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Slimming World

Anyone wanting to join this week?! (Starting 19th June)

208 replies

Yukbuck · 18/06/2017 12:15

I thought it might be nice to start a thread for those wanting to start sometime this week. I'm going to join online but might go to occasional group too. I've just weighed myself at a family members home and I'm 11 stone 2 1/2. I will be back here in 2 weeks so I plan to see how much I can kick start between now and then. I will actually arrive on the Friday of that weekend so from tomorrow that will be 12 days in to plan. If anyone would like to join, please let me know. I'm a total newbie. I will probably just vent about how my day has gone and what I've eaten / planned to eat. Please feel free to share any yummy meals.

OP posts:
IheartCaptainHolt · 18/07/2017 22:11

The old consultant left a few months ago. They have had temporary ones in but last time I was there the stand in said they'd got a new one lined up so I thought they would start this week or last. The guy who works in the sports club that it's held in said one one had told him it was cancelled and tried a couple of numbers for us but no answer.
A lot of regulars were missing so I think some had been told but one woman had been last week and no one said that it had been cancelled then.
It's not the end of the world but if I wasn't bothered about going to a group each week with regular members I wouldn't have joined a group!

B1rdonawire · 19/07/2017 10:13

Can we be your virtual group Iheart?! I am only doing it online, but I'd be pretty ticked off to turn up and find tumbleweed.

Weigh-day for me today, my 4th one. 2lbs off, taking me to 12lbs for my first month. I'm really pleased! Going to try my best to get to that 1st stone next week... do not self-sabotage do not self-sabotage do not-self-sabotage...eek.

Wave to Lattes - I have to confess I do absolutely no exercise other than running around after an active small child and carrying them a lot when they are tired from 4000 goes on the slide I very occasionally do a bit of gentle yoga, and I want to increase my walking.

IheartCaptainHolt · 19/07/2017 13:39

Thank you B1rd, this is a great online support thread! I need to go again next Tuesday evening as it fits well but the week after I'm going to go to a Tuesday morning group somewhere else.

It's a good job I'm motivated!

And my 12 week countdown is now a 14 week countdown....

IheartCaptainHolt · 19/07/2017 13:42

I also do no exercise! DS2 is 8 weeks now so think I'll start C25K in the next few weeks. I did it after DS1 was born and quite frankly now I e got two under 3 I'll take any opportunity to get out of the house by myself!

kitkat321 · 19/07/2017 15:28

Dropped 1lb this week which I was shocked about as I was bad most of the weekend :)

Hit the gym hard last week thought so I burned off more than I normally would.

The difference in my weight isn't much (5lb loss so far) but with the increase in exercise I've definitely toned up significantly in some places - I just need to try and not fixate on the scales.

Currently sitting at 11st 4. First milestone is 10'13 - if I can get there I think my motivation will ramp up as it tends to when I start to see the benefit of eating well!

LattesAndPilates · 19/07/2017 15:35

Wave back B1rd! Yes I think I need to get my eating on point before I go full on into an exercise regime but it's definitely a long term goal of mine. Congrats on your weight loss...12lbs in a month is amazing!

Iheart that's so disappointing about your group, pretty poor of SW not to inform everyone, that would have really p#!*ssed me off! It sounds like you've got lots on your plate with 2 DC under 3 so wouldn't worry about exercise for now - I'm sure they keep you pretty active as it is!

Ads sounds like you've got your routine sorted, I wish I could get back into running! I used to love it at Uni but that was quite a few years ago and I've tried a few times since but found that it's quite hard to get to that level of fitness you need to not feel like you're dying, but once you've got there it's really fun. Not sure that makes sense but can't describe it any other way!

LattesAndPilates · 19/07/2017 15:37

Congrats on your loss're not far away from your first milestone now!

elfofftheshelf · 19/07/2017 16:25

Hi Everyone! Sounds like we'e got some good loses. Impressed by Pilates 7lbs in the first week! I'm on week for and am losing between 1 and 2 lbs per week (I've lost 6lbs with 14 to go). I really wanted to get my half stone this week, but missed it by 1lb at WI yesterday. In conjunction with SW I've upped my exercise and am trying to get to the gym for 50 - 60 mins of cardio 4 x per week. Although I haven't seen huge losses my clothes fit better, and as others have said, I'm trying to be less fixated on the scales (hard when you attend group though).

My group is pretty good - not so huge that you can't get to know people and the consultant seems switched on. I do struggle with some of the foods they promote (e.g. all the processed food, mug shots etc etc). I guess it takes time to find what works for you (within the SW parameters), but I was Shock yesterday when one person who regularly loses at 3 - 4 lbs a week described how each night she lines up her "sync" and munches her way through 2 hifi bars, a curly wurly and some kind of ice lolly!

IheartCaptainHolt · 19/07/2017 19:50

I called SW abs it turns out the group has been cancelled! Would have been nice of them to tell me!

Anyhoo, got a load more near by with consultants who run two or three a week so recon they will be a better bet.

Adsdan1 · 19/07/2017 21:34

Week 3 lost 1lb thats total of 7.5lb happy with that. Just had my fix for the week, as I do after every SW meeting.
Going to go all in this week be super good extra exercise, but use all my 15 syns if needs be each day.

