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Why am I so horrible to lovely DP?

205 replies

MadHattersWineParty · 27/07/2016 10:47

Argh I feel so cross with myself!!

DP is lovely, like really really nice, kind, patient. I am horrid.

This morning I was getting ready to go a hospital appointment at the same time he was getting ready to go to work. I get stressed and frustrated about these appointments. It's just a clinic kind of thing because I had a pulmonary embolism last year. They don't know why and it was probably down to the pill but every time I go to this bloody clinic I see someone different who hasn't read my notes and wants to do loads of blood tests that I've already had and it takes ages and I get more stressed about being late for work. Everyone is very nice but nothing about it is efficient.

Anyway. I know I need to leave at exactly eight minutes past eight to get the train I need to get to the hospital with time to check in etc. DP usually leaves about twenty past so I said I'd go ahead but he says he will walk with me. I should have just said I wanted to go on my own. He took ages doing his laces up and choosing what crisps to take out of the cupboard for his lunch. Okay not ages but the clock was ticking past the time I wanted to leave.

Then he starts faffing with the rubbish going to take it outside and I was getting irate and said he'd have to catch me up if he insisted on doing it now. It did come out very snappily though which I felt guilty about. Then he said he'd forgotten his umbrella and it was raining so I said 'too bloody bad, I'm going to be late' as it was I did miss the train I specifically wanted to get which stressed me out further but I did still get there on time.

Then he looked hurt and didn't speak to me or look at me for the whole of the tube journey and just walked off when he got to his stop. I'm in the doghouse for speaking to him in a horrible tone. And I know I do it. I just get stressed out and everything I say comes out like that. I need to stop doing it but how?! I have apologised but I know I'll end up doing it again.

Disclaimer: I know people have bigger relationship problems than this.

OP posts:
LilacInn · 27/07/2016 11:31

Nothing worse than that disingenuous "I was just tryyyyyying to be niiiiiice" guilt trip excuse for being an asshole. He sounds far from lovely.

DecoratingDivvy · 27/07/2016 11:32

Hmm, you were really clear so his behavior is annoying. Thanks for clarifying. Only thing I can suggest is explaining the situation gets you stressed which makes you snappy and you don't want to be unkind so best to

  • walk alone
  • agree together to leave earlier and then actually leave at that time

It'll be all right. Nothing wrong with saying. I get stressed and snappy when I'm delayed from sticking to my planned schedule. I prefer to leave myself plenty of time. I'm leaving now. I'm going to take a break from the conversation until I can speak reasonably.

If it's only now and again, don't worry. If you're getting wound up and snapping daily more communication and compromise may be needed. Hope it went well at clinic
Stormtreader · 27/07/2016 11:36

I used to date one of these faffers and ditherers - I started leaving with a cheerful "OK I've got to go, see you later!", then it was up to them to either come or not. They can potter about on their own time if they want, but I was much happier once I refused to be held hostage by their attitude.

FATEdestiny · 27/07/2016 11:39

I hate rushing, like to be early and get anxious, stressed and snappy when on a deadline - especially in the morning. DH is not like this. At all.

We have learnt to manage each other's behaviour.

  • I set expectation in advance, the night before, and we agree timings rather than one telling the other.
  • I am more flexible with times than I prefer (I will say I want to leave 9.00-9.20 when leaving at 9.30 would be acceptable - because I like to be ready early)
  • We also agree the night before tasks which will need to be done in the morning and who's doing what (I'll get the children ready, you do the picnic, for example).

-DH has leant that agreed timings are not negotiable.
  • I will reiterate timings several times during the morning (because I can't help myself). DH doesn't get annoyed about this, just reassures me that we will leave within agreed time limits (even tho at that point he may be sat reading FB on his phone while I'm seething and running around)
  • I have learnt not to control and expect DH to act like me. We've agreed a time. We've agreed tasks to be done. I will want to get busy as soon as waking then have 20 mins chilling before we leave. DH will want 20 mins chilling when waking but will still do everything he agreed. So be it.
DrMorbius · 27/07/2016 11:42

Op - I would say,
sorry DP, I get a bit stressed and snappy when i have a massively important appointment at a hospital, about a potentially life threatening situation. That requires me getting a specific. train and some fuckwit holds me up by dicking around picking which flavour of crisps to take for lunch!!!!!!!

MadHattersWineParty · 27/07/2016 11:59

Ha, I'm not texting him until I can control my rage. He's text me to say I've made him upset and angry at work from speaking to him so harshly.

Hospital appointment went fine, just lots of waiting around in different places. I'm not stressed anymore but I am bloody irritated!

OP posts:
SandyY2K · 27/07/2016 12:06

You could have avoided this by leaving at 08.08 as you planned, whether he was ready or not.

Faffing about annoys me when I need to get somewhere on time.

I hope all went well with your appointment.

MadHattersWineParty · 27/07/2016 12:07

I should have just left. I will next time rather than wanting to explode and then snapping at him!

OP posts:
HermioneJeanGranger · 27/07/2016 12:08

He sounds like a faffer, which would drive me nuts. I hate it when people claim to be ready at say, 10 o'clock but then spend ten minutes finding their keys, shoes, brushing their hair, checking their Facebook and peeing. Do that BEFORE we have to leave, not when we're about to walk out of the door!

He's made himself upset and angry by dithering and making you late. Next time, leave without him. If you have to leave at 8am, just go whether he's ready or not. If it's important to him, he'll buck up his ideas and be on time next time. If not, well, at least you'll be on time!

