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Slimming World

Anyone wanting to join this week?! (Starting 19th June)

208 replies

Yukbuck · 18/06/2017 12:15

I thought it might be nice to start a thread for those wanting to start sometime this week. I'm going to join online but might go to occasional group too. I've just weighed myself at a family members home and I'm 11 stone 2 1/2. I will be back here in 2 weeks so I plan to see how much I can kick start between now and then. I will actually arrive on the Friday of that weekend so from tomorrow that will be 12 days in to plan. If anyone would like to join, please let me know. I'm a total newbie. I will probably just vent about how my day has gone and what I've eaten / planned to eat. Please feel free to share any yummy meals.

OP posts:
Twerking9to5 · 20/06/2017 17:23

Katy I feel the same too but so many people say you "get it" quite quickly! I'm interested to see how ppl find the online membership. Got my first group tomorrow and can't get little Britain out of my head!! Dust? Anybody? No?

kitkat321 · 20/06/2017 19:35

Just made the mac snd cheese tonight - wasn't optimistic as there isn't that much cheese in it and it is a bit watery but it was delish and syn free :)

TheTurdMilliner · 20/06/2017 21:03

First meeting down, am 12st 6.5 and ideally want to get to 9st. Think I'll just use the meetings for weigh ins (motivation) and skip most of the happy clappy stuff because it's not me. Feeling good though!

IheartCaptainHolt · 20/06/2017 21:48

Rejoined and bought the 12 week countdown. Want to lose 3 stone.

RubySlippers77 · 20/06/2017 23:16

I'm starting tomorrow too! Been before but have put back on most of the weight I lost Sad I have 30lb to lose - first target is a wedding in 8 weeks time which I'd like to be half a stone lighter for.

Ella I tried MFP too and couldn't get it to work for me either! It wouldn't sync with my Fitbit for a start, which was very annoying. I have friends who really like it but it did nothing for me.

Ratbag I think chocolate, wine and takeaways are all more than understandable after a break up, but good for you taking things in hand! Will things get easier when your DD starts school - more time for yourself to shop/ cook/ relax maybe?

emille · 21/06/2017 05:59

@yuk i always have done this with my hex a. And it never made a difference. Not sirenof its "allowed" but dont see why not!

Plan for me today:

B: yoghurt and fruit salad

L: some sort of salad again

D: slow cooked ham, egg, wedges and veg

I par boil my wedges, spray them on a tray with fry lite then sprinkle in salt, pepper and paprika. Will be digging out my actifry this week as wedges in that are mega!!

emille · 21/06/2017 06:00

*sure if not sirenof Grin

Yukbuck · 21/06/2017 08:09

Am reading all the replies but don't always get the chance to reply to individuals as I work long hours. But I just wanted to say I am reading them all 😊

Thanks for the wedges suggestions..going to make some tonight so we shall see.

So I'm definitely having yoghurt and fruit for breakfast. I'm at work already but trying to hold off until 9ish..then lunch will be a cous cous salad (which I believe is syn free ) and then dinner is the chicken thing with wedges. All ingredients bought (it's taken me a few days to get started as I needed the correct food in!) So shouldn't go off plan. Bought that popcorn that someone mentioned... accidentally ate two bags last night!! :( but since I'm properly starting today I will make sure I just have one bag as a treat while I watch TV tonight. Not sure what my hex b will be! Need to check out the list.

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Nuttypops · 21/06/2017 21:32

Can I join in please?

Joined today, DS2 is 6 months and it is time I got on with losing the baby weight. I have about 2 stone to lose.

It's really useful reading ideas/plans for the day, I have been trying to meal plan today for the week ahead and am finding dinners hard to work out with something the kids will eat as well. I hate quark which doesn't help!

Yukbuck · 22/06/2017 09:22

Welcome 😊 more the merrier. Dinner are what I'm struggling with.
Lunch today is a salad again. I have spinach, cous cous (tiny bit of garlic salt for flavour), tomatoes, grapes, peppers, spring onion. I have sugar snaps, carrot and baby corn for a snack. I've had banana and orange for breakfast. Not overly hungry yet. But I have a muller light with me so will eat that if I get hungry.
No idea for dinner. I have a chicken breastfeeding to eat so maybe I will cook that then make an omelette with chicken and veg added.

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B1rdonawire · 22/06/2017 12:20

Please can I join? Joined SW online yesterday, first ever go at it so still floundering a bit to figure stuff out. Also saw GP yesterday for a bit of accountability "So Mrs B1rd, in a year's time I want to see 4 stone less of you." Gulp. He's right though (and was very nice and non-judgy).

Today so far:
Porridge, 1tbsp maple syrup (2s)

Planning eggs, bacon, mushrooms, peppers, tomatoes for lunch

Planning jacket potato, canned mackerel in tomato, carrot/greens salad for supper.

