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A topic for YOGA - Would anyone here be interested?

192 replies

CoteDAzur · 21/05/2015 11:19

I want to ask MN to create a topic for yoga. Would you be interested to share ideas, tips, and achievements in our practice on a Yoga topic?

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CoteDAzur · 25/05/2015 21:13

Thank you all for your recommendations Smile

No, I haven't been taking anti-inflammatories for 2 months. I stopped doing yoga that long. Thankfully, my stomach managed the 10 days of the medication.

I'm lucky to have several yoga studios nearby so could go to a class I liked every day for a while. A very short while before I got this pain in my hip. Apparently there is an "impingement" that has caused some calcification in the inside of the joint and if I'm not careful, I will need a hip replacement in 15-20 years.

Anyway, chin up. I'm going to a vinyasa class tomorrow. I'll take it easy and won't go as deep as I'd like to in certain poses, as recommended.

OP posts:
Springtimemama · 25/05/2015 21:43

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Springtimemama · 25/05/2015 21:57

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TalkinPeace · 25/05/2015 22:36

I was booked in for my total knee replacement in 1989
not had it yet
not planning to

keep the exercise at just below the level of silly pain and in a few months you'll find yourself in a better place

CoteDAzur · 25/05/2015 22:41

Thanks, Talkin. Yoga has done wonders for my knee. A year ago, I couldn't walk. My knee cap had migrated to the side (yes, really) and was grating on the bone. I had a cortisone injection plus a hyaluronic acid injection, then started physio. Realised that physio exercises are just simplified yoga poses and went back to yoga after 10 years off. No pain now. Leg muscles are stronger so they pulled the kneecap back in place.

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Springtimemama · 25/05/2015 23:35

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JessThom · 26/05/2015 10:58

Yes please to a yoga thread! In fact, I was just looking for something like that as I posted a yoga-related message in 'pregnancy' and was wondering whether it would get picked up. Can anyone here help? No worries if not, I'd definitely be keen for a yoga thread!

I’ve been practicing yoga (mainly Vinyasa) over the last 5 years and although I’m not a teacher or anything, I’m reasonably competent. I’ve developed my own daily practice over the years and supplement that with classes about 3 times a week. Since being pregnant (1st baby, now 24 weeks) I’ve continued my usual practice and classes, just amending a few bits I feel less comfortable with and following my teachers’ guidance where necessary. No more headstands or severe twists and not much on my tummy recently, although Chaturanga is just about ok still.

Overall it’s been an immensely positive experience and I’m finding it really helpful during pregnancy, but in the last couple of weeks I’ve noticed my left hip start clicking a lot more than usual …I’ve always been a bit of a clicky person! When walking up a big hill this weekend I also noticed that the same hip felt a little odd, not painful at all, but slightly mal-aligned and clunky.

I’m really hoping this isn’t yoga related as I would hate to have to give it up, but interested to know if anyone else has had similar experiences or if more knowledgeable yogis than me have any hints or tips? I was thinking of switching my classes to maternity yoga at around 30 weeks, or sooner if needs be and amending my practice accordingly, but I’d rather stick with what I know and love until then if possible…


Springtimemama · 26/05/2015 11:13

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Springtimemama · 26/05/2015 11:16

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JessThom · 26/05/2015 11:49

Thanks Springtimemama, that's really helpful. I've definitely noticed the effects of the relaxin on my stretchiness, but don't think I've over-stretched as yet.

I'm in north London (near Hampstead/Highgate) so if you have any suggestions, that would be great, I'll ask my usual teachers too. It would probably be worth switching to a pregnancy yoga soon anyway, if only for the focus on birth etc and meditation for yoga. I've been trying to concentrate my intentions etc on preparing my body and mind for birth and motherhood but I'd like guidance to do more of that.

