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This is Mumsnet's Best Highchair. What do you think?

134 replies

MumsnetReviews · 19/04/2018 14:04

We set out to find the best highchair on the market, and after weeks of extensive testing we've declared the Cosatto 3Sixti2 as our Mumsnet Best highchair 2018.

We choose our top products based on Mumsnetters’ recommendations and our Talk boards, as well as which products are being searched for most on Google. We also look at new releases, meaning we give new products a level playing field to compete on with old favourites. You can read more about our testing process here.

Take a look at our reviews page to see which highchairs we rate. Do you agree with our choices? We'd love to hear your thoughts!

OP posts:
QueenAravisOfArchenland · 23/04/2018 11:19

I think we're all fine with MN taking ads and gifting free samples for review and publicity, etc. We're all adults and understand that if you aren't paying, you're the product. What people aren't ok with is supposedly independent review taking into account the views of "real mums" being so obviously a matter of paid product placement. This overpriced piece of shit designer hype is a ridiculous choice for best high chair when literally every experienced mum in the universe* will vote for either the Antilop or Tripp Trapp.

*This may be a slight exaggeration, and then again it may not

MumsnetReviews · 23/04/2018 11:55

Hello all,

Thanks for your feedback on our Best Highchairs reviews category. This is a new area of the site, and we really value your input to help us to get it right.

The Antilop is a favourite on Mumsnet for good reason! which is why we included it in our testing. After researching recommendations on the Mumsnet boards, looking at market bestsellers, and finding new products from trustworthy brands, we put the top 10 highchairs on the market through our real life testing process. This involved an experienced parent using each chair for a week, including standardised tests such as the drop test (each chair was dropped 20 times to assess its resilience to being knocked over) and the bolognese test (splodges of bolognese spilled onto the chair to find out how easy it was to clean).

We then scored each chair on the following six categories: safety and stability, assembly, day-to-day usage, cleanliness, aesthetics, and value for money. The chair with the highest overall score was the Cosatto, which is why it's our overall winner.

The Antilop also scored highly, which is why we awarded it Mumsnet Best for Budget. You can read the review here.

OP posts:
EssentialHummus · 23/04/2018 12:25

We then scored each chair on the following six categories: safety and stability, assembly, day-to-day usage, cleanliness, aesthetics, and value for money. The chair with the highest overall score was the Cosatto, which is why it's our overall winner.

This seems very unlikely.

ItsAllGoingToBeFine · 23/04/2018 12:31

This seems very unlikely

This^ the only category that the Antilop wouldn't win on, in any budget, is aesthetics.

I cannot believe that the Cosatto is more stable than the Antilop, easier to use day to day, it's definitely not easier to clean, and it's amazing value for money. The Cosatto is also way less pretty than the "premium" chair you featured.

Ivegotfamilyandidrinkcupsoftea · 23/04/2018 12:34

I really personally dislike highchairs that dont have a 5 point harness

FranticallyPeaceful · 23/04/2018 13:16

We had this, in pear -mostly because it looks pretty lovely. But it really isn’t that special. My mum had a cheaper one which we ended up using instead as the table was much better and he didn’t want to escape from it like his life depended on it

GrouchyKiwi · 23/04/2018 13:31

I hate the Antilop. The number of times I've tripped over the splayed legs. Angry

TheSpottedZebra · 23/04/2018 16:48

This involved an experienced parent using each chair for a week...

The people on this thread are quite experienced parents too, who have used chairs for plenty more than a week. How odd that our conclusions are so different!

Unless you're subtracting many many points for splayed legs (or adding in many many points are Cosatto paying you), I really can't see how the Antilop wouldn't win.

It's fine, no one minds you being commercial but just be honest! It's like the blogger #ad #sponsoredpost thing all over again.

frecklemcspeckles · 26/04/2018 17:21

I'd love to see the scores for each one then to see where the experienced parent thinks the Cosatto outscored the Antilop. Genuinely!

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