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Support thread for those in emotionally abusive relationships...coming of age:21

999 replies

foolonthehill · 04/05/2013 11:49

Am I being abused?

Verbal Abuse A wonderfully non-hysterical summary. If you're unsure, read the whole page and see if you're on it.
Emotional abuse from the same site as above
Emotional abuse a more heartfelt description
a check list Use this site for some concise diagnostic lists and support
Signs of Abuse & Control Useful check list
why financial abuse is domestic violenceAre you a free ride for a cocklodger, or supposed to act grateful for every penny you get for running the home?
Women's Aid: "What is Domestic Violence?" This is also, broadly, the Police definition.
20 signs you're with a controlling and/or abusive partner Exactly what it says on the tin

Books :

"Why Does He Do That?" by Lundy Bancroft - The eye-opener. Read this if you read nothing else.
"The Verbally Abusive Relationship" by Patricia Evans ? He wants power OVER you and gets angry when you prove not to be the dream woman who lives only in his head.
"The Verbally Abusive Man, Can He Change?" by Patricia Evans - Answer: Perhaps - ONLY IF he recognises HIS issues, and if you can be arsed to work through it. She gives explicit guidelines.
"Men who hate women and the women who love them" by Susan Forward. The author is a psychotherapist who realised her own marriage was abusive, so she's invested in helping you understand yourself just as much as helping you understand your abusive partner.
"The Emotionally Abusive Relationship: How to Stop Being Abused and How to Stop Abusing" by Beverley Engels - The principle is sound, if your partner isn't basically an arse, or disordered.
"Codependent No More : How to Stop Controlling Others and Start Caring for Yourself" by Melody Beattie - If you a rescuer, you're a co-dependent. It's a form of addiction! This book will help you.
But whatever you do, don't blame yourself for being Co-dependent!

Websites :

So, you're in love with a narcissist - Snarky, witty, angry, but also highly intelligent: very good for catharsis
Dr Irene's verbal abuse site - motherly advice to readers' write-ins from a caring psychotherapist; can be a pain to navigate but very validating stuff
Out of the fog - and now for the science bit! Clinical, dispassionate, and very informative website on the various forms of personality disorders and how they impact on family and intimate relationships.
Get your angries out ? You may not realise it yet, but you ARE angry. Find out in what unhealthy ways your anger is expressing itself. It has probably led you to staying in an unhealthy relationship.
Melanie Tonia Evans is a woman who turned her recovery from abuse into a business. A little bit "woo" and product placement-tastic, but does contain a lot of useful articles.
Love fraud - another site by one woman burned by an abusive marriage
You are not crazy - one woman's experience. She actually has recordings of her and her abusive partner having an argument, so you can hear what verbal abuse sounds like. A pain to navigate, but well worth it.
Baggage reclaim - Part advice column, part blog on the many forms of shitty relationships.
heart to heart a wealth of information and personal experiences drawn together in one place

what couples therapy does for abusers

If you find that he really wants to change
should I stay or should I go bonus materials this is a site containing the material for men who want to change?please don?t give him the link?print out the content for him to work through.

The Bill of Rights
bill of rights here is what you should expect as a starting point for your treatment in a relationship, as you will of course be treating others!!

OP posts:
ColinCaterpillar · 05/05/2013 18:19

Thank you. The quote about standing for anything and falling for anything is so true. I knew what I stood for pre FW, I was dead set against joint finances, my friends came first....then he comes along, I fall for him and for all his bullshit losing everything I stood for.

Enjoy your novel and choccy winnie

BreatheandFlyAway · 05/05/2013 20:54

Hi all,

So much is resonating on the thread. Hugs to all.

ponygirlcurtis · 05/05/2013 22:08

Thanks all, you is all fab. Thanks I feel a bit better for having vented all that.

Winnie - yy, I also thought I knew what was important to me, and I stood for as well. I'm not sure that I necessarily didn't, more that it all got bulldozed in the wake of FW's advance. And yy to FW making comments that I can't take at face value because I can't believe, as someone I believe to be rational/normal or so I thought he can actually believe what he's saying.

