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A topic for YOGA - Would anyone here be interested?

192 replies

CoteDAzur · 21/05/2015 11:19

I want to ask MN to create a topic for yoga. Would you be interested to share ideas, tips, and achievements in our practice on a Yoga topic?

OP posts:
antimatter · 23/05/2015 11:20

re: 7 common myths of meditation - read comments, some of them are pointless but many point out holes in logic of that article

CoteDAzur · 23/05/2015 16:39

I find it difficult to quieten my mind - my left brain keeps going through scenarios, plans, and evaluates all the time. I manage to turn it off and 'meditate' when I play the piano and during my vinyasa practice, when all my physical/mental energy is concentrated on making my screaming muscles hold their position. I do find that it rests my mind and makes me happy to just... be.

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CoteDAzur · 23/05/2015 16:41

Justine just said on the Site Stuff thread that we will get our topic soon. Yay! Smile

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TalkinPeace · 23/05/2015 18:12

I admit that I'm not a meditation type of person - far too psychotic
yoga stills my mind and stops me planning ahead and chewing on the past
has given my the physical ability to not get back pain from sitting at work all day

daisychain01 · 23/05/2015 18:12

Nothing negative to you margo for pointing out the Guardian article as it was worth reading thanks - but in fairness I have just read it on-line, and I think our new Yoga thread is likely to be far more use to me than an article in the Guardian which unfortunately seems to be a load of 'reverse engineered' factoids.

Its let's take a few nuggets of information and make up "myths" that are just saying the opposite I don't recall every hearing anyone say they think meditation is "good for everyone" (I'm probably the world's worst at sitting still and shutting up Blush !)

I toddle along to my yoga class each week, oblivious to the science, safe in the knowledge that I will meet some lovely people, and come away feeling more floaty and flexible than I went in, which is a good motivator after sitting in front of a computer too many hours a day.

daisychain01 · 23/05/2015 18:14

snap! xposted with you TalkinPeace.

CoteDAzur · 23/05/2015 18:48

Guardian is on a roll about yoga these days

“It’s just bending over,” I thought. “How hard can it be?” As it turns out, it’s extraordinarily hard.... I’m convinced all the exercises exist purely to make you feel old and frail and infirm and much less fit than you actually are’"

Awww... Poor man thought yoga was all about gazing into your navel and saying "Om" Grin

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CoteDAzur · 23/05/2015 18:48

Ah I forgot the link.

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Springtimemama · 23/05/2015 18:52

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MargoReadbetter · 23/05/2015 19:24

I'm Surprised he started straight with the JM one!

I did a session of Yoga nidra, rather lovely.

SwivelHips · 24/05/2015 06:43

Marking my spot for the new topic...well done yogis Grin

PeoniesforMissAnnersley · 24/05/2015 09:30

I'd read this topic if it goes live. Anyone know of Ashtanga classes in Hampshire? Moved house and can't find anything Sad

antimatter · 24/05/2015 10:12
Lunawolf · 24/05/2015 10:14

Yes yes yes!

Yoga, meditation and Tai Chi junkie here Smile

Ubik1 · 24/05/2015 10:27
CoteDAzur · 25/05/2015 09:29

Has anyone here managed to give herself a groin strain with their yoga practice? This is what I have succeeded in doing while (perhaps too enthusiastically) going to vinyasa/ashtanga classes every day Sad

After about two months of anti-inflammatories and rest, it seems to be better. I'm itching to go back to my classes but wondering if it's too early.

If you ever had a groin strain, how long did it take to heal? When did you go back to yoga? And did you do anything to help the healing process?

OP posts:
TalkinPeace · 25/05/2015 14:50

Go back but pretend you are a beginner. Really hold back until you find yourself back in postures without a twinge.

daisychain01 · 25/05/2015 14:54

Hello Cote, sorry to hear about your strain Sad.

Dare I say such an obvious thing, but even after two months, I'd definitely be guided by your body, if I were you - if there's still pain or more than mild discomfort then I'd continue to be vigilent.

The groin area has a series of 'insertions' - tendons - that feed up from the legs into the lower back - and they can take many months to heal if damaged. Also, it sounds like you will have scar tissue that needs to re-align. That remodelling process can involve some pain as part of that process, so the pain itself may not be due to more damage, but rather as a consequence of remodelling.

Maybe consider very light stretching of the injury at home, in preparation to your return to yoga. Eg - you could try a kitchen chair back, to hold onto for support, so you don't put your whole weight onto the injury. Try things like side-on stretches very gently, then forward/backward to counter-stretch - then have a warm shower or bath after to ease off.) Then see how you feel 24 hours later, that's when you will know how well it is healing.

I would suggest:

  • steer clear of wide-leg stances like triangle or warrier for a further month/6 weeks at least, as they can be very strong, can't they.
  • try sitting cobbler or lying butterfly, as these are non-weight bearing and you can control the degree of stretch - they will help to gently restretch the injury. A belt is good for support.

Maybe aim for a 1 weekly class for a month - then if you feel you are ready to increase, slowly slowly does it! I tend to be an ayenga / hatha fan rather than ashtanga, some of the deeper stretches I found needed at least 48 hours for the body to recover. Also I found the ashtanga class at my gym got rather competitive (groups of men using it as a workout!) so I now stick to my village hall classes which pretty tame by comparison lol.

Hope you get back to your class soon.
MargoReadbetter · 25/05/2015 16:57

Daily yoga sounds heavenly. Obviously, apart from the groin strain. If you take antiinflammatories quite regularly, even ibuprofen, did you take omeprazole or the like as well? Two months is quite a long time.

daisychain01 · 25/05/2015 17:39

Gosh I would love to do daily yoga Margot!. I don't have many classes near me only 3 per week and one of them is daytime so difficult due to work. I am an absolute failure as far as doing it at home is concerned. I just can't concentrate and need someone talking me through the postures

Do you do some of your daily practice on your own, Cote? If so, what's the secret of your success Grin

HorsesDogsNails · 25/05/2015 17:49

I've only just seen this and was about to post in support but I see the topic is on its way!! I do a vinyasa flow class once a week and I love it, I love the physical and emotional side of it.... I take my 13yo DD with me as well!

daisychain01 · 25/05/2015 17:50

Sorry Margo Smile


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MargoReadbetter · 25/05/2015 19:05

I can't do it at home either. I'll need to start again properly. I'm also limited by work and kids.

Springtimemama · 25/05/2015 20:19

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Message withdrawn at poster's request.

MargoReadbetter · 25/05/2015 20:24

Baby and yoga in one sentence? I can't imagine anything less suited :)

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