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Slimming World

Anyone wanting to join this week?! (Starting 19th June)

208 replies

Yukbuck · 18/06/2017 12:15

I thought it might be nice to start a thread for those wanting to start sometime this week. I'm going to join online but might go to occasional group too. I've just weighed myself at a family members home and I'm 11 stone 2 1/2. I will be back here in 2 weeks so I plan to see how much I can kick start between now and then. I will actually arrive on the Friday of that weekend so from tomorrow that will be 12 days in to plan. If anyone would like to join, please let me know. I'm a total newbie. I will probably just vent about how my day has gone and what I've eaten / planned to eat. Please feel free to share any yummy meals.

OP posts:
B1rdonawire · 06/01/2018 23:41

I lost a pound - but only due to ten days of antibiotics over Christmas, not something I'd repeat! Has been a rocky hormonal week since though, have got scales to face on Monday and will just have to accept whatever the number is and move on Grin

Sounds like you did great over Christmas - that's an excellent number to end the year on. I like your next target. I haven't got a timeframe on mine but maybe I will do that. Since I do absolutely no exercise, I'm thinking about how to build in more walking too...

IheartCaptainHolt · 10/01/2018 17:09

Here's to a slimmer 2018!

I lost 3.5 on Tuesday so that's my xmas weight gone so I'm very happy!

I'm buying a new countdown next week for 12 weeks, I think I'll need a bit longer to get to target though.

Have you had anything particularly yummy this week? I made Eaton mess with quark, merengue nests and berries, it was delicious.

B1rdonawire · 11/01/2018 16:02

Well done! I had the SW ready meal lasagne today as I'd heard it was much better than other SW meals. It was OK, something easy and hot for lunch that wasn't soup anyway Grin

IheartCaptainHolt · 11/01/2018 18:29

I tried a few of the meals when our kitchen was out of action. The Thai curry one was rank! The meatballs one was ok though.

IheartCaptainHolt · 11/01/2018 18:30

I'm so exhausted at the moment that I'm finding it hard to focus but I'm determined not to stop now

B1rdonawire · 18/01/2018 11:58

Don't s

B1rdonawire · 18/01/2018 12:02 now (clucking tablet, sorry!) You can so do this!! I have found it such tough going and only this week is my head really back in it. One day at a time.

You've kept this going more than 6 months, which is fantastic. Think how you would feel if you had to start all over again in a few months - eurgh. And how about how amazing you're going to feel when you reach your goal? It's going to be worth it.

IheartCaptainHolt · 18/01/2018 14:38

You are right!

I won't let a teething baby and potty training toddler get in my way!!!!

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