Colin, you're doing really well. It's one day at a time. You will inevitably have bad days, don't fear them but expect them and plan for them - what will you do to stop yourself thinking about him, how will you distract yourself, what will you do to make yourself feel a bit better? (Don't just eat, eat, eat, like I have been doing!!!!!)

butterfly - I do like your idea of doing something for yourself every day, even just for half an hour.

breathe - I found the 5:2 threads quite an addictive read! But there's lots of good info on them, and thoughts about how to approach it. When I had my first fast day on Friday, I didn't quite manage the 500 calories, but I did do about 650, so I thought that wasn't too bad! Going to do another either tomorrow or Tuesday (it's been a heavy weekend of eating because of a friend's birthday Grin). The thing I've held onto over the weekend is the thought of trying to eat 'consciously', and that if I am hungry, I wont actually die of it, being hungry isn't something to be afraid of, I don't need to stuff food in me in a panic at the first pangs! I am a terrible one for mindlessly shovelling it in, not even noticing what I'm eating, just needing to be eating something. Grin

BreatheandFlyAway · 05/05/2013 23:22

pony, me too Grin [choc]

minkembra · 05/05/2013 23:24

pony homemade minestrone soup it is the way forwards. says she who a whole packet of jaffa cakes yesterday. but on my fast day-minestrone soup with beans instead of pasta.

BreatheandFlyAway · 05/05/2013 23:55

Sounds like a plan! I found some nice beans recently - adzuki - tried them at all? Quite nutty and not flabby like some beans (and me ha ha Grin)

Jaffa cakes - I always say they're VERY low in fat as I scoff them greedily Smile

ponygirlcurtis · 06/05/2013 13:09

Hello all, hope you are all out and about enjoying a bit of bank holiday sun. Hope the FWs are behaving themselves. not likely

Well, this morning was DS2's first induction at nursery. It was only an hour, and it seemed to go ok for him (no crying, wasn't clingy when I left, they said he'd been playing and laughing, etc). But it was hard to leave him. I wondered what on earth I was doing, leaving him in a room full of people he's never seen before, what he must be thinking, how he must be feeling. Now he's back and fine, although seems a little clingy to me (or could be me imagining that), and all I want to do is alternately cry, and then cancel the nursery placement!

Eating seems okish at the mo - last night, I had half a glass of wine (spritzer) then actually didn't want any more. Today I've had no breakfast, bit peckish come lunchtime, had a ham/cheese/tomato sandwich and have left half of it - unheard of!!!! I don't feel massively hungry, and I know that if I eat the other half I'll feel uncomfortably full. And I also managed to go round the supermarket without comfort-buying lots of rubbish (which, given how awful I feel about DS2 and nursery, really was an achievement). Go me! Grin

ColinCaterpillar · 06/05/2013 13:34

Happy Bank Holiday. I'm still in bed, I haven't left very much, I've been exhausted since FW fucked off for good. I think he's exhausted me, all that looking after someone and the abuse and the arguments. I know it's not doing much to distract me, but I feel that bed is the best place for me.

The more reading I'm doing, I'm trying to train myself that he was a bad bad man, although it's hard imagining how bad it could have got because that's just imagining. I don't know yet how lucky an escape I've had.

I still am sad at the fact he's with someone because I'm imagining he's lovely with her and they are having the great sex he and I used to have. I don't know what I make of that really. Part of me thinks that's me thinking the abuse was me, and that he won't be like that with anyone else. That makes me sad that I'm thinking so badly of myself. Because really, he'll be bossing her around soon enough. Maybe. Or maybe she'll be special enough. But that's not my problem. He abused me, end of story.

I'm spending quite a bit of time online. A couple of my friends think I need to get on online dating sites. It feels a bit early, but while they don't generally advocate jumping from relationship to relationship, just that part of my FW-deprogramming will involve realising what non-FWs are like. also they are concerned that I am not strong enough for if FW does come crawling back, so while I don't need a man, I do need a decent distraction. I don't know. It's so early.

I'm writing alot too. I'm trying to eat, my appetite went and I need to regain a few pounds.

Am sure DS will enjoy nursery pony, good to make friends

currentlyconfuseddotcom · 06/05/2013 13:55

colin, how long is it since you split up?

ColinCaterpillar · 06/05/2013 14:12

The weird break/space thing was only three weeks ago, the full on revelation was only just over a week ago. That's why I say too early. But they are worried he will try and come back, which as you know, I disagree with anyway so think the time out is fine for me, though it does mean deprogramming from his bullshit about other people not fancying me/wanting to have sex with me/do I want to die alone etc by myself.

