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Slimming World

Anyone wanting to join this week?! (Starting 19th June)

208 replies

Yukbuck · 18/06/2017 12:15

I thought it might be nice to start a thread for those wanting to start sometime this week. I'm going to join online but might go to occasional group too. I've just weighed myself at a family members home and I'm 11 stone 2 1/2. I will be back here in 2 weeks so I plan to see how much I can kick start between now and then. I will actually arrive on the Friday of that weekend so from tomorrow that will be 12 days in to plan. If anyone would like to join, please let me know. I'm a total newbie. I will probably just vent about how my day has gone and what I've eaten / planned to eat. Please feel free to share any yummy meals.

OP posts:
kitkat321 · 26/06/2017 14:52

How's everyone getting on? Had my first weigh in today (doing it online). Down to 11'5 from 11'9 but I don't think the actual weight loss is as much as that as the 11'9 weight was taken the morning after returning from an all inclusive holiday and in fact when I weighed myself the next day I was 11'6 so I've really only lost 1lb on sw which feels a bit crap for the first week.

I think my issue is speed foods - I need to eat more. Like someone else posted I struggle a bit adding them to meals but I like the tip of roasting some to serve alongside meals - will roast some peppers and corgettes tonight. I find it much easier when the veg is all included in the cooking process if that makes sense?

Namesarehard · 26/06/2017 16:29

I've had a different soup for lunch the past 3 days. Perfect way to get some veg into you.

Namesarehard · 26/06/2017 16:31

And if you was to lose 1lb a week that's 52 lb a year. It's a lot.

If you've just come back off an all inclusive my guess will be you'll have a larger loss next week.

Not everyone gets a big loss anyway. And think if you didn't follow it after your holiday what your weight would have been today. Personally I think you've smashed it do well done.

kitkat321 · 26/06/2017 16:59

Thanks namesarehard - made the mixed bean soup plus some lentil soup so been tucking into that for lunch to get some veg in plus having apples/berries for snacks - it's dinner I struggle a bit with - making prawn linguine tonight so going to roast some corgettes and peppers to eat with it.

Namesarehard · 26/06/2017 17:05

Sounds lovely. When I'm home ill have a look at my food plan to see what I've had this week.
Tonight I'm having chicken breast sliced with tomatoes, basil and mozzarella (hea) stuffed into the slices. Cucumber, peppers, pickled onions, red onion and mushrooms. Adding aldis quinoa and whole meal rice 3 syns. Very filling.

kitkat321 · 26/06/2017 17:25

Oh that sounds yummy!!!

Twerking9to5 · 26/06/2017 20:45

Loving all the recipe inspiration! I made miso cod with stir fry veg and udon noodles from this month's magazine. Was lovely!

Started last weds and have found it pretty easy so far. Have learnt that I should carry some emergency fruit or similar in my bag for times like sat, when I took my 3 year old to a party and they brought out treats galore for adults. Didn't touch anything but was ravenous!

Yukbuck · 27/06/2017 09:18

So I also started officially last weds. I had a binge yesterday 🙁 I was exhausted and hungry after work and just ate loads of crap..I'm so annoyed at myself and feel like giving up. But coming back to this thread is helping. I'm about to have an alpen light bar (hex b) with a cuppa. Will have some fruit in about an hour. I got up later today so not as hungry. I feel I fall off the wagon when I am rushed like today I'm at work but haven't brought lunch. Got to make good choices!

OP posts:
elfofftheshelf · 27/06/2017 14:10

Stay with it yukbuck just take each day as it comes and as you say, plan ahead where you can.

I've had my first week weigh-in and I'm down 2lbs. Not a huge loss, but I'm happy with it. I made the SW Spag Bol at the weekend and still have a portion left so planning that for supper later with lots of salad. I also made the chicken curry last night and it was really good. Came in starving earlier as I missed breakfast (and to be at SW meeting for 9am and the banana I took with me to keep me going was so under-ripe it crunched!), so had a Mug Shot (1 Syn) but it's filled me up enough to have a later lunch in an hour or so.

Remember to be kind to yourself. Don't beat yourself up over the slips - it's going to happen to us all!

B1rdonawire · 27/06/2017 17:05

Well done on the first week loss! And Yukbuk well done on pulling it back after the little slip and getting control back - that's really hard to do!

