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He did it again

288 replies

Ilikesleepinginthedark · 21/07/2019 19:42


Sitting here with a swollen black eye. Don't know whether to report as I don't want social services to be involved.

OP posts:
justilou1 · 22/07/2019 12:22

Yes! Report to the police!!! All of this has got to stop!!!

CodenameVillanelle · 22/07/2019 12:24

His friend is a dick and a liar
You will not end up with a child protection plan - you aren't living together, you didn't invite him in to your house. If you want to stop contact you need all the professional back up you can get. Social services are your allies here.

Ilikesleepinginthedark · 22/07/2019 12:24

I feel worried maybe I should just drop the charges. Can you do that ? His friend said I antagonised him and I brought it onto myself.

OP posts:
ColdAndSad · 22/07/2019 12:24

That's outrageous. It's intimidation. And it's untrue. He can't take your child away from you because you reported him to the police for assaulting you, for goodness sake!

Definitely report that "friend" to the police too--make sure you keep the record of the call on your phone, so you can show the police the number you were called from.

CodenameVillanelle · 22/07/2019 12:25

Don't you dare
Report the 'friend' to the police for harassment

Cherrysoup · 22/07/2019 12:26

Definitely tell the police he's getting his friend to intimidate you. That's disgusting. No, they won't take your child away, you aren't living with him.

ColdAndSad · 22/07/2019 12:27

Even if you did wind him up (and I don't think you did), he chose to assault you. You didn't hold a gun to his head and make him do it. He chose to do it.

That friend of his is trying to get you worried, and look, it's working. Don't let them get to you. Ignore the friend, who is almost as bad as your ex. Tell the police about the call, as soon as you can, and don't drop the charges. He hit you, he needs to be held to account. If you drop the charges now, or refuse to cooperate with the police, he will have learned that not only can he hit you whenever he wants to, he only has to intimidate you and you'll do whatever he wants. Don't let him bully you. Don't let him get away with this. Stand firm.

CousinKrispy · 22/07/2019 12:28

His friend is full of crap. He is trying to intimidate you, please report it to the police.

Well done you for reporting, you are doing the right thing to protect yourself and your child.

crystalize · 22/07/2019 12:28

Report the bastard. And ignore any more phone calls. No contact. Do not let them harass you like this.

popsadaisy · 22/07/2019 12:30

Has a pp has said if social services do get involved it will only help you and your children. They will be able to refer you to agencies that can help support you. Good luck, you are strong and doing the best thing reaching out for help. ❤️❤️

HeavenlyEyes · 22/07/2019 12:31

So both his friend and him are now in further trouble with the police after this latest action.

You must not drop the charges. And tbh even if you wanted to - who's to say that the police won't go ahead and charge him anyway. Are they going to arrest him today?

Moondancer73 · 22/07/2019 12:32

Please ring the police and tell them what his friend has said, you must do that. You need to tell ss that too.

Ilikesleepinginthedark · 22/07/2019 12:37

He said he is in custody. My mum said I should just drop the charges.

OP posts:
justilou1 · 22/07/2019 12:38

Nobody MAKES you hit anyone. You choose to. Just like you choose to walk away. If you get any calls from any mutual friends, record them. They may be trying to “influence” you too. You will also record any threats or coercion.

justilou1 · 22/07/2019 12:39

FUCK NO!!! Don’t drop the charges! He’s where he needs to be. If you drop the charges, he will know you will do it again and won’t take you seriously.

user1471449295 · 22/07/2019 12:40

Well done OP.
His friend is talking absolute shite - how is he going to have your kids taken away exactly? His friend is actually commuting witness intimidation. Report the friend too.
Please please please do not drop the charges. Things will not be rosey if you drop the charges, don’t believe anything he or his friends say. He will do this again. He will go further. Your child will be at risk then. SS will be informed you dropped the charges.
You’ve taken very brave steps - carry on. Get this monster out of you and DC life. The relief and weight off your shoulders will be astounding

user1471449295 · 22/07/2019 12:41

Your mum has given you absolutely HORRIFIC advice. You have received a barrowful of soot on advice on here, some from women who have been in your position. I’m astounding that a mother can give such appalling advice

HeavenlyEyes · 22/07/2019 12:43

Your Mum?? Bloody hell - well she is utterly wrong. I can only presume she put up with similar herself to have such a skewed, wrong way of thinking.

Ilikesleepinginthedark · 22/07/2019 12:45

She said because she did want people, who knew him, to come after me and hurt me.

The friend said he has proof and that I too have been mentally abusing DC's dad too.

OP posts:
dancemom · 22/07/2019 12:47

Don't answer the phone to his friend. Screenshot any texts then block him.

You can do this OP

HeavenlyEyes · 22/07/2019 12:47

This is terrible. Please stop talking to these people! Have you spoken to Women's Aid yet?

Georgepigthedragon · 22/07/2019 12:48

It will look much better if you show you are taking action by pressing charges. He has asualted you in your home. I hope your Ok OP. What he did us completely unacceptable.


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TheFlis12345 · 22/07/2019 12:49

If you drop the charges he will do it again and it could be a lot worse next time.

StormTreader · 22/07/2019 12:50

"He came to my home unannounced and declared he was taking DC out."

He came to your house - you didn't start anything, he did. He came to your house looking to start something, he was just looking for an excuse. These kind of men see anyone saying "no" to them as mental abuse or other people starting it when really all it is is that they are enraged at not getting their own way.

Ilikesleepinginthedark · 22/07/2019 12:51

I really don't know anymore.

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