Springtimemama · 26/05/2015 12:42

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MrsSquirrel · 26/05/2015 13:08

If you are looking for pregnancy yoga in north London, you could try Yoga Junction in Crouch End. Tara usually takes the pregnancy classes there and she is a lovely and very experienced teacher.

SummerHouse · 26/05/2015 13:12

Yes. Smile

TalkinPeace · 26/05/2015 13:33

Be VERY careful doing normal yoga late into pregnancy.
A lady who use to come to my gym absolutely nadgered her sacrum doing insane leg stretches while pregnant.
She walks with a stick now.

My teacher bans even experienced people from all but her preg class after about 30 weeks.
She says its just not worth the risk.
And she has had kids so knows of what she speaks.

Springtimemama · 26/05/2015 15:54

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CoteDAzur · 27/05/2015 08:25

Ladies, I'm happy to report that my yoga class went well yesterday. I was a bit like 'Bambi learning to walk' in some parts of the vinyasa, as trying to limit the stretch on the left side of my groin, but I went through it and was fine afterwards Smile

Re yoga during pregnancy - I managed to give myself sciatica during pregnancy yoga while in a twist - felt the sharp pain of it in that instant. It continued until the end of that pregnancy and made my life quite hellish. Your body and alignment change during pregnancy, and so it is best to be very gentle in your yoga practice when pregnant imho.

OP posts:
HellonHeels · 27/05/2015 12:53

Nice work Cote. Was it good to be back?

Wilding · 27/05/2015 13:00

Yay, what a great idea! Just started doing yoga again a couple of months ago and am completely hooked.

Going back to the slippy mat topic, I can second the Lululemon mat recommendations - tried one out for the first time last week and it was completely non-slip, even in quite a hot studio! Normally I just take a hand towel along to put at the top of my mat as I get really really sweaty hands doing yoga and I don't feel like I get any benefit out of down dog if I'm constantly readjusting to stop myself falling flat on my face!

DepthFirstSearch · 27/05/2015 13:07


50 DepthFirstSearch

I use an Ecomat; the jute in it makes it super rough and grippy.

TalkinPeace · 27/05/2015 13:34

My ecomat has just become part of a garden path.
It was great for the first couple of years but then it started to shed bits of jute onto my clothes and now the rubber has gone brittle : but it will be great in the vegetable garden

I just bought myself a manuka mat - is lovely

DepthFirstSearch · 27/05/2015 13:41

Oh yeah, I go through two ecomats a year; but since they are biodegradable and I still find them the grippiest ones, I don't mind Grin

LikeABadSethRogenMovie · 27/05/2015 13:53

Have any of you tried aerial yoga? I do Pilates but really fancy giving it a go. Just a bit worried I'll end up landing on my head!


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CoteDAzur · 27/05/2015 16:42

Welcome to newcomers Smile

52 chickensaresafehere
53 chickydoo
54 yogasuz
55 totallypearshaped
56 ubik1
57 SwivelHips
58 PeoniesforMissAnnersley
59 Lunawolf
60 HorsesDogsNails
61 JessThom
62 SummerHouse
63 Wilding
64 DepthFirstSearch
65 LikeABadSethRogenMovie

OP posts:
CoteDAzur · 27/05/2015 16:45

I can't decide if I should get a non-slip yoga mat or a mat towel that will serve the same purpose.

Mat towel would be easier to carry & wash once I'm home, but the ones I've found are microfibre which feels unpleasant to the touch imho.

OP posts:
daisychain01 · 27/05/2015 17:24

I have always used one of those neoprene type non-slip mats (the purple 'bobbly' ones) - It is reasonably thick (not the skinny ones you get in the supermarkets) and seems to have lasted well. No signs of wear yet after about 6 years of twice x weekly classes

So should I consider an ecomat instead? I just haven't ever seen anyone use one yet, but open to changin.

I do have to come off my mat onto the wooden floor, for any standing balances because the sponginess of my mat is super-comfy on my knees, but makes me wobble around like a weeble!

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