of inversions which I am rubbish at because I have no upper body strength .

Archfarchnad · 21/05/2015 15:25

Mmm, cycling gloves might be a good idea then, You, they'd keep the fingers free but cover the palms.

I think we might have a different mat system to most places. Each of the places in the room has a cosy fluffy lambskin rug, and we spread our own towel or cloth out on that for the lying down exercises and relaxation. There's a non-slip mat which isn't the least bit non-slip next to each place which we roll out only for standing exercises like the dog and the sun greeting. Once that's done we roll it away again. But in the UK you bring along your own mat and use that the whole time, right?

CoteDAzur · 21/05/2015 15:26

I solved the problem of slippery hands by:

  • practicing in cool places, next to the window if possible
  • refraining from cream (for face, feet, hands, anywhere) after the shower if I'll go to yoga class that morning

A girl in my yoga class has a Lululemon mat that is quite thin but impossible to slip on. Others have microfibre towels to spread over the yoga mats that apparently do the trick.
OP posts:
Fibreopticangel · 21/05/2015 15:30

Great idea, namaste

HellonHeels · 21/05/2015 15:58

Arch - word of warning, I did once shower the studio in chalk when I burst the chalk ball. I've used the liquid since then Grin

magichandles · 21/05/2015 16:05

Definitely up for a yoga topic - I've been wondering why there isn't more yoga chat on here as I suspect a fair few MNers practise.

I've read that the Lululemon mats are the best non-slip ones as well and am going to treat myself when my current mat gives up the ghost.

My friend has a bag of rosin powder which does the trick, but I did do a double take the first time I saw her get it out of her bag as it looked mighty suspicious!

YogaLite · 21/05/2015 16:21

count me in for pilates/yoga, yogalates, piyo...
for young disabled adults too!

Francagoestohollywood · 21/05/2015 17:24

count me in!

MargoReadbetter · 21/05/2015 17:27

Will it be Ohmsnet? Namasnet? :)

CoteDAzur · 21/05/2015 17:39

Love OmmNet and NamasNet.

Or ZenNet Smile

OP posts:
VivaLeBeaver · 21/05/2015 17:55

Hi Cote, thanks for the heads up. Id love a yoga topic.

MrsSquirrel · 21/05/2015 18:01

Yes please, I'll join Smile

TalkinPeace · 21/05/2015 18:09

"Holistic exercise" possibly?

as then it would include yoga, pilates, tai chi and edge into bodybalance

so basically all of the forms of exercise that have a significant mental aspect to them?

3dogsandaboy · 21/05/2015 18:09

Yes I would. Very new but very keen! :)

3dogsandaboy · 21/05/2015 18:10

Thats a good idea talkin

antimatter · 21/05/2015 18:35



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CoteDAzur · 21/05/2015 18:36

We are now 30 MNers who are enthusiastic about a topic dedicated to Yoga, Pilates, etc Smile

Would the newcomers please take a minute to come to the thread on Site Stuff where we are asking MNHQ to create a topic for us? It would be great if you could write a short post of support, to show that there are many of us interested in a Yoga topic?

OP posts:
Karbea · 21/05/2015 19:34

Oh yes this is an excellent idea!

Bexicles · 21/05/2015 19:35

31, brilliant idea.

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