FairyFi · 06/05/2013 21:43

Where IS that script they share!!! [dying alone, etc] Who says these shit things.. a hole FWs.

awful teasing going on here from Disney FW

FairyFi · 06/05/2013 21:45

I am overawed at your discipline Pony you will be reaping benefits Smile

... was also thinking its so early to be with another guy... me, even now! AS theres so many things wrong with me [saysFW] that I have to overcome.

bountyicecream · 06/05/2013 21:48

Phew - well I've survived the bank holiday. I had 2 days of nasty FW (usual fat and overeating comments plus sulking and silent treatment) and then today nice FW unexpectedly showed up! Was actually quite a pleasant day although if I think about it we prob only spent a couple of hours actually together. But enough to make me waver (not seriously but just enough to think if only it was always like this - shows I still can't trust my heart)

I've had a slight mental set back. When I first seriously thought about leaving I looked on rightmove for the sort of houses I could afford. And of course saw one that I loved. This was prob 10 months ago. Well I never really believed it would be mine but used to day dream. Checked on rightmoved yesterday and it is sold STC. For some reason it has really got me down. Not sure why because I never seriously thought it would hang arounduntil I was ready to buy which will prob be a few months yet anyway. But still enough just to make me feel a bit hollow.

Nearly blurted out to FW that I want a divorce today but managed to hold my tongue. I've mentally prepared for next weekend plus I want to talk to Women's Aid one more time before I make that leap.

Hope everyone else has had an OK BH (or even good?) Sorry to be all about me?

I am thinking of you all and especially MrsM and Maggie in these early days

ponygirlcurtis · 06/05/2013 22:49

Fi - thanks, although think I may have spoiled my ballot card with my eating this evening... Although, not a fast day, so who knows!!!!!

bounty - that sounds both good and bad re the weekend (good that he has been pleasant today, but bad of course that he has made such horrid and unnecessary - and probably untrue - comments to you). I can completely understand your feelings about that house. Grieve for it, but don't pour it all onto it - otherwise it's just something else for you to beat yourself up about. I did that, when i lost a house that would have been perfect (I thought) through dithering. But I think I am probably happier in the end where I am. You are right, something else will come up. Hold onto that thought.

Thinking about Maggie, MrsM and everyone else too. And our lovely Leclerc. xxx

2013go · 06/05/2013 22:59

Hi to all, been a lurker, posted part of my story in a 'quieter place' here and was advised to check out this thread. Have been in a deeply toxic relationship and detoxing is hard, really hard. For me the worst thing is probably knowing that I let it all happen, almost the whole time knowing in my gut that something was very wrong. I'm scared that I am wired up wrong, codependant, at fault for being so utterly stupid. I feel both baffled and ashamed, as well as angry- mainly with myself.
My mum said how can I be sure I was abused and that of wasn't just circumstantial/ a personality clash. That's the question that really bothers me. :(

2013go · 06/05/2013 23:01

Ps thank you for this thread and all the wisdom and humour you all show. I can't believe the world is so full of arses!! Where do they learn it?!

butterflymeadow · 06/05/2013 23:03

Aw bounty, the house was a symbol, a dream of your own safe space, I think, but your actual real new house is yet to be found. That is probably why you feel hollow, but it is a journey, the function of the house was that you realised you neede to be in a different place. I mean, you didnt see your partner in the dream house with you. It is those little things which tell you things are wrong.

colin processing the end of a relationship is exhausting and you are talking about a relationship which also wrung you dry. No wonder you are tired.

pony it is great, if a bit sad for you, that your dc did well with settling in. You can use the time which means you will be fresher and less stressed when he is at home. Plus, you really don't want a crying child at nursery, it would make you feel dreadful. Hope you are feeling better anyway.

BreatheandFlyAway · 06/05/2013 23:19

Hi all,

pony yay to the amazing self discipline, wish I could manage that! Re nursery - see how it goes for a couple of weeks, don't beat yourself up. Tell yourself you can end it at any time and to give it a whirl. By the time the couple of weeks are up, you'll know if it's right.

Bounty I know exactly how you feel - your secret dream house, where you put your hopes, even if you kind of knew you weren't ready for it - but when you are ready, the right house will be there for you.

Colin as butter said, not surprising you are wrung out - it's all very recent and it's been very absuive, don't forget that. Be kind to yourself.

2013go great name! Don't be ashamed or angry at yourself (easier said than done, I know) - that's what they do to us, but remember, it's not your fault. EA is NOT the victim's fault. The fws are drawn to kind, empathetic people who always try to see the best in others and always look for a solution. And well done for escaping.

