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Slightly controversial, but are you expecting a gift after you give birth?

209 replies

allthecheese · 12/12/2017 18:12

Appreciate the concept of 'push presents' is a little tacky. But after 9 months of carrying your baby, dealing with sickness and piles and varicose veins and weird cravings and people commenting on your body...are you expecting a gift from your partner? And if so, what?

I have to admit I'll be a little upset if my DH doesn't get me anything, but I'm not after an eternity ring with massive stones or anything crazy. Something like a simple gold pendant necklace.

OP posts:
Lules · 12/12/2017 19:16

I also got Nando’s which was amazing as the hospital didn’t really feed me and I was there for days. If I’d got my ring right after giving birth I would have appreciated the Nando’s more.

MrsBonato · 12/12/2017 19:18

No push present. A worrying pregnancy and a c section under GA.

Having a lovely baby at the end of it all was enough, plus DH was fab in the hospital and literally did all care for DS except feeding.

Korez · 12/12/2017 19:19

Oh I'm giving DP a list...

I want:
Tequilla and Cointreau
Some proper nice coffee
A cheeseboard of my fave cheeses
Pate and cured meats
Lots of wine

And anything else's I've missed out on for 9 months 😁

MoodyTwo · 12/12/2017 19:20

The toast the midwives brought me after was AMAZING! Never had toast like it 😞

Bellamuerte · 12/12/2017 19:20

I'd love to receive a memento of the birth of our child. I've had a difficult pregnancy with a lot of pain and stress so I feel like I deserve a treat. However, I'm aware that we can't spare the money so I won't be getting a present, and I'm fine with that. But I still think it's lovely if people who can afford it receive a nice keepsake after giving birth.

CL1982 · 12/12/2017 19:21

@Korez Mine is a glass of very good red wine and a MASSIVE room temperature Camembert just waiting my arrival when i get home.... Mmmmm..... Wine

ASqueakingInTheShrubbery · 12/12/2017 19:22

DH brought me a pot of cold leftover takeaway on our wedding anniversary. As I'd been eating revolting hospital food for over a week by this point, I cried with delight.

BabyOrSanta · 12/12/2017 19:23

DP may or may not be getting me a necklace with "mummy" written on it (but not in English, in a shared language) but I don't know yet as it's a surprise Wink

noodlesandtomatoes · 12/12/2017 19:24

You should probably tell him what you're expecting, he can't mind read. I never expected anything- you'll find the things you really want us for him to cook and clean while you're welded to a chair feeding a new baby.

Bluntness100 · 12/12/2017 19:27

My husband bought me a diamond eternity ring as my wedding gift. He’s weird as fuck. Grin

Didn’t occur to either of us I should have a gift for giving birth to my own child. I wasn’t doing it as a favour to him. I did get 28, yup, count em, twenty fucking eight, large bouquets of flowers though from friends and family which was a complete logistical and highly scented nightmare.

After giving some to the nurses, who really didn’t want them as everyone tried that shit, my husband had to ferry them home in relays. And fill thr patio with them as the smell was simply too strong in the house,

Lovely, but I can assure you 28 large bouquets of flowers take up an awful lot of room.

CL1982 · 12/12/2017 19:30

@Bluntness100 That is hilarious! And what I call a 'shower' of traditional gifts Grin

Katy75 · 12/12/2017 19:30

After 3 rounds of IVF (so plenty of needles and invasive procedures) a high risk pregnancy due to placenta previa, feeling rotten for 9 months and a c section, I got a beautiful..... baby!! Born on Valentines Day Smile. The dearest little girl. She was VERY expensive (private IVF) and the best gift my husband husband could ever give me as he would have stopped at one...

So I completely agree with PP who said she could not imagine anything lovelier than a baby!!

Pinky333777 · 12/12/2017 19:31

Never heard of the idea.
I'd hope your new baby is more than enough of a gift xx

But I might plant the idea in my dp's head anyway.
I rarely get gifts and this would be as good an excuse as any 😂

willdoitinaminute · 12/12/2017 19:32

After 5 miscarriages and years of disappointment ( and a very difficult pregnancy, c section and prem birth) I had the best gift anyone could give me a healthy baby boy. He has been the gift that keeps on giving, loving, bright and full of life. He makes me proud every day and is now a normal teenager with all the hassle that brings. A “gift” from my DH would have paled into insignificance years ago.

Pseudousername · 12/12/2017 19:34

moodytwo that toooaaassstttt! Probably one of the best meals I have EVER had. Truly amazing!

Ishouldreallybeworkingg · 12/12/2017 19:35

I know someone who was given expensive a mulberry bag for each child she popped out.

Do i expect the same? No.

Do i want the same? No.

I will be proud to bring this baby into the world whether it's vag birth or c section, that alone is a gift enough.

BigBaboonBum · 12/12/2017 19:35

just a gold pendant?? Shock lol. Nooo, I wouldn’t expect anything! It’s a privilege to carry and birth a baby, I really wouldn’t want anything. I’d feel it was like him saying ‘thanks for making me this, here’s your payment’, and that wouldn’t sit well with my brain!
I understand our bodies change drastically and most of us give up or put on hold our careers for children, we go through a lot during the process - but I don’t resent it, so I don’t feel like I deserve anything. I just hope for a perfect healthy child at the end of it.
I do get a little spoilt (during pregnancy too) in the respect that I never have to lift a finger when OH is around, even on my good SPD days he will still do everything and he’s already planning meals he’s going to cook and freeze for me when baby is here and he’s at work... but that’s already enough

Korez · 12/12/2017 19:37

@CL1982 I just want a Margarita so bad!!😩

willdoitinaminute · 12/12/2017 19:38

Oh apart from the cold cup of coffee he brought to me when I came out of theatre. I stand the smell of coffee during pregnant you but he knew it would be the first thing I would want! He even held the straw while I drank it. He brings me a cup of coffee in bed every morning and that transcends any material gift he could give. When you cross over to the other side ( motherhood) the little gestures mean so much more.

BigBaboonBum · 12/12/2017 19:39

(Although I will maybe ask for him to make sure I have ALL THE CHEESES i can’t have now in the fridge when I get back) 🤔

BusterGonad · 12/12/2017 19:39

I was just happy my boy survived after being born 3 months early and weighing less than a bag of sugar! I would not have expected my poor husband to be fucking about buying some gold encrusted tatt to make me feel better!

willdoitinaminute · 12/12/2017 19:39

*couldnt stand the smell of coffe during pregnancy


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TinoTheArtisticMouse · 12/12/2017 19:41

Erm, no. That's sortof what Mother's day is for - you get a thank you for bringing your child into the world and raising them then.

BusterGonad · 12/12/2017 19:42

I tell a lie, he did make me a lovely personal gift when it all got too much for me, it didn't cost anything but it meant the world to me!

Electromagnetic · 12/12/2017 19:45

Having gone through IVF then a traumatic birth which has resulted in PTSD and PND I am now finally becoming myself again, and in the last month I have bonded with my baby who is just incredible and so so beautiful. My DH has been my rock throughout. I received no "push present" and frankly the idea seems such a joke and utterly pointless when you're mental and physical health have taken such a battering. What the fuck do I need diamonds for? How do they help me? Do they magically cure flashbacks or improve scars? What fucking point do they serve? What I have and am eternally thankful for is a perfect healthy DS and a DH who has loved and supported me through some very trying years.

Push presents, fucking grow up.

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