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Slimming World

Anyone wanting to join this week?! (Starting 19th June)

208 replies

Yukbuck · 18/06/2017 12:15

I thought it might be nice to start a thread for those wanting to start sometime this week. I'm going to join online but might go to occasional group too. I've just weighed myself at a family members home and I'm 11 stone 2 1/2. I will be back here in 2 weeks so I plan to see how much I can kick start between now and then. I will actually arrive on the Friday of that weekend so from tomorrow that will be 12 days in to plan. If anyone would like to join, please let me know. I'm a total newbie. I will probably just vent about how my day has gone and what I've eaten / planned to eat. Please feel free to share any yummy meals.

OP posts:
IheartCaptainHolt · 21/08/2017 14:13

WI tomorrow, limited carbs to one meal a day this week so hoping for a good loss. I guess it's sort of SP, I'm bfing so get 6 HE's a day. I've been using two for oats for breakfast and then soup/salad/etc for lunch and I've been spiralising like crazy!

IheartCaptainHolt · 21/08/2017 14:14

How have you done @B1rdonawire

elfofftheshelf · 21/08/2017 14:58

You guys are doing well! WI day for me too tomorrow Iheart and I have no idea which way the scales are going to go! I did well all last week, but struggled and kind of half heartedly followed plan this weekend. I'm off on holiday on Wednesday for a few days which will test my will power, and then I'm only back a week before we head off for a beach holiday - If I can maintain or at worst, only gain a couple of pounds and then get back on it mid-September I'll call that a win!

What's everyone planning for dinners this week? I'm going to do the SW easy chicken curry tonight and then probably a veg-packed spag bol for tomorrow evening.

Good luck with WI's this week!

IheartCaptainHolt · 22/08/2017 12:09

How did you do elf?

I lost 3.5lb and got my stone award! Very pleased with myself!

B1rdonawire · 23/08/2017 08:43

Whoohoo well done Iheart!

WI for me today (done already because I'm an online member) and I lost 3lbs this week! Thrilled because it was shark week I was away staying with relatives for the weekend and hadn't mentioned SW because I didn't want to make hassle for them, or shine a spotlight on my weight Grin. Breakfasts and lunches were great and healthy, but suppers...well, did you know there are 4.5 syns in one profiterole???? I had three but tried to be very, very disciplined the rest of the week.

Anyway, total loss 1 stone 6lbs now, and feel geared up for a good week. Got food delivery today and looking forward to the heck chicken sausages, really yummy.

Have a good holiday elf Smile

elfofftheshelf · 23/08/2017 10:03

Checking in before I head off. I lost half a pound last week - hardly worth the clap I got at group, but everyone else seemed to gain so I think the consultant was delighted to see any form or loss!

2 transatlantic flights in a week are probably going to kill any losses for this week, but I'm sitting here chomping on my overnight oats with the best of intentions!

Well done on the losses B1rdon & Iheart that's really good going!

Riversleep · 23/08/2017 11:36

Hi, i've been referred to slimming world for 12 weeks free because of my weight. I was reluctant to go because I've been to similar groups before, including SW many years ago, and I hated it! I'm going to give it a go though, as theres a class in the next street to me and it's free Grin Im going to give them a ring today and join next week.

B1rdonawire · 23/08/2017 12:12

Hi River good for you, you sound really committed. It's good when you get support through your GP. Mine rang this morning to see if I want to be referred for a new programme they're running of exercise at home - I'm not housebound but have a child with extra needs and no childcare, so the usual "gym referral" programme wasn't a goer for me because I just have no child-free time to go. I was really impressed they'd found a possible alternative although this will mean actual exercise, hmm Really good luck with the phone call and I hope your start goes really well Smile

Riversleep · 23/08/2017 12:54

I think 'committed' is taking it a bit far, 😁as I'm still sceptical about how I'll get on with SW but as the gp said there's nothing to lose by going for the free 12 weeks. I do think I'm committed to losing weight though.I was a bit shocked that I qualified for the free 12 weeks.I was considering going on low carb bootcamp before this as I've lost weight on lc before but I'll see whether I like SW first I think.

Adsdan1 · 23/08/2017 23:18

Well done on everyone's weight loss this week some big losses. I had a gain of 1lb, which I am a little confussed about as other than one day of eatting a slice of cake I stayed within my syns. I have exercised and eatten a slimming world meal and food every day???
Can anyone give me any tips please

B1rdonawire · 24/08/2017 20:01

How's your salt intake - could that be making you retain fluid (if lots of soy sauce etc)? When you say "a slimming world meal" every day, do you mean a ready-made one? Not sure whether the salt levels are OK in those ones, as I know in general ready-meals are mega-high salt, so maybe worth spreading them out a bit. If not that, could it be hormones, so it will settle down again next week? Well done on totally sticking with it. What kind of cake?????!

Adsdan1 · 25/08/2017 12:26

Not ready meals done load of the meals on line. Homity pie, spag bol, frittatas, carbonara, herb crushed pork loads of different ones. It was a small slice of choclate cake. I was well in with my syns. Just dont get it. Haven't stayed for a group in a while reckon I may need too next week might help fingers crosses. All the help amd advice given is very much appreciated thank you.

B1rdonawire · 25/08/2017 13:53

Bodies are strange things! Hope your hard work pays off double for you this week Smile

Adsdan1 · 02/09/2017 16:20

Managed 1 and a half pounds off this week better than last week
How's everyone else getting on??

IheartCaptainHolt · 02/09/2017 19:14

I did 1.5 this week. Think I will probably maintain next week as been out for my mum's birthday today so had my first day off plan for 6 weeks! I've upped the exercise this week though so hopefully that will help.

B1rdonawire · 06/09/2017 10:40

Took me two weeks (after a maintain last week) but shifted 2.5lbs this week which took me past my 1.5 stones Smile

5lbs to my next stone. I've had some rubbish stuff going on in life this past week so concentrating on managing food has kind of been a nice distraction!

How's everyone doing?

IheartCaptainHolt · 07/09/2017 11:21

I maintained this week but had two meals out so happy with that. I've lost almost 1.5 stone so really pleased with myself!

Adsdan1 · 08/09/2017 07:02

Well done on the losses this week. And the maintain eatting out twice thats pretty good. Managaed 2lb loss this week which is the best I have done since my first week, very happy with that. Hoping for 3lb in next two weeks then I have my stone.

B1rdonawire · 08/09/2017 20:17

That's great you two! Tried the chicken noodle soup recipe from SW soups book tonight and it was really tasty (did increase the garlic and use my hex A to add grated Parmesan!)

B1rdonawire · 13/09/2017 14:33

3lbs off this week - 2 more to go to get to 2 stone and club 10... and then lots more stones to tackle but let's not think about those this week

IheartCaptainHolt · 13/09/2017 15:25

That's great work b1rd!
I lost 2.5 this week. 1 lb to get 1.5 stone and 4lb to club 10.
I also have a good few more stone to lose after that and also trying not to think about it!

B1rdonawire · 13/09/2017 19:50

Well done!! We sound on a very similar path Grin


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Adsdan1 · 15/09/2017 08:03

Welldone everyone on the weight loss. Managed -1lb this week so going the right way.😁

IheartCaptainHolt · 15/09/2017 10:32

B1rd you're right. It's good to have an SW buddy on the same path. I'm averaging about half a stone a month at the moment and long may it continue!

IheartCaptainHolt · 19/09/2017 18:18

How are you doing this week B1rd? I lost another 2lb so got my 1.5 stone award. Think I've only got 2 or 3 lbs to get to club 10.

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