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This is Mumsnet's Best Highchair. What do you think?

134 replies

MumsnetReviews · 19/04/2018 14:04

We set out to find the best highchair on the market, and after weeks of extensive testing we've declared the Cosatto 3Sixti2 as our Mumsnet Best highchair 2018.

We choose our top products based on Mumsnetters’ recommendations and our Talk boards, as well as which products are being searched for most on Google. We also look at new releases, meaning we give new products a level playing field to compete on with old favourites. You can read more about our testing process here.

Take a look at our reviews page to see which highchairs we rate. Do you agree with our choices? We'd love to hear your thoughts!

OP posts:
ShellyMelontime · 21/04/2018 07:53

£160!? It’s no wonder people think it’s so bloody expensive raising baby. The Ikea highchair is clearly most people’s number one choice and it’s now even cheaper - I paid £9.50 for one on Monday! I don’t understand why you’d want a highchair to recline? Would you eat your dinner lying on the sofa?

Monstamio · 21/04/2018 08:28

Yep antilop all the way here too. I had a colourful, padded, reclining one for my first child. The padding stained the first time i served up a tomato sauce and the stitching collected all sorts of bits of food. I just couldn't get it clean. Chucked it out in favour of a second hand ikea chair for my second. So much better.

EssentialHummus · 21/04/2018 08:37

I am a huge fan of Cosatto’s prams and pushchairs, but as nearly all previous posters said, Ikea is the way to go here.

Wingbing · 21/04/2018 08:48

Antilope all the way! I guess you have got the message by now Grin

Ellapaella · 21/04/2018 09:30

Ikea all the way. It's safe to use from a fairly early age as it supports the baby in sitting very well. Easy to clean and transport and cheap!
I've had 3 kids and tried many different high chairs, the padded ones are generally hard to clean and don't support a sitting position well at all imo.

Corneliasedet · 21/04/2018 09:51

Yup, the antilop is the best, no question. I had one like your recommendation for about 4 months. It was a sodding nightmare to clean and it ended up smelling

Twodogsandahooch · 21/04/2018 09:59

No no no. Tripp trapp all the way. Would say the antilop if it weren’t for the sticky out legs that I trip over all the effing time.

dinosaurkisses · 21/04/2018 10:43

Errr Mumsnet, can you come back here please?

There’s a lot of posters (myself included) that put a lot of stock in Mumsnet recommendations.

Can you tell us how the decision was made to give this high chair your endorsement when it’s clear on EVERY weaning/ baby equipment thread that the Antilop is incrediably popular with experienced parents?

I know this sounds petty, but with threats by non-posters to boycott our advertisers a poster started a thread in chat asking how much did people buy from companies advertising on the site and from other posters recommendations. It was incrediable the amount of positive influence this board and its users’ endorsements had on the majority of posters’ purchases.

It’s vital that your recommendations reflect actual users opinions, especially when it comes to potentially big purchases like a high chair (srsly just get the Antilop).

So why exactly was this decided to be the Best Highchair?

Jimbobjovi · 21/04/2018 10:51

Very fishy. Everyone with experience knows that Ikea Antilop is the best highchair - not just the best "budget" highchair but the best in every area. Chat boards make this very clear as well do not sure how this has happened.....

wontbedoingthat · 21/04/2018 10:51

I had that cosatto one, about 5 years ago. I didn't do my research properly and when it came to my second child I realised this chair was utterly ridiculous and got a second hand tripp trapp. I can see some of the selling points but overall, it's too bulky, hard to clean, over designed and expensive.

Timeandtune · 21/04/2018 10:58

My high chair days are long over but I just came on to say how can a flippin' high chair have "personality " ? I despair of the marketing pressures that parents are subject to.

uberqueen · 21/04/2018 11:08

So fed up of hearing about these 'mumsnet best ' pieces of equipment that are very costly and faffy when there are far more effective , simple and cheap examples around . The latest 'best slings ' as an example and now an almost £200 high chair when everyone uses ikeas one for a tenner .

mumsypig14 · 21/04/2018 11:15

Just to keep the pressure on mumsnet to explain why this is mumsnets best when it clearly isn't...

Im another who had a £150+ highchair and ditched it for an antilop because it can even go in the shower if things get bad and i love the look of it too.

ificouldwritealettertome · 21/04/2018 11:17

Woah we could never afford this

mummabearfoyrbabybears · 21/04/2018 11:24

We bought a reclining high chair that can be used from birth but mainly because we have bouncy dogs and this got our newborn up higher than a wee bouncy chair can. For actual eating we bought a simpler ikea one that can be cleaned properly.

CoolGirlsNeverGetAngry · 21/04/2018 11:39

Nah, it’s all about the Ikea one! We bought three, one at home and one for each of the gps.

ForkIt · 21/04/2018 12:06

Placing for response about highchair from hell...

Praisebe · 21/04/2018 12:22

Mumsnet why have you removed the reviews and replaced them with your own views ? Im sure parents want to read what other parents think of travel systems and car seats etc not just scroll through the mumnet best list of paid promotion

starwishing · 21/04/2018 12:44

@Hobnobsarenotfordunking we bought the ikea one too! It's perfect and light and adjustable! Never would I spend £££ on a high chair! Plus the ikea one is so easy to keep clean

riddles26 · 21/04/2018 12:46

It's clear every single 'Mumsnet best' is sponsored by a company. I'm yet to see a single category that actually corresponds with the discussion boards (and is not a ridiculously overpriced model of that specific item).

Fortunately actual posters live in reality and recommend items based on value for money and reliability

ObiJuanKenobi · 21/04/2018 13:02

Oooo also the ikea ones can be stacked which is another huge bonus for parents of multiples!

Spudlet · 21/04/2018 13:09

[waves placard and chants] Antilop, Antilop, Antilop...

It's just the business, super hygienic and cheapitty cheap. Some pubs and places round here have ones with padding and things and URGH. They are truly gross, and I'm not readily grossed out.


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chandlersfraud · 21/04/2018 13:21

Would never buy one with cushioning and crevices. Agree Antilop is fab. Also love stokke Tripp trapp and although expensive (not compared to cosatto!) they have great resale value

Notso · 21/04/2018 13:21

Antilop has won every highchair thread on Mumsnet I can remember.
I found the footprint too big so opted for the Tripp Trapp but the antilop is fab.

SIL had that cosatto one, it's not easy to clean and weighs a ton.

WhereDoAllThePokemonGo · 21/04/2018 13:22

We have the Tripp Trapp which is fabulous, but also an Antilop for when out and about with friends or family. Got both of those recommendations from threads on here! The main advantage of them both is the lack of padding... very easy to clean in a hurry!

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