LattesAndPilates · 20/07/2017 09:04

Thanks elf, I'll be happy with 1-2lbs a week loss from now on Smile I have to admit that I sometimes have a conveyor belt of treats at the end of the day! Blush I tend to save up my syns and use them all in the evening as that's when I get the munchies!

Iheart hopefully your new consultant will be better - if they run multiple groups a week then that's a good sign!

Congrats on your loss Ads!

IheartCaptainHolt · 20/07/2017 14:23

That's what I was thinking lattes.

Not made the best food choices today. Left breakfast and lunch too late so got really hungry, my downfall is always in not being prepared enough.

In my defence excuse the baby had his first jabs yesterday so did not sleep well and is very clingy, the toddler is nap refusing today and I am shattered!

Tomorrow is another day.

IheartCaptainHolt · 20/07/2017 14:25

And I'm annoyed that I joined on the 20th and have only had one weigh in since then! My scales at home are different so not sure how much I've lost.

Will stop whinging now - I'm reminding myself too much of my toddler

B1rdonawire · 26/07/2017 22:43

Iheart hope your new group is much better (not too hard, they just have to start with actually showing up!)

Week 5 weigh in for me and I (just) got my 1st stone! Another 4 to go, at least, but for today let's not dwell on that Grin

I made waffles with oats (blitzed) this week and they were fab - definitely a weekend breakfast that makes a change from porridge. How is everyone else getting on? Any favourite recipes to share?

Adsdan1 · 26/07/2017 23:23

Well done on your weight loss a stone in 5 weeks is amazing keep it up.
I am very slow at the mo a 1lb a week, but every 1lb is closer to my goal is what I keep telling myslef

B1rdonawire · 27/07/2017 14:22

I think every pound lost is kind of two pounds "not gained" as I was definitely expanding all the time before Grin

I'm off on hols so that will be the next challenge. Including trying not to eat all of DD's birthday cake when she loses interest!

Adsdan1 · 09/08/2017 09:11

Missed last weeks weigh in, as had family down visiting. Very bad food choices not looking forward to tonights weigh in at all☹. Defo going to be a gain.
How is everyone else getting on??

IheartCaptainHolt · 09/08/2017 10:18

Finally found a new group which I really like so that is good. I'm 12lb down now which is great! Hoping for 1st award next week.

IheartCaptainHolt · 09/08/2017 10:20

Ads make sure you still go, I'm always tempted to skip if I think it's a gain but then I know I won't go back. I thought I'd have a gain or at the very best STS this week but I'd lost 1lb so was surprised and happy!

Yukbuck · 09/08/2017 20:59

Guys I'm back! I started this thread with good intentions but sadly it was a terrible time work wise. I have found slimming world really hard to get my head around but I know it's just once you know, you know. I've kind of started back this week. So please have me back!!!
Going to read through the entire thread this weekend and trying to get back to being motivated.

OP posts:
Adsdan1 · 09/08/2017 21:53

Nice to see your back Yukbuck. It's very easy to go off track. That why I joined your group feel like I need to check in, which makes me want to try harder.
Well not as bad as I was thinking only a half a pound gain. Back on it proper now need to see a 2lb loss next week.

elfofftheshelf · 10/08/2017 09:54

Welcome back yukbuck! I'm on week 7 and have lost a total of 10.5 pounds. It's slow progress compared to a lot of others in my group, but I have to keep reminding myself that it's still progress! As B1rdonawire says, it's going in the right direction (and it clearly wasn't before SW!!). I did have a wobble last week as gained half a pound, but lost 3 this week which I am delighted with - I do think we have to remember that our bodies don't necessarily follow a straight line reaction to the changes we are making - I struggle with this!

I'm over my half way point, although I think I will likely drop my target an extra couple of pounds as I get closer (be nice to be 9 stone something, rather than 10 stone).

I'm trying to stick to an exercise plan (at least 4 trips to the gym per week), get min. 10,000 steps in and try to stay to my eating plan as much as possible - it does get a bit flexible at the weekend, but I've completely changed what and how I eat (and drink alcohol). It's not easy, but I'm feeling the results Grin


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Adsdan1 · 17/08/2017 11:58

Well only lost half a pound this week little disappointed. I'm going back to basics this week. Week 7 8.5lb down in weight doesn't seem alot, but did take my measurements and a big difference there. I have given myself a year to loss 35lb which is very do able. Every half a pound counts 😁
How is everyone else getting on ???

IheartCaptainHolt · 17/08/2017 13:02

8 weeks and 12.5 lb down. DS2 is 12 weeks and only 5 lb to go to ore baby weight. Got another 2 stone to go after that too though! Back in pre baby clothes ow which has happened much quicker than with DS1

B1rdonawire · 17/08/2017 22:10

It's nice to have this thread revived and hear how everyone's doing! I managed to maintain through that holiday and family birthdays, and trying hard to be fully back in the game for the past week. Total currently lost is 1 stone 3 lbs. Loads more stones to go, but in my head I'm treating it like AA the version I've seen on the TV which may bear no relation to reality that this is a change of habits for good, but it takes conscious effort every day.

Well done elf, Iheart and Adsdan. Yukbuck how has your week been?

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