Eagerly anticipating a cornetto for 9 syns after DC are in bed Grin

voobylooby · 22/06/2017 16:58

I just joined today. Breastfeeding my 4 month old and was really pleased to see how many HEX I am allowed as I did the plan before pregnancy! Really looking forward to cracking on. Want to try and get my club 10 in these first 12 weeks Smile

Yukbuck · 23/06/2017 21:53

Welcome 😊
How has everyone done today? I have done pretty well! And am actually using nearly 15 syns tonight which is good. I've been using syns but not usually 15.

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voobylooby · 24/06/2017 17:27

I'm on plan so far. Parents are visiting and mum has cooked an on plan dinner but has bought pudding, I'm going to have it, even if it means o go over today's syns as I'll cut down on syns for other days instead.

kitkat321 · 24/06/2017 17:33

Fell off the wagon a bit yesterday and went way over my syn allowance but also went to the gym so hopefully will balance it out.

Back on it today!

Weetabix for breakfast, left over chicken kebab for lunch then Malcom Allan burger, little bit of flavoured rice, green beans, sweet corn and beetroot for dinner.

Going to have some Greek yogurt with mixed berries and a bit of honey of after.

Think I'm on about 5 syns so far so room for a wee fudge later tonight in front of the tv:)

Yukbuck · 24/06/2017 18:53

Well done voobylooby that's great! And how nice that your mum has made a suitable dinner! And yes yes to the pudding! It's important to treat yourself too!

Kitkat it is hard isn't it! Yesterday I nearly thought f**k it! Then knocked some sense into myself. I have boxed up some treats (little chocolates, skips, a few other bits too!) And written how many syns for each. I think I'm only on 3.5 syns so far today so am saving the rest for some tv tonight.

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voobylooby · 24/06/2017 20:42

I'm really lucky, my mum did SW last year so knows what the plan is about- I didn't even have to ask her to do it, which is so lovely. And oh boy my crumble and ice cream was DELICIOUS!

Friday and Saturday always the hardest days to stay on track imo-what has everyone planned for tomorrow?

Yukbuck · 25/06/2017 09:49

That's great then! I'm glad the crumble was good.
Yes I completely agree. It's much easier in the week when I have the routine of work.

I'm not sure yet today. I've just woken up and had a cuppa and a cereal bar (tesco living which counts towards hex b)
I have some friends coming over for bacon sandwiches which was planned before I started this. I didn't plan my bread though and have wholemeal rolls but they are something like 7 syns. I'm debating having one anyway and just having less syns to use for Sunday evening treats! Other than that, no meals planned. I need to pop to tesco so will have a think before I leave.
What are you planning?

OP posts:
voobylooby · 25/06/2017 14:01

I've had overnight oats for breakfast and a ham sandwich for lunch. Dinner will be pasta with some veg and cheese. Had a latte as well, which keeps me within my HeX for today.
Will have a hi if with a nice cup of coffee later too, little one had me up at 5.30!

B1rdonawire · 25/06/2017 16:58

Help I'm stuck - how is everyone getting their 1/3 plate of healthy veg, for the lighter meal each day? It's fairly easy to do for the main meal (whether that's midday or evening) but I am fast running out of creative salad ideas and getting a bit grumpy about it! Have I misunderstood this, or am I missing some tricks? Have not done SW before so all advice very gratefully appreciated!

voobylooby · 25/06/2017 17:17

I sometimes have something like cherry tomatoes, carrot sticks etc as a side to something else to up my veggies

elfofftheshelf · 26/06/2017 09:04

I know what you mean B1. I've got some heritage tomatoes to at least make my plate look a bit more interesting! Carrot grated into the salad is also good (if you don't fancy crunching on sticks).

I've done okay all week but predictably struggled yesterday (Sunday) and ended up having a chinese takeaway (chicken vermicelli noodles) last night. I had saved Syns all day, but even so, I'm pretty sure that blew them all and then some! Today has started with Oats so Simple porridge with skimmed milk and fresh strawberries and I'm off to the gym in an hour. Aiming for a minimum of 3 x per week to give myself a boost.

Have a great week everyone.


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Namesarehard · 26/06/2017 09:50

Can i join please? I signed up Friday (23rd). It'd going really well so far although u appreciate it's early days.

I was small before having my toddler due to training. Gained 5 stone in pregnancy and lost a bit almost instantly. Joined sw last year in January and lost a stone then left. I've now signed back up the same weight as I left so not too bad.
Currently 11 stone 1lb 5'5".
Goal is 9s 7lb.

Namesarehard · 26/06/2017 09:55

So many typos. Mumsnet need to sort out an editing function!

B1rdonawire · 26/06/2017 10:34

Thanks both! Don't think my grater has ever been used as much as in the past week... I have had some other tips too (sharing in case anyone else is as lost as me!) of roasting up a tonne of veg and keeping in fridge to have a scoop when needed, or using S fruit instead - so last night I used melon. Was having a low grumpy day yesterday due to a cold I just can't shake off, but feeling more positive this morning. Had porridge and maple syrup for breakfast, and a lot of cups of tea Grin

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