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My husband is a total twunt, isn't he????

239 replies

wandymum · 16/10/2012 22:21

This evening I was supposed to be going out for drinks with the mums from DS's prep-school.

Weeks ago, I sent DH an e-mail asking if he could come home early (for him - about 8pm) so I could go. He replied yes. I wrote it on the calendar (over which we have had many 'Outnubered' style rows in the past).

Today we have had both sets of grandparents here for lunch plus builders starting work and two under 5s to chase around. I forgot to remind him this morning, but left a voicemail and a message with his secretary asking him to call me. I sent a text to his mobile and left a voicemail on it - we were in the car on speaker so kids heard his answerphone kick in too (bizarre detail now but will become relevant).

He didn't turn up. I sent a text saying understand you have a lot on and have forgotten, don't worry have cancelled (had arranged lifts etc... so all slightly awkward but these things happen).

He arrived a couple of hours later in a grump because I hadn't cooked. Very grumpy.

I complained this was unfair given that I hadn't even expected to be in (was actually pretty polite considering). He said I had never told him about my plans.

Showed him my e-mail and his response, calendar and texts.

He says I verbally told him I didn't want to go and that I have the wrong mobile number for him so he never got the messages. I really don't believe I can do because when we called from the car his voice was on the answerphone. DS is 4 so will be able to confirm tomorrow. He doens't deny I left a voicemail on his work phone but says as I didn't say it was urgent, I shouldn't have expected a response.

He is a total arse isn't he?

If not then I must be insane and, despite some close calls in the past few years, I'm pretty sure I am not.

What do I do?

It really wouldn't be a big issue if he'd just say sorry I f**ked up but am freaked out by his insistance it is my fault.

OP posts:
wandymum · 16/10/2012 22:55

Thanks ladies, especially for the gaslighting explanation. That is totally it.

Yes, I e-mailed him about it weeks ago but yes I phoned 3 times and texted twice today. Ok, he may be mega busyt keeping us in the style to which we've become accustomed and so unable to answer his messages at work (although really? Priorities?) but I texted his mobile and called it. It went to a voicemail with his voice.

I gave him my mobile to prove this. After 10 mins alone with it he came back waving it at me shouting I had the wrong number. But his bloody voice answered. I'm sure if I ask DS to confirm he will. He was in the car, it was on speaker. But he is 4 - I shouldn't and won't put him in that position. DH knows that.

Glad it does appear that he is a dick rather than that I need immediate sectioning but where the fuck do I go from here?

I cannot think of a time since we have had the children that he has apologised to me. Including when I came home from an ERPC to find he'd been looking at 'shag your secretary porn' - which somehow turned out to be my fault because I'd caused him to feel so emotional he'd needed the release.

Oh Christ - he really is a total git isn't he?

Somehow up until today, I always thought I was somehow being unreasonable or so difficult (PND that carried on through the next pregnancy) that everything he did was justified.

Before we had children, I would not have had a bad word to say about him.

OP posts:
HappyHalloweenMotherFucker · 16/10/2012 22:59

Erk, he sounds fucking horrible

Offred · 16/10/2012 23:00

You often only get the measure of a man after a baby. It doesn't look good for yours. In fact I do wonder if your PND wasn't something to do with his royal twuntiness...

NewNames · 16/10/2012 23:01

Oh wandy that's rubbish Sad

You've given us the facts. How do you feel?

MrsTomHardy · 16/10/2012 23:02

Oh dear OP.....he is a total twunt Sad

MayTheOddsBeEverInYourFavour · 16/10/2012 23:03

Hi is a total total twat and you and your children deserve much better

dreamingbohemian · 16/10/2012 23:04

Er.... shag your secretary porn??? FFS.

I'm so sorry OP. Sometimes it's easier to think it's us who are unreasonable, than admit we've invested so much in men who don't deserve it. Your husband sounds very selfish. Okay, he works long hours, he provides for you, it doesn't mean he's allowed to disrespect you like this.

Inertia · 16/10/2012 23:04

Yes he is being a git. Sounds as though it's all about him keeping you in line- and WTF is all that business with him pretending you dialled the wrong number?

Sounds like a deeper problem than just this night out TBH- but as you mention grandparents able to pop round, would they babysit next time? Don't let him cut you off from friends.

Devora · 16/10/2012 23:05

Sorry OP Sad

Bogeyface · 16/10/2012 23:07

Have you checked the number on your phone? I would bet a weeks wages that he has changed it when he had it in his possession for 10 minutes.

First off, get some advice, both emotional and legal.

Get yourself some counselling and dont tell him. FGS dont tell him otherwise he will find a reason why you cant do it. And see a solicitor, just in case.

You are not wrong, you are not mad, you are not a liar.

He is all of the above.

Bogeyface · 16/10/2012 23:08

ooh thinking about it. If he has changed the number on your phone, change it back and then call it in front of him. And feign total innocence.

If he wants gaslighting, MN can give him gaslighting Wink

NorksAreMessy · 16/10/2012 23:10


The Bear was just to lighten a VERY sad thread

HumpheadWrasse · 16/10/2012 23:11

Ouch. That's not good, is it? Hugs for you OP (mumsnetty or not).

wandymum · 16/10/2012 23:11

Fuck, fuck fuck!

I know you are going to disagree but...

I am one of those women who will stay with DH no matter what to avoid the upset to DC.... Their life would be so totally different if I left him. I couldn't be the cause of such upset to them.

He knows that, doesn't he?

OP posts:
Bogeyface · 16/10/2012 23:14

How is them seeing you on the verge of nervous breakdown good for the DC?

How is them seeing you nervous, scared and bullied good for them?

Their life would be very different, but it wouldnt necessarily be worse.

HappyHalloweenMotherFucker · 16/10/2012 23:14

Yes, he knows it. And if that is your immovable standpoint, then expect your life to get a whoooole lot worse.

It won't be too long before that "shag your secretary" porn becomes RL if he knows you will stay "no matter what"

Sad Sad Sad

NorksAreMessy · 16/10/2012 23:14

Yep...see that barrel over are SO over it!

Why not get over him instead. He is a twunt first class

Bogeyface · 16/10/2012 23:14

And if you left YOU wouldnt be the cause. HE would.

You could sleep soundly every night know that you didnt do anything to break your marriage, but that he did.

dreamingbohemian · 16/10/2012 23:17

But you wouldn't be the cause of the upset, he would.

You cannot say you will stay no matter what he does. That's madness. That's just inviting him to treat you badly, which clearly he's willing to do.

If an early night for him is 8 pm, how much are they seeing him anyway?

GenerationGap · 16/10/2012 23:17

Well if it was me I would have booked a babysitter and gone out anyway. Do not let him do this to you!

MmeLindor · 16/10/2012 23:18

Google 'emotional abuse red flags' then come back here and tell us if any of that sounds familiar.

And please - I know that I'd be more likely to stay for the sake of the children - but think about the example you are giving them. Children model their behaviour on that of their parents. Don't let them see you be treated like this. And they will see it.

dreamingbohemian · 16/10/2012 23:18

ah x-post with Bogey

Tis very true though. Stop thinking you are the one at fault here.


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wandymum · 16/10/2012 23:18

Do you know the real irony....I am a divorce lawyer (or I was pre-DC).

OP posts:
Bogeyface · 16/10/2012 23:20

Wandy Name change and come back and post on this thread in your pre-dc persona.

What would you say to a client who posted this thread?

HappyHalloweenMotherFucker · 16/10/2012 23:20

Put your children in nursery, and go back to work (I am serious)

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