You don't sound horrible at all, though Flowers

Horehound · 27/07/2016 12:20

But he made you miss your train. Why don't you reply " I was stressed because I told you when we had to leave and your faffing made me miss my train" and see what he says to that?

ToastDemon · 27/07/2016 12:21

He is in the wrong not you.
I get really stressed out being made late at the best of times and your appointment was very important.
I'm not reading lovely from your post I'm reading selfish and passive aggressive.

ToastDemon · 27/07/2016 12:25

I mean him not you obviously! You just sound normal.

user1469017213 · 27/07/2016 12:28

He could be being an arse. But I also think some people are just like this.

My son is like this.

No sense of time. Easily distracted. Bit forgetful. Can be a 'faffer'

It can be annoying. Very annoying.

No extra advice, except not to rely on him for anything where time is of the essence.

dothedab · 27/07/2016 12:30

It's him not you. It sounds as if he would have got funny with you if you had left at 8.08 leaving him to his faffing anyway. He didn't appreciate how important it was to you to leave at a certain time.

MaisieDotes · 27/07/2016 12:33

Stop feeling guilty, he sounds like a pain in the arse.

He's now texted you to say he's upset? Even more annoying. I would text back "I apologise for my tone but I gave you plenty of warning that I was on a schedule and you failed to respect that."

PinkissimoAndPearls · 27/07/2016 12:35

Your last post has made me think he isn't that nice after all.

Did he ask how your appointment went or did he just text you to tell you how badly you had him feel? Hmm

I read your title and thought I need this thread as I can be a horrible grumpy cow to my DH when I am in pain a lot of the time but DH would never have let me get stressed just before a hospital appointment like this.

We all have irritating habits, I am always early for stuff and DH has been known to faff but over the years we have learnt we sometimes need to control our natural fuckwitedness instincts so we can support each other and this actually sounds like one of those times he should have been thinking about you rather than himself or bins.

It's just a snapshot though isn't it and it must be hard to see a lot of people calling your DH, especially if he is genuinely nice 99% of the time. How's the rest of your relationship generally, I can imagine a PE must have been terrifying. Illness can put such a strain even on the best of relationships.

Bobochic · 27/07/2016 12:35

He sounds very needy and immature, OP. Not lovely. Wet.

Cabrinha · 27/07/2016 12:40

Your follow up post is awful.

I don't like the sound of him sulking on the train. I'll even imagine for a moment that you were really rude to him. But he made you miss your train, you have a stressful appointment and he is texting you now telling you he's angry? Fuck that! Whilst you're posting for advice because you feel you were horrible?

In answer to your question - why are you horrible? - maybe because he was arsehole and deserved it?

Is he often so childish and patronising and angry towards you?

badtime · 27/07/2016 12:54

From what you have said, your partner is a passive aggressive prick.

I would be surprised if this was the first time he has engineered a reason to be upset by your behaviour, when you are just responding to his bullshit.

Does he, for example, buy you presents he knows you don't want, then whine when you are 'ungrateful'?

MadHattersWineParty · 27/07/2016 13:18

We have had arguments in the past because I feel he does behave passive aggressively at times. Just things like he'll say 'oh I can't do anything right can i' and the other week when I got home I said I just needed half an hour to myself (it'd been a hellish day and the tube broke down and the bus took forever) to have a shower and potter about in the bedroom for a bit to decompress and he behaved like it was a slight on him and got a bit stroppy because I apparently hadn't been pleased enough to see him and he's made me a cup of tea which I hadn't drank because it was about 30 degrees outside and he'd been trying to be nice and kept asking what he'd done wrong. I knew I needed just half an hour to wash my hair and clear my head because I'd be snappy otherwise but he takes everything to heart so much. He gets it from his Dad, I've been observing, their behaviour is SO similar.

He can be petulant but I can be a moody cow. I think my friends would describe me as 'bolshy'.

The embolism was very stressful and frightening but although we knew eachother we weren't actually together then. But I wasn't very well for while after we actually did get together and it was a bit of a strain because I couldn't even cough without him saying he was terrified I was having a PE, and the times I forgot to answer the odd message or hasn't been online and he'd be worried i'd collapsed somewhere. I just had to tell him to back off a bit and stop freaking out sometimes which I know he was a bit hurt by at the time. He absolutely loves me, I know that, but he's irritated me so much today. He did text to ask how the appointment went an hour or so after his angry text. I've text him back but it's to the point and reads a bit snippily if I'm honest.

OP posts:
WibblyWobblyJellyHead · 27/07/2016 13:20

He's a controlling, passive aggressive twat. He's really not a nice guy.

ironrooster · 27/07/2016 13:24

Just to echo PPs. I don't think he sounds like a lovely guy at all, sorry. He made you late, you were on your way to a stressful appt - you were well within your rights to be a bit snappy. Him then ignoring you and being a tit over text was not nice.


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LilacInn · 27/07/2016 13:25

How long have you been together ?

MaisieDotes · 27/07/2016 13:28

He sounds suffocating. Stay strong OP.

I think "snippy" is more than justified in this situation.

MadHattersWineParty · 27/07/2016 13:28

Since June 2015. I had the PE in March 2015. I was actually with someone else when I had the PE, it was a short gap between the relationships Blush

So officially not very long but that's never seemed to matter.... but perhaps this is the time where you get to really really know someone's behaviours.

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