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Storm discussions week beginning 12th Dec

217 replies

OhYouBadBadReindeer · 10/12/2011 23:03

apologies if you've seen this info on a couple of threads but this week does look rather concerning weather wise - with the possible for repeats of more severe gales and I think it would be helpful for people to have an idea of what may be coming up.

It is looking a pretty concerning scenario this week: The storm system Monday/Tuesday looks potent for first the SW and then the north. Then Friday. A long way off but at the moment the storm looks stronger than last weeks. At the moment Scotland looks most at risk but the track is still uncertain. All I can say is be prepared and if your property has suffered damage then I would do your utmost to effect repairs asap.

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thatwastheweek · 12/12/2011 19:40

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OhYouBadBadReindeer · 12/12/2011 19:41

I reckon that the met office are out having their Christmas party. Where are the wind warnings for tonight??????

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headfairy · 12/12/2011 19:44

I'm on the Surrey/Sussex border... at work in central London driving home at 11pm tonight :( I'm always a bit freaked out by wind, my mum survived having a tree fall on her car during a storm when I was 3. The roof was below the height of the steering wheel and she was trapped for 2 hours while she was cut out. She was stuck in a traffic jam when it happened, she saw the tree sway and start to fall and dived in to the footwell, which saved her life.

I'm a bit confused about Friday's storm. Is the worst of it likely to hit Friday night/Saturday morning in the SE, or is it Thursday night/Friday morning?

OhYouBadBadReindeer · 12/12/2011 19:45

It's thurs night Friday headfairy - though I'm not surprised you are confused - even the computer models seem to be. Take care tonight.

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orienteerer · 12/12/2011 19:48

I love a good old storm, but must admit having spent a year living in the Outer Hebrides many years ago, it rather puts 'storm force' winds into perspective.......currently in the SE (of England) so suspect we'll have 'a bit of a breeze'Xmas Grin.

headfairy · 12/12/2011 19:52

Thanks for that OYBBK, that's not so bad, at least I'll be home that night. Friday night again I'll be at work so having to drive home through storm force winds twice in one week would be a bit bloody unfair!

OhYouBadBadReindeer · 12/12/2011 20:33

tis amazing what chaos a bit of a breeze can cause down here orienteer Grin

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youarekidding · 12/12/2011 21:32

windy and wet here, very gusty but not as bad as I expected. (near Portsmouth)

Hulababy · 12/12/2011 21:33

In Sheffield - it is very windy outside right now. It's making a real rackt and lots of whistling noises round the back windows. Keeps raining on and off too.

OhYouBadBadReindeer · 12/12/2011 22:08

should be peaking for you in a couple of hours YAK. Overnight it still looks like Kent will see the worst then tomorrow its the turn of the NW. Am not going to even attempt an update for thurs/fri this evening.
I'm measuring gusts of 35mph on occasion now. Not damaging but quite noisy when the wind takes the rain against the window.

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OhYouBadBadReindeer · 12/12/2011 22:13

I think I need to go to bed but looking at my anemometer readings is getting addictive Hmm

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MrsSnaplegs · 12/12/2011 22:17

Starting to blow quite hard here (also near portsmouthGrin) keeping an eye on the very very big old trees at bottom of our front garden Sad

blackeyedsanta · 12/12/2011 22:30

looked out of the wiwndow about 1.5 hours ago and thought "where is the wind?" didn't have long to wait. it has been raining heavily for several hours. (w mids)

blackeyedsanta · 12/12/2011 22:39

it is very windy in the channel right now and a indy stripe running up the middle of the country. (meteociel) the patch of indiest weather seems to be moving towards the east and will be easing off in the midlands overnight.

there is a bloomin' great big patch of wind just at the top of the map in n england? difficult to see where exactly because of the writing (and being terrible at geography) it is for tomorrow evening/night.

[oo look pretty colours emotion]

drowninginlaundry · 12/12/2011 22:41

Salcombe weather station measured gusts over 60mph this evening
I went kitesurfing in between two nativity plays today and the sea was wild, going to pass on tomorrow though Smile
Cornwall is going to be hit by 25ft waves on Wednesday!!

sb6699 · 12/12/2011 23:04

Getting a bit blowy here (herts/Essex border) but not too wild.

Good to have you around oybbk - always meant to mention to you, last year we were going into london to do the Christmas thing and you advised us to leave early due to snow. It started to snow at almost exactly the time you predicted and loads of people were stranded. Not us cos I insisted we had to leave cos oybbk said so :)

Humancatapult - good luck with the move.

TheHumancatapult · 13/12/2011 03:17

Thank you

Sb6699. Feeling were same area . Also Herts/Essex border and it is blowing a good un right now . There is one tree down in our lane already , we watched it go from my bedroom window .

So mine may be a tad late to school tomorrow

OhYouBadBadReindeer · 13/12/2011 07:17

morning all. A somewhat sleepless night due to strong winds (and coughing in between) Too dark to see if our fences survived. Only got to 55mph but its been a long time since we had a good blow here.

That's very cool sb :)

Thurs/Fri storm has either a)vanished or b)sunk south to put the winds over France according to which model output you look at. Interesting. Will update this afternoon.

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TheHumancatapult · 13/12/2011 07:27

i have peered out and theres at least 2 trees down and since i can not hear traffic im guessing its maybe more on the other side as were normally a rat run for the A120

blackeyedsanta · 13/12/2011 07:27

was a bit blowy around midnight and the noise woke dd up. big moon, just opast full this morning, so clearish sky.

OhYouBadBadReindeer · 13/12/2011 07:35

oh crumbs THC. Not good.

Don't write off thurs/fri storm just yet - the models keep coming up with different solutions. No idea how close this ams will be to reality.

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norriscoleforpm · 13/12/2011 07:45

very very windy here last night - East - had a scared little girl snuggling in with us because of the noise!


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PuffOfSmoke · 13/12/2011 07:50

No wind here today but a couple of inches of snow! Presuming more is coming? Sad

TracyK · 13/12/2011 07:52

V windy and wet here in Helensburgh this morning. Too dark to really see much yet. I hope the dog will get at least one decent walk today!

mankyscotslass · 13/12/2011 08:23

Not bad here last night. we did havbe to shut the window as it was wibndy, but it wasnt too bad.

Grey and slightly wet here at the moment.

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