I am up and down. Very down in the early hours when I wake up and torture myself (mentally!!). It's much harder then to "put the stick down" than during the day Sad. Also keep having difficult childhood flashbacks. I guess it's all coming out in the wash, so to speak, which is good, but hard IYSWIM.

butterflymeadow · 06/05/2013 23:21

2013go, I have not read your story yet, but I will say this. I knew things were wrong, I also tried to leave a couple of times, but he always talked me round and I always thought if I /we did x,y,z, it would be fine. I used to think, I will give it six months or whatever. The emotional energy which I used up trying to convince myself it was or would be fine. It is like a spiders web which you twist and turn in.

I too think I walked in to it, and I let it happen, I was not strong enough to stop it, but when I see now what he is doing to get his own way, and the lack of basic respect he is showing me,the threatening behaviour and the harrassment, it was there before. I know why I didn't walk away. I posted up thread that I was conditioned by my upbringing to be compliant, that was part of the reason, the other part was that it is very hard to see something when you are in the middle of it and if you love someone and they say they love you, you do not believe they will harm you.

If none of that is relevant, apologies. I am sorry you find yourself here. But welcome!

bountyicecream · 06/05/2013 23:23

2013 I think most of us worry at times as to whether the relationship truly was abusive. But when others post little details about things that have happened that they're not sure about, to the rest of us it appears massively abusive. We are all to good at minimising the abuse as a survival technique. Your mum doesn't sound very helpful :( Do you have friends in RL that could offer you better support? Or us here of course! As to the co-dependent thing, I read somewhere (can't remember but poss one of the links at the top) that the codependent theory is now not that accepted as it tends to make the victim beat themselves up even more for 'allowing' it to happen .. and it seems that you are doing just that.

pony it is good really that DS had a good first day. They sometimes wobble a bit a few days in so be prepared for that. Try to think of all the positives that you can get work done when he's being entertained at nursery and then dedicate more time to him. Plus the workers won't be strangers for long. My DD really loves her keyworker.

pony/butter you are both right. The house was more symbolic than anything else. And you are damned right that I never pictured FW there! It was (will be) a FW free zone. And who knows my dream house might be about to go on the market in a month or so, just when I'm actually looking to buy.

ponygirlcurtis · 06/05/2013 23:23

2013go i read your other thread. You are welcome here (despite what your mum says). I think we all struggle to a certain extent with the 'I let it happen' thought - I know I do, with regards the effects if had/has on my kids. And anger is normal. Read, heal, post, think.

butterfly I think you said that really nicely, about bounty's house. Before we leave, we have an 'ideal' of what we want, what we think our needs are. Reality is often different, but we don't know it till it happens. But you are right, the thought of that house probably carried you through some tough spots, and so it served its purpose perfectly in keeping you going.

Still not sure if I'm doing the right thing about DS2's nursery. I'll see how he I get on Wednesday.

Colin, hope you have had an ok day. One day at a time.

bountyicecream · 06/05/2013 23:27

breathe I think these feelings have to come out even if it is painful :( otheriwse they'll eat away inside of you. At least the mornings are getting lighter and the birds are singing. Maybe that'll chase some demons away

ponygirlcurtis · 06/05/2013 23:31

hey breathe - I can't imagine how hard it must be for you at the moment, with all the tension of knowing what's to come and him being in the house still (allbeit barricaded out hopefully ). Flashbacks sounds hard as well. If you don't want to share on here, hope you have someone/somewhere you can unburden yourself. You need to.

butterfly - everything you say rings true, even now when I am nearly a year out. I don't think either of us have let go of it all yet, have we. Sad Hugs to you.

butterflymeadow · 06/05/2013 23:52

Thanks pony, I actually feel pretty much in the middle of it, because any contact with or from him triggers an anxiety attack and the sick feeling is never far away. I had to stop myself thinking this morning, why I leave, if it was not going to be better, why did I not just stay and try and carve out space for me? Then I try to picture him in the car with me on the day out I had with dcs today, as I was thinking this when driving, and it is like no, a million times no. The anxiety is there because he did damage, the triggers are because I remember and because he is still trying to do damage, so, the only way is through this not back.

((hugs)) to you too. I am hoping one day it will be gone, that it is a process of becoming whole again. Writing about it helps, as does your and everyone's posts, on which note I shall also remember absent friends.

And just to say, I had a therapreutic half hour deadheading shrubbery this evening. Should have been done in the autumn, but better late then never. Also planted some sunflower seeds, curious to see how they get on!

FairyFi · 07/05/2013 00:08

hey lovely lady Fly.. just popped back for when I noticed what you'd written about flashbacks/childhood. Thinking of you lovely... and all other lovelies, including of course the not conspicuous. luffs to all xxx

Welcome 2013

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