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Slimming World

Support thread for 2020

185 replies

Groovee · 31/12/2019 08:33

As we are moving into a new year, I thought we should start a new thread. Everyone is welcome to join who is following the SW plan.

I'm Groovee. Joined my local group in January 2017. Had lost a stone at that point in 6 months. Then took 14 months to lose 4.5st and have been at target since March 2018. I've bumbled my way through target since then. Still attend group regularly as I need the accountability. I'm still learning new things all the time.

Look forward to chatting. As I'm at the top of my target, I want to lose at least 5lb in by February.

OP posts:
Halfstonehomerun · 15/04/2020 08:47

@OwlinaTree well done! It’s really hard during lockdown so you’ve done really well to lose. Hope you have a good week. I’ll use you as my inspiration as I’ve really not been on it for weeks and my excuses of not being able to get the right foods is no longer valid!

OwlinaTree · 15/04/2020 09:11

Thanks halfstone. I'm trying to stay off the booze, that's always the thing that stops me losing!

OwlinaTree · 15/04/2020 10:49

My delivery has arrived!

Support thread for 2020
Halfstonehomerun · 15/04/2020 10:54

Oh man, I don’t even want to think about the booze I’ve hadBlush

GoofyLuce · 17/04/2020 15:24

Hi everyone

I've decided over the past few weeks to start sorting myself out. My weight is out of controll 5 ft 2 weighing 13st 6 lbs. I'm so unhealthy. I have also decided to quit smoking at the same time so it will be extra difficult but I thought i may aslwell start fresh.

I've done slimming world before but struggled with the constant shopping!

Does anyone have any simple, cheap meal ideas that I could just eat with a salad or a plate of veg. I've found before that I don't control my potions very well so I need to bare that in mind when planning my meals (no piling my plate with carbs)

And advice welcome Grin

OwlinaTree · 17/04/2020 21:04

Hi @GoofyLuce. Good luck with it all. I gave up smoking ages ago, but still have the odd one when I get drunk! Here's a few simple ideas, apologise if to simple!

Chicken breast pizza hex a of cheese
Salmon fillet
Any lean meat grilled
Omelette with veg/lean meat filling and a little bit of cheese.
Jacket spud with tuna/beans
Roasted chicken legs

Any of that appeal?

GoofyLuce · 18/04/2020 07:52

Yes that's just the sort of thing I'm looking for! Thank you x

OwlinaTree · 18/04/2020 11:10


moita · 26/04/2020 21:04

I've just restarted SW. Lost the baby weight I gained from having my son successfully with the plan 3 years ago. Have since had another baby and haven't lost a pound...she's nearly 2!!

I've got a stone to lose. I know it doesn't sound much but I am only 5'2 - so on my frame it would make a massive different. Plus I am gaining weight due to comfort eating and lockdown.

Today I had porridge (hexb) with milk (hexa) and a tsp of honey (syns). Lunch was chicken with salad and pasta with mayo (syns). Dinner was roast beef and vegetables with gravy (syns). My other syns were a small bag of popcorn and some jelly babies. I snacked on fruit and had two mullerlight yoghurts. Ended the day on 12.5 syns.

Ate a lot today as I was tired and hungover but stuck to plan. Tomorrow no hangover so will be easier!!

Collision · 11/05/2020 10:23

This thread has gone very quiet.

I have 8 weeks prepaid so I don’t want to waste them and I have rejoined today and need to be on it.

No booze
Up the walking

I have gained about 10lbs.

Zooming tonight.

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