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Storm discussions week beginning 12th Dec

217 replies

OhYouBadBadReindeer · 10/12/2011 23:03

apologies if you've seen this info on a couple of threads but this week does look rather concerning weather wise - with the possible for repeats of more severe gales and I think it would be helpful for people to have an idea of what may be coming up.

It is looking a pretty concerning scenario this week: The storm system Monday/Tuesday looks potent for first the SW and then the north. Then Friday. A long way off but at the moment the storm looks stronger than last weeks. At the moment Scotland looks most at risk but the track is still uncertain. All I can say is be prepared and if your property has suffered damage then I would do your utmost to effect repairs asap.

OP posts:
miSaltireandwine · 13/12/2011 09:29

Well the wind and rain got really bad here by the time I went to bed last night. it seemed to have died off by this morning. But what's that coming voer the rooftops - it's a snow cloud. or at least it looks like one it's a sort of yellow/pink/grey cloud that has been slowly moving in our direction since I got back from teh school run

TheHumancatapult · 13/12/2011 09:32

sunny here now ut it has taken out the power as were on redeuced voltage

midnightexpress · 13/12/2011 09:36

Windy and wettish here this morning. And freezing cold. Basically the default setting for West of Scotland.

It was sleeting or snowing or something in the night, though no sign of it this morning - I woke DP up in a panic because I thought we had mice scratching in our bedroom, but it was in fact, some weather hitting the windows. Blush

BlackCatinaSantaHat · 13/12/2011 09:48

We have a mix of weather, over the last 24 hours we have had rain, wind, sunshine and a small amount of hail.
This morning it is sunny/cloudy rainy with a freezing cold strong wind.
Very changeable!
Some of the forecasts I have seen say we could be in for snow later.

pepperrabbit · 13/12/2011 09:57

We had what i'd call "proper" wind last night and loads of rain, woke up the 2 DCs at the front of the house at 3.45am (my favourite time for a weather discussion Xmas Hmm) DS1 at the back oblivious!
Now, we have lovely bright sunshine and a cold wind.
DH said he cycled to the station in record time this morning with a following wind, this means he will whinge mightily later on this evening when he is overtaken by old ladies on mobility scooters as he cycles home uphill in a headwind Xmas Grin

ohbugrit · 13/12/2011 10:02

Dear Carole on BBC weather this morning was warning of the potential for severe weather in the week ahead ...

Snow here again this morning (Cairngorms) surprise surprise!

mankyscotslass · 13/12/2011 10:10

Dry and sunny here now - what's next?

GloriaSmud · 13/12/2011 10:16

Xmas Grin at pepperrabit's DH. Perhaps he can ask for a tow from the ladies on their scooters!
We had a blustery and wet beginning to the night, followed by calm middle and then all hell seemed to break loose, with wind and what sounded like heavy rain or hail, some time early this morning. I was aware of it but as I'm also battling an annoying cough

blackeyedsanta · 13/12/2011 10:47

w mids. was quite calm this morning on the school run but cold enough for ds to consent to wear a hat. the wind is definitely getting up again now.

ClaimedByMe · 13/12/2011 10:53

signing in.......i do love OYBK and her weather updates!

ChickensThinkYouCanGetStuffed · 13/12/2011 11:00

Bright but cold here in south derbyshire. We did get a lot of rain through the night. Weather forecast is predicting hail for the school run, naturally Hmm

blackeyedsanta · 13/12/2011 12:50

w mids. the sun has been out. it has gone behind the tower block now and doesn't seem like it will come out again as it is getting cloudy. it is definitely chilly. dd is hoping for sno (bloody c beebies) but I do not fancy having to get to school in it or ring and say i am not coming because i cant get the car off the drive. (communal grounds) suppose I had better find the salt out of the garage if it has not dissolved in the damp.

OhYouBadBadReindeer · 13/12/2011 13:16

I have to laugh at the latest model outputs. The nasty storm for thurs/fri has gone! It is being modelled either as an unremarkable low pressure across southen England or its not there at all. However, it does bring in the possibility of snow for a short time even down to low levels across southern counties in the early hours of Friday.

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PuffOfSmoke · 13/12/2011 13:40

Very strong winds and the snow starting again. Sad

Any ideas what we are in for? Every weather report seems to say something different!

OhYouBadBadReindeer · 13/12/2011 13:42

amber warnings I think you could be in for a fair bit of snow I'm afraid Puff, right through the night and perhaps some more tomorrow.

OP posts:
OhYouBadBadReindeer · 13/12/2011 13:43

In fact, theres a large area under yellow warnings for snow.

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PiratecatClaus · 13/12/2011 13:51

my fence blew down grr.

PuffOfSmoke · 13/12/2011 13:56

Sad is this not to be trusted then? A little bit of sleet - how lovely would that be!! I now can't see across my garden for the snow blowing!

TracyK · 13/12/2011 14:01

v windy, v rainy and v dark here in Helensburgh.

Kveta · 13/12/2011 14:09

it was a brisk night on the Herts/Essex border, but we had no trees down on my commute route, and it was beautiful sunshine by the time I drove to work! Am on the Cambs/Essex border now and it's grey, icy, and very miserable - bit of rain, but nothing sinister yet. Very lazy winds too - the kind that go right through you. Not looking forward to the drive home this evening with bonus screaming toddler in the back of the car in high winds.

mankyscotslass · 13/12/2011 14:21

Gorgeous here today, sunny, cold and breezy.

TracyK · 13/12/2011 14:25

Grr - off to walk the dog in this crappy wind and rain.


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midnightexpress · 13/12/2011 14:30

Well, it is a Really Horrid Day today. Sleety rain and very windy. Just foul. If it snows properly I shall be extremely pissed off as I've put off doing the last of my Xmas shopping in order to wait in for a delivery and if I can't get out tomorrow I'll be v fed up.

ClaimedByMe · 13/12/2011 14:45

Wind is up in Dundee, lights are flickering and I have to go get the kids from school.....

OldLadyKnowsSantaClaus · 13/12/2011 15:09

Have just heard they're closing the schools early here - south of Glasgow, but in a rural area so a lots of the kids are bussed in.

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