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This is Mumsnet's Best Highchair. What do you think?

134 replies

MumsnetReviews · 19/04/2018 14:04

We set out to find the best highchair on the market, and after weeks of extensive testing we've declared the Cosatto 3Sixti2 as our Mumsnet Best highchair 2018.

We choose our top products based on Mumsnetters’ recommendations and our Talk boards, as well as which products are being searched for most on Google. We also look at new releases, meaning we give new products a level playing field to compete on with old favourites. You can read more about our testing process here.

Take a look at our reviews page to see which highchairs we rate. Do you agree with our choices? We'd love to hear your thoughts!

OP posts:
NinaJeana · 20/04/2018 18:33

No way! Ikea Antilop highchair is definitely the best ever.

catsofa · 20/04/2018 18:38

Every mumsnet thread on highchairs ever begun produces an almost unanimous decision for the Ikea antilop. Every. Single. One.

THIS! Which Mumsnet have you been reading?!?

Queenofthedrivensnow · 20/04/2018 18:42
  1. Antillop is the mumsnet best buy. I bought one because of mn.

  1. Antillop was my Best Buy abd I got itb2nd hand and sold it on. Nothing compares.
P1nkSparkles · 20/04/2018 18:50

Sorry MN - but it's still Antilop all the way

troodiedoo · 20/04/2018 19:12

Ikea one is the business. I hope this is clear to anyone reading this thread and considering spending more than £14.

shuggas · 20/04/2018 19:14

Sorry ..another Ikea here Grin

TheAntiBoop · 20/04/2018 19:16

Yep - had a pricey one which we ended up replacing with the IKEA one

Cracklesfire · 20/04/2018 19:19

Antilop every time! We’ve now bought the Ikea Urban toddler chair which was £35 and the high chair still looks good as new and ready for no2

SlowlyShrinking · 20/04/2018 19:19

Another antilop user here. I could afford to have 2 and leave one at my parents’ 👍

ILikeMyChickenFried · 20/04/2018 19:50

Mumsnet all of your choices have been outrageous.

The Ikea one is clearly the best Grin

Torvi · 20/04/2018 19:55

I'm always relieved when we go out and the high chairs are Antilop. Because they are the best.

Myfirstbornisacollie · 20/04/2018 19:56

We got rid of a cosatto high chair after a couple of months it was a nightmare to clean. Idiot FTM choice! Replaced with the ikea model and it’s surviving DD2 now!

frecklemcspeckles · 20/04/2018 20:13

Ditto everyone else. Replaced a Cosatto that had soft material and corners which were a crumb magnet. Yeuch!!!! Could never get the damn thing clean!!!

Ikea Antilop all the way, survived 3 kids and now kept under the stairs dismantled but easy to put up when younger cousins are here.

MN your favourite is ludicrously expensive, features are pointless in real life (what scenario would you need a reclining high chair??), it's far to heavy to be easily be moved around so you'd need a big kitchen with room to keep it there permanently and the size of the base is huge and awkward. This could only be recommended by someone who has a) been paid for the recommendation or b) never actually used it outside a studio!!!

MaryPoppinsPenguins · 20/04/2018 20:18

I think many of you have made a huge mistake....

The Antilop is actually just £9 Wink

BabyClam · 20/04/2018 20:23

I only came on here to recommend the Antilop! So glad to be in the majority.

TheSpottedZebra · 20/04/2018 20:29

Do brands pay for the privilege of being 'Mumsnet's Best' ?
Is there a special badge or something?

What a con.

parentorguardian · 20/04/2018 20:41

👋🏻 another vote for antilop here!

Antilop fans- I was in ikea last week and they've changed the cover for the inflatable cushion! I bought the new one and am now covering the red and blue stripe one as 'vintage' 🤣

ObiJuanKenobi · 20/04/2018 21:04

My family owns 6 Antilops for our twins (2 here 2 at mums 2 at MILs) and they're the best high chair for so many reasons and also all 6 of ours cost less than one of these monstrosities.

This is a load of bollocks. Mumsnets best high chair comes from IKEA.

starryeyedsnowgirl · 20/04/2018 21:10

I've only ever seen the ikea high hair and the Tripp trap ones recommended on Mumsnet. I assume Mumsnet are now deciding recommendations based on being given money by companies- which is fine, but no one will trust your recommendations when that are as shit as this. It will be hard to clean- it is dangerous to recline and will only do a few months (at least the Tripp trapp with a similar price tag does until they are adults).

LucaMommy · 20/04/2018 21:17

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GlitterGlassEye · 20/04/2018 21:23

I tell everyone I know to buy the Antilop but the many first time parents in my family want ‘quality’ expensive and garish Facebook post worthy for their precious baby. Idiots.

goose1964 · 20/04/2018 21:33

we have kiddicare one it was in the sale so around £15, my daughter ha a similar one from mothercare, it's usp is that my grandson can kick the table of when he's finished


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Oly5 · 20/04/2018 21:36

I had a £150
High chair with a padded seat. It got disgusting. I hated it.
With my second child I got the Ikea one.. it was perfect. And cheap!!

HabbyHadno · 20/04/2018 21:52

We bought three Antilops four years ago for our house and both sets of grandparents. They're still going strong for our second child and look as good as new. They're also super easy to disassemble and transport. Definitely a best buy.

RiceButt · 20/04/2018 22:10

Everyone knows that Antilop is the high chair of choice. Absolutely no contest, cheap does the job, easy to clean, fits in dishwasher.

Who the hell wrote this recommendation? They clearly didnt ask MN users...

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