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Slimming World

Anyone wanting to join this week?! (Starting 19th June)

208 replies

Yukbuck · 18/06/2017 12:15

I thought it might be nice to start a thread for those wanting to start sometime this week. I'm going to join online but might go to occasional group too. I've just weighed myself at a family members home and I'm 11 stone 2 1/2. I will be back here in 2 weeks so I plan to see how much I can kick start between now and then. I will actually arrive on the Friday of that weekend so from tomorrow that will be 12 days in to plan. If anyone would like to join, please let me know. I'm a total newbie. I will probably just vent about how my day has gone and what I've eaten / planned to eat. Please feel free to share any yummy meals.

OP posts:
kitkat321 · 03/07/2017 18:20

Well done vooby and yukbuck

I'm on week 2 - I've maintained which is a bit pants :(

I had a couple of days where I wasn't 100% on plan but I didn't go nuts and still ate well so I'm a tad disappointed.

I think I might need to try harder to see the weight drop off as even before SW I'd say I was generally a relatively healthy eater anyway but I've made big improvements in my diet and was hoping for more of a loss.

I am wondering how sw weigh ins will work with my work out plans - I've started dropping my cardio and increasing weight work so that might make me look like I've maintained when I've not?

I'm also really struggling for syn free snacks other than fruit which only makes me feel hungrier.

I'm trying yoghurts etc but I could honestly demolish a few packets of cooked meat by the time we hit mid afternoon.

voobylooby · 03/07/2017 19:12

Kit Kat my consultant always says to think about how much if each meal is speed food if you're in a rut. Aim for a third at every meal. When I did SW before I found that sometimes also I'd get a bigger loss the following week after a maintain- I guess our bodies don't work in 7 day blocks!

elfofftheshelf · 04/07/2017 08:26

Kit Kat Good advice from Vooby, our bodies metabolise at differing rates and if you're upping and changing exercise along with food, it may be that you see a bigger drop next week. Stay with it though - I know it's hard when you feel like you're being really good and you don't see the results on the scales. I'm the same, but I am feeling more toned and my stomach is definitely less bloated.

Weigh-in day for me! I'll check back later Hmm

B1rdonawire · 05/07/2017 10:42

Week 2 weigh in for me - 1 pound off. Couldn't help being slightly disappointed for a minute before I had a word with myself and reminded myself that I was never going to get another week like week 1 but it's still 8 pounds in 2 weeks. Have been very good about food, but not really at all active, so might look at setting myself a small challenge for that and blowing the dust off my fitbit. Am out with friends tonight, but both are also attempting to shrink, so we have chosen somewhere with sensible options Grin

Kitkat, I think "maintaining" is such a great word to remember that it takes effort and work to "keep not gaining", and you've achieved that. I also agree with the others though, that it sounds like your exercise work is all going to pay off very soon!

IheartCaptainHolt · 05/07/2017 11:07

Well, WI after two weeks last night and I'd put on 3lb!

Was bedridden mostly from Thursday to Sunday though with this nasty virus that's doing the rounds. Didn't really eat well (lots of white toast and some haribo) but didn't eat much. Don't think I drank enough though as I've got swollen hands and feet (had to take my rings off!)

Will not be disheartened! Booked a holiday next week so want to see good loss in two weeks!

On a positive note, I'm losing inches and I tried my bridesmaid dress on and it fits perfectly. It's an 18 but I was worried I'd be bulging out of it.

DS2 is only 6 weeks old so think I need to cut myself some slack. Just very impatient to not be fat anymore!

Sorry for mammoth post!

IheartCaptainHolt · 05/07/2017 11:08

B1 8lb in two weeks is great work!

B1rdonawire · 05/07/2017 11:58

That sounds like fluid then Iheart, fingers crossed it comes off soon, and well done on the well-fitting dress! Glad you're feeling better.

Monkeylover10 · 05/07/2017 14:33

Hi everyone, my goal is to lose1 stone. Last week, Week 1, I lost 6lbs & was shocked. I did stick to the plan & had very few syns.
Week 2 WI today & up 1 lb. Had no syns bar Saturday & Sunday & used full 15 each day.
Still happy I have total of 5 lbs lost altogether, my clothes feel better and this week I plan to add a few fast walks.
I thought I would be down something but SW leader said it can take a week to balance at start.
Best of luck to everyone next week for WI week 3.