Once or twice a week I have to travel to an office that's much further (90m drive each way) and I struggle not to "reward" myself for the extra journey by having extra coffees, which leads to pastry, which leads to inhaling all the cake in the communal kitchen (someone always seems to have a birthday) and basically, those days are usually bad. Today has been my first ever good one - I did have a small skinny coffee, but nothing with it, and brought lunch from home (baked salmon, roasted veg, wholemeal pasta) and fruit to snack on (cherries, mango, raspberries). I did buy a teeny bag of M&S pretzels as extra snack but haven't yet eaten them because I couldn't look up the syns. May be able to have them this evening, we'll see...

Weighing in tomorrrow. Gulp.

voobylooby · 27/06/2017 18:27

Good luck for tomorrow birdonawire. And well done on the good day, it's really hard on that kind o day isn't it?

IheartCaptainHolt · 27/06/2017 18:47

Well no WI for me tonight. Group has been cancelled. My scales this morning had me at 2.5 lb down though so that's 9lb in 3 weeks which I am very pleased with.

I'll probably only post on WI day as I'm permanently knackered looking after 2.5 DS1 and DS2 5 weeks!

Twerking9to5 · 27/06/2017 20:08

Wow iheart 9lb in 3 weeks is fantastic!!! Well done!

IheartCaptainHolt · 27/06/2017 20:30

Thank you! I've been really strict. Went to ice cream parlour/American diner/play barn place with my mum and the kids on Friday and I only had a salad and Diet Coke, was very impressed with my restraint!!!

I'm a bridesmaid in 5 weeks so would like to have lost a stone by then. Got at least 3 stone to lose.

Megsmcgoo · 27/06/2017 20:58

Hello, do you mind if i join you? I joined on Friday and would like to lose 2 stone, weigh in days will be Fridays and i jumped on this morning to see how it's going and i'm 2 lbs down, woo! Would it be ok to post meals? I find it keeps me on track writing things down.

Weetabix and banana - hex b and half hex a
Cajun chicken with mixed beans and cheese, other half of hex a
Syn free pasta bolognese with broccoli and green beans
Syns used on chocolate cake at work and also had small apple, peach, satsuma and some strawberries at various points

kitkat321 · 27/06/2017 21:26

Been bad today :(

Was good all day - only 3 sins till dinner. Then dh suggested a curry do had chicken ginger and spring onion and a couple of chips.

Then the malteasters can out - probably had the equivalent of a bag and a half so gone over my syns.

I will be good tomorrow and going to hit the gym for the first time this week - been loaded with the cold so been a bit idle this week.

Must. Do. Better!

B1rdonawire · 28/06/2017 10:02

(For context I have a lot to lose and any improvement in my evening snackathons was always going to help because my daily food intake used to be huge).

Have weighed in for week 1 - lost 7lbs!! Some of that I expect was fluid, as I get puffy in the heat so last week was not pretty. But even so, I feel very encourage to keep going...only 4 and a half stone to go Grin

kitkat I hear you about the maltesers - also a real weakness of mine. Once the bag is open... carnage here. Maybe portion some out ahead of time into bags or boxes or something? Might have a go at that myself!

IheartCaptainHolt · 28/06/2017 10:25

I can not stop myself when I open sweets/chocolates/crisps/all foods really so I have finally admitted that it's best just to not have them in the house.

Twerking9to5 · 28/06/2017 18:35

Bloody hell b1rd!!! Incredible-well done you!

Had first WI, lost 2.5. Pleased with that!

Namesarehard · 29/06/2017 09:14

My first weigh in tomorrow morning. I can already see a difference in my stomach area, less bloated. Fingers crossed I have a loss.

Namesarehard · 29/06/2017 09:29

Well done on your losses twerking and B1rd. This is my 3rd time joining, in the past I've lost 2lb in my first weeks. Given that I expect about the same tomorrow.

Bungleboggs · 29/06/2017 10:00

Can I join in I have my first group tomorrow! I have put on over a stone in 12 months on antidepressants but finally come off them. I have to do something as I look like a blob and need to loose 2 stone to feel better in myself. So many nice clothes I can't wear and couldnt do my raincoat up to do the school run yesterday BlushI'm NOT buying a bigger one. I'm so nervous about going to the group in the morning Sad


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Namesarehard · 29/06/2017 10:12

You'll be fine. Nothing to be nervous about. I started last week. Everyone is friendly. You've got this. Good luck x

Bungleboggs · 29/06/2017 10:17

Thank you I will report back in the morning.x

Namesarehard · 29/06/2017 10:24

My wife is in the morning too. 😊 easier that way as it's out of the way for the day.

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