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This is Mumsnet's Best Highchair. What do you think?

134 replies

MumsnetReviews · 19/04/2018 14:04

We set out to find the best highchair on the market, and after weeks of extensive testing we've declared the Cosatto 3Sixti2 as our Mumsnet Best highchair 2018.

We choose our top products based on Mumsnetters’ recommendations and our Talk boards, as well as which products are being searched for most on Google. We also look at new releases, meaning we give new products a level playing field to compete on with old favourites. You can read more about our testing process here.

Take a look at our reviews page to see which highchairs we rate. Do you agree with our choices? We'd love to hear your thoughts!

OP posts:
NameWithChange · 20/04/2018 22:10

It's also easy to dismantle the Ikea one and store. Had a spare at mums all the time and hid away under the sofa until needed.

SaltySeaBird · 20/04/2018 22:14

We choose our top products based on Mumsnetters’ recommendations and our Talk boards

Nope because the Ikea one would have been top. It really deserves to be, I’ve used it for both DC following recommendations on here.

gryffen · 20/04/2018 22:15

Ikea one all the way.

Tested it out in restaurant and bought one on way out.

Simple. Cheap. Excellent quality.

Praisebe · 20/04/2018 22:18

Quick YouTube tells you not to buy this highchair

Thishatisnotmine · 20/04/2018 22:20

We had the red wooden Ikea one for dd1. Cost sbout £50, tray came off, easy to clean, looked good in our teeny tiny living/dining room in our previous house. Really good high chair, we use it now three years later and it is as good as new.

For dd2 we got the Antilop. Best high chair ever especially with the cushion. We gave it to my mum as the legs click out for storage and I miss it!

buckeejit · 20/04/2018 22:24

Another vote for ikea antilock.

This is bizarre

Thishatisnotmine · 20/04/2018 22:27

Oh, and I take the cushion cover off the inflatable cushion every now and then and chuck it in a hot wash with the towels. Keeps it lovely and fresh!

WiltedDaffs · 20/04/2018 22:27

YABU. Everyone knows the Ikea Antilop is the best.

Teabreakplease · 20/04/2018 22:29

I bought the MN recommended high chair 5 years ago. It looks quite like the current one and cost over £100. It was horrible to clean, very heavy and tricky to bring with us when visiting friends or family.

We bought the Ikea one for our 9 month old three months ago and it's fabulous and £90 cheaper. Ikea all the way on this one.

Queenofthedrivensnow · 20/04/2018 22:31

The other thing about antillop is there arnt any holes to fall
Out of except the leg holes. If your baby is really dinky you can wedge them in with a pillow or that inflatable thing and they can't fall

The first high chair I bought was a wooden mothwrcare one it was £65. Dd1 was 6lbs born and minute - it was totally unsafe!!!

MotherOfBeagles · 20/04/2018 22:36

Ftm over here bought two antilops second hand. Fiver each. For dgp's and our house. We're they're 4th Home and cannot even tell!!

I love it.

So easy in every respect which when weaning your first child who wants complicated?!

NapQueen · 20/04/2018 22:38

You cant move for highchair threads round these parts. Everyone and their mums is talking about highchairs. And unless its the Antilop or the tripp trapp it isnt recommended.

Mn - getting paid for this are we?

Phase84 · 20/04/2018 22:39

Yikes, £160 and 15 mins to build. I'll take the Ikea antilop for £14 and 15 seconds to build. Oh and its bloody easy to clean. I can live with the slightly sticky out legs i always trip over Grin

minipie · 20/04/2018 22:44

FFS MN if you keep pulling this kind of crap your recommendations will lose all credibility.

A 2 minute google or using the MN search will show MNers will always always back the Antilop (or maybe the tripp trapp). Not some huge, heavy, unwashable "fun patterned" monstrosity. Give your readers some credit for not being idiots.

Dermymc · 20/04/2018 22:47

"Mumsnet best"
Ie Mumsnet got paid most for this

erazerhead · 20/04/2018 22:48

Ikea antilop devotee here (despite the legs I always kick). I've used other high chairs at holiday lets etc and their more gimmicks they have, the more useless they are - padded bits you can't clean, reclining - WHY?!- too big holes. Utterly rubbish.
Ikea have nailed it, especially with the inflatable pillow thing.

Anxiouschild · 20/04/2018 23:04

That Cosatto looks like the perfect mank and grot collector! Highchair straps are bad enough without adding padding into the mix. And I agree with a PP about the recline 'feature'.
Lovely and colourful, but that is not a good (sole) reason to buy it.

We have an Antilop and the Baby Bjorn chair. I much prefer the Bjorn as it has no nasty straps, folds up small, no gap for food to drop down through, and has a foot rest which the Antilop is lacking, but it is admittedly expensive (and seems to have gone up £25-50 since we bought ours 3.5yrs ago!).
The Antilop is unbeatable when weighing price against performance. Even if it cost several times its price, it would still be an excellent chair: easy to clean, easy to use, easy to put together, nice big tray.

Crumbelina · 20/04/2018 23:13

Oh God, cleaning that Cosatto after a spag bol? Confused

Another vote for Antilop!

NinaJeana · 20/04/2018 23:26

FFS MN if you keep pulling this kind of crap your recommendations will lose all credibility.

This. 🤨

tinkiiev · 20/04/2018 23:52

Everyone knows the ikea one is the only sensible choice. That thing looks ridiculous and SO expensiveShock

WineCheeseSleep · 20/04/2018 23:52

I love you Mumsnet but agree with the PPs that the Antilop is the best and I learned about it here. Also not sure why you'd want a reclining highchair, sounds unsafe?

nagynolonger · 21/04/2018 03:14

As parents we went through three different expensive highchairs with our six DC. Much too fancy and expensive ones that were hard to keep clean and really didn't stand up to normal use.

We did not want to spend a fortune on a new highchair for DC number 6 so bought the cheap IKEA one. Really was one of the best buys ever. It went up into the loft and came down as good as new when it was required 15 years later for our first grandchild. We bought a second one when we started to mind the twin grandchildren. They are still in use regularly for visiting babies.


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redcaryellowcar · 21/04/2018 03:23

I'm with just about every pp, we had. Tripp trapp, easy to clean and imho worth the money. We also had an Ikea antilop which served as a spare and for visiting small ones. Perfect chair, especially for the price. There is absolutely no way you would persuade me a padded high chair would ever be hygienic and more importantly why would a reclining one be safe? If a baby is tired after lunch, do the kind thing and pop them safely in their cot.

Pluckedpencil · 21/04/2018 05:49

a) weeks of extensive testing = being paid money by someone
b) I think that someone may now want a refund
c) this thread was super inevitable

mummabubs · 21/04/2018 07:48

Antilop all the way!!! We've bought 2 and got them both 2nd for under a fiver and then bought new inserts. They last and last! Love how nearly every single response is just parents observing that Ikea wins on this one! Were any MNers actually asked which highchair was best before MN declared spending £160 to be the best option?! 🙈

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