Adsdan1 · 05/07/2017 16:28

New to mumsnet.
I joined slimming world last week, tonight is my first weight in. Little nervous even though I have been good, but will have to see what the scales say..
Start weight 13 stone 1 lb

IheartCaptainHolt · 08/07/2017 20:49

Oh god, made the chewy choc chip cookies from the website and ate them all!

Over my syns but tomorrow is another day!

B1rdonawire · 09/07/2017 20:10

Chewy cookies sound bloody lovely! I can't believe sugar free jelly isn't free (why? Why????!) next time will look up syns THEN shovel in food. Ho hum.

IheartCaptainHolt · 09/07/2017 20:16

They were delicious!

Seen a recipe for oat and banana biscuits that I'm going to make. Oats as HX and I know it's controversial but I don't syn mashed bananas so I'll only have to syn the chocolate chips so I can eat loads!

kitkat321 · 10/07/2017 14:17

3rd weigh in for me and another maintain but given I've been off the wagon as such since Friday afternoon I'm well chuffed with that - back on it this week!!

Adsdan1 · 10/07/2017 16:02

First weigh in lost 5 1/2 pound got wk 2 weigh in on Wedensday hope to hit my half a stone. Have made a slimming world meal every evening. Either cooked breakfast or a Frittata in a morn. Then lunch has been naked noodles or quiche. With snacks inbetween. Lots of ppl say they struggle on wk3 and go off plan. Any good tips for me so I can get ready ???

B1rdonawire · 10/07/2017 21:23

No tips (am new to this too!) but well done so far, and good luck for Weds Smile

B1rdonawire · 12/07/2017 09:18

Week 3 weigh in - lost 2lbs, which I'm really happy with. I made a big effort to increase the amount of water I drank over the past few days, so maybe that helped too. 4lbs to go for my first stone (of many). I feel so encouraged to keep going this morning! I'd been struggling to believe I could actually have potatoes and pasta etc and still lose, but I will try and stop doubting Grin

Adsdan1 · 12/07/2017 17:08

Well done on your weight loss thats alot in 3 weeks. Have you got a goal in mind???

B1rdonawire · 12/07/2017 22:10

I'm thinking of it one stone at a time, but I've got 5 of them to lose. Gulp.

Adsdan1 · 13/07/2017 15:58

Felt a bit rubbish last night only lost 1lb. I stuck to the plan 100% ate around 7 to 12 syns a day. Then I thought if i average that over the 2 weeks thats over 3lb a week which I am happy with. More exercise this week amd water I'm thinking. Got up this morn went for a 45 min jog/run. Around 2 and half 3 stone to go.😁

B1rdonawire · 13/07/2017 16:21

I lost 1lb in my second weigh in too, and went through the exact same thought process as you! I am in awe of the exercise, well done!!

LattesAndPilates · 17/07/2017 14:43

Hi Everyone, hope it's ok for me to join in here, I've been doing this for 2/3 weeks and have lost 8lbs so far (7lbs in Wk1, 1lb in Wk2). I did try SW when I was at uni many moons ago but feeling like I'm understanding the plan a lot better this time. Had an indulgent weekend so hoping I can re-balance before my WI on Thurs!

Congrats to everyone on their losses, B1, Ads well done!
Iheart it's important to take care of ourselves especially when ill -
next week is a new week Smile
KitKat, even if there is a temporary change on the scale from your weight training (i.e. maybe some retained water weight), hopefully over time it should still go down...maybe take your waist measurement so you have another metric for motivation?
elf how did your WI go?

Adsdan1 · 17/07/2017 16:42

Welcome to the group!!
And thank for your encouragment.
Looks like your doing really well with your weight loss. Are you doing much exercise to go along with sw plan??


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LattesAndPilates · 18/07/2017 20:45

Not really Ads, I love yoga but can't get to class very often. I do want to start building exercise into my everyday routine though.
What does everyone else do in terms of exercise?

IheartCaptainHolt · 18/07/2017 21:14

Well I went to group to be weighed looking forward to a good loss as I didn't go last week but been on plan and no consultant turned up! There is no regular consultant at the moment so think I will go to another group as I'm sick of the faffing around. Sad

Adsdan1 · 18/07/2017 21:44

Doesn't sound good that consultant doesn't turn up. We have quite a few sw groups close to my area, so plenty to choose from.
I am trying to go jogging/running 3/4 times a week.

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