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He did it again

288 replies

Ilikesleepinginthedark · 21/07/2019 19:42


Sitting here with a swollen black eye. Don't know whether to report as I don't want social services to be involved.

OP posts:
Whatisthisfuckery · 21/07/2019 23:29

OP I’ve only read half the thread but in answer to your question, no, your child being on a CPP will not show up on a DBS check. I know because I asked DS’s SW this very question a few weeks ago. We have had similar problems with DS’s father, and believe me, SS want will want to keep your child with you, and as far away from his abusive father as possible.

If this continues OP then SS will probably land on your doorstep anyway. At which point you will have been subjected to more violence, your DS will have been subjected to witnessing it, and the one thing SS really do not look favourably on is allowing harm to continue and not seeking help to stop it. Basically if you don’t report it and be proactive in getting all the relevant help to get this man away from you and your DS then they will do it instead. SS do not want to remove children from loving parents though, trust me.

You shouldn’t fear SS. They want what is best for your DS, which is a happy healthy mum who can love and take care of him. They’ll help you to achieve that, but by the same token they will take steps to keep your DS safe if it looks to them like you aren’t.

user1486131602 · 22/07/2019 00:17

Call women’s aid in your area. Call 101 police and ask for domestic violence team.take a phot of the black eye.
The law changed in jan2019 ALL abuse is now against the law. The police can and will help.
Get a solicitor and get an occupation order, and a non molestation order.
Please leave or make hi!
No deserves to live like that. xx

timeisnotaline · 22/07/2019 00:33

You won’t lose your job. Someone turned up uninvited and unwanted to your house and assaulted you. When you said they shouldn’t take your child. You’re protecting them. Please report him to the police.

Ilikesleepinginthedark · 22/07/2019 00:43

Thanks for all your support everyone.

I'm currently in the hospital but everyone keeps staring at me. I just feel so embarrassed.

OP posts:
taylorowmu · 22/07/2019 00:49

Why are you in hospital? Wa sit more than a black eye he did to you?

Please do t worry about reporting him. You did nothing wrong.

Ilikesleepinginthedark · 22/07/2019 00:59

Just to double check because of my eye.

OP posts:
WashingMyHair247 · 22/07/2019 01:11

Report him so hard he feels this when he's dead and gone.

I hope you're alright and this won't come back on you, he shouldn't have been there and shouldn't have done it. Ask about a restraining order or non molestation order (they'll know what the right kind is).

Glad you're getting seen.

TicTac80 · 22/07/2019 01:27

I’m a nurse too. I self-referred to SS (for advice) as I stopped my ex having unsupervised contact with the kids when I found out he’d been drink/drug driving with my kids...and no doubt drinking/using drugs whilst he was meant to be looking after them (whilst I was at work!). I knew about his alcohol problems (and thought he’d been getting help for that - that turned out to be a load of crap!), but I didn’t find out the extent of it until people told me what they saw.

Straight away, I stopped all unsupervised contact and I told my ward manager, the schools, the police and SS. Things turned nasty for me too, so the security guys and site pracs at work know the situation. And I’ve logged every incident with the police (and SS, schools etc).

I promise you, work will support you. SS will support you, police will support you. You’ve done nothing wrong! Ask the police for a referral to the NCDV, and ask if/find out how an emergency Prohibited Steps Order can be granted (stops anyone taking your DC without your consent). You have NOTHING to be embarrassed or ashamed about. Xx

Frith2013 · 22/07/2019 05:44

I’m glad you’ve gone to hospital. Just be honest with the staff there.

ilovepinkgin33 · 22/07/2019 08:38

Hope you're ok this morning OP💐💐

SparklyMagpie · 22/07/2019 09:04

Hope you are well and safe OP x

31RueCambon · 22/07/2019 09:07

I'm glad you went to the hospital OP.

Wish I was able to give you a cup of tea and a hug.

This was my life 12 years ago. I left. Every time he attacked me, he'd be really nice for a few days afterwards.

Please take the help that is out there. xx

SuzieQQQ · 22/07/2019 09:07

Well yes if you don’t do the right thing, you arent protecting your child so fair enough. Ring the police, press charges and contact social services yourself.

31RueCambon · 22/07/2019 09:08
Hanab · 22/07/2019 09:18

Risk of SS getting involved or ending up
G-d forbid dead and your child/ren in therapy for years?

You did NOTHING wrong! Get help and get out please🌷

Sunburntnoseandears · 22/07/2019 09:24

Well done op.
Take every step to keep him away..

MintyT · 22/07/2019 09:28

Well done for going to the hospital, don't worry about people looking at you they won't be judging you your there as your hurt. Call the police

Ilikesleepinginthedark · 22/07/2019 10:47

Hello everyone,

Thanks for all of your kind words. I got back from the hospital early in the morning. I've been checked all over and everything is fine, thank goodness. I reported him to the police whilst he was there and the hospital staff said they have referred my child to SS- which I am worried about. But I could have died yesterday.

OP posts:
Mishappening · 22/07/2019 10:49

Do not worry about report to social services - if you were in the same position as the nurses you would of course do the same thing. You need protection, your children need protection - hoover up all the help on offer.

beanaseireann · 22/07/2019 11:34

Well done likeslerpinginthedark for reporting the abuser.
Stay safe and i hope you get the help and support you need in your life.Thanks

ColdAndSad · 22/07/2019 11:38

Well done, OP--you've done the right thing.

Social Services are going to help you. That's what they're there for. They'll be glad you've reported him to the police as it shows you're doing all you can to protect your child. Try not to worry.

user1486131602 · 22/07/2019 11:55

I’m glad to hear you are ok.

If the hospital have referred you to SS you should now get the help you need and quickly. Just think of them as someone one YOUR in your fight for freedom and safety with your child, away from your hubby.
SS have a lot more powers than you alone.

Don’t worry, you have done everything that you can in your power to protect both of you. I’m sure things for you will improve.

Contact women’s aid if you need help with a new home or solicitors etc.
What a strong woman you are, to take him back and give another chance. And to now realise you must continue your journey alone, but, with you safety and health with love for and from your child xx


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Ilikesleepinginthedark · 22/07/2019 12:13

His friend called me and said I should drop the charges or he would get my DC taken away from me.

OP posts:
RandomMess · 22/07/2019 12:18

Report this threat to the police and SS Thanks

HeavenlyEyes · 22/07/2019 12:21

His friend is talking rubbish - please tell the police about this threat. How awful, I hope you are okay.

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