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Slightly controversial, but are you expecting a gift after you give birth?

209 replies

allthecheese · 12/12/2017 18:12

Appreciate the concept of 'push presents' is a little tacky. But after 9 months of carrying your baby, dealing with sickness and piles and varicose veins and weird cravings and people commenting on your body...are you expecting a gift from your partner? And if so, what?

I have to admit I'll be a little upset if my DH doesn't get me anything, but I'm not after an eternity ring with massive stones or anything crazy. Something like a simple gold pendant necklace.

OP posts:
Impostress99 · 12/12/2017 18:24

a simple gold pendant


Who bets we will soon have a poster coming on to say "ignore the jealous bitches here - they probably never got anything hunz** I got this one ring it was totes amazeballs hun xxxx"

Fekko · 12/12/2017 18:26

A relative bought me a nice piece of jewellery about the same time but that may've been a coincidence.

SpoonfulOfJam · 12/12/2017 18:28

A partner who is an equal parent. With empathy. The ability to stay calm in the face of a screaming newborn, jealous toddler and hormonal postpartum wife.

Best and only thing I could have wished for. (I got it by the way).

Ask him for a pendant for Christmas.

Ginslinger · 12/12/2017 18:29

your baby is your present

QueenCharming · 12/12/2017 18:30

This never occurred to me to expect a present, I did get a snickers bar though!
it’s a bit sad to me that someone expects a gift after such an event, best thing is a healthy baby

gamerchick · 12/12/2017 18:31

Yep your baby is your present.

Tbh setting him up to fail by expecting to be upset makes you look indulged and immature. Maybe you should tell him you are expecting something.

GreatDuckCookery6211 · 12/12/2017 18:31

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Message withdrawn at poster's request.

NC1990 · 12/12/2017 18:32

My husband bought me a necklace with our daughter's name and DOB on it just after I had her. Don't see what is so wrong with that tbh, I thought it was nice that he appreciated how hard growing and birthing another human being was! However I did not expect nor demand it.

AccrualIntentions · 12/12/2017 18:32

TBH it was the last thing on both our minds straight after our DD was born. We were so overwhelmed by it all it wouldn't have occurred to him to buy something or to me to expect something.

AndNoneForGretchenWieners · 12/12/2017 18:33

DH bought me an eternity ring, but that was more because we had to postpone the wedding because DS was due a week before our original wedding date, rather than a result of giving birth.

MrsGB2225 · 12/12/2017 18:33

I (and most people) I know got a push present

rainbowlou · 12/12/2017 18:34

Him pouring me a cup of tea then taking the baby from me so I could take a shower and sleep was bliss, it didn’t occur to me I could have got diamonds instead!

peachesarenom · 12/12/2017 18:38

I want one!

JediStoleMyBike · 12/12/2017 18:39

Tell a lie; DH got me a Costa latte. It was the best latte of my life.

yourhavingagiraffee · 12/12/2017 18:40

Yes, a baby. That was my gift.

Littlebatcalledlucille · 12/12/2017 18:40

I'm with Fekko
A drop of tea
No being high maintaince or nuffin' But I got a subway sandwich after my last baby and I was well chuffed!

CL1982 · 12/12/2017 18:43

Oh god i'm going to be ripped apart too but.....the lady only asked a question peeps. We're the sisterhood right?! Support not Judge.

In answer OP...yes why not. My mum always jokes while her friends got eternity rings she got a Kenwood mixer for my brother!!! I think it's rather sweet to have a little token from your husband or partner - after all it doesn't need to be expensive. Mine is always thanking me for the horrendous changes my body is going through and for forever warping my vagina for our kids! It's nice to know he appreciates it actually. Yes i want this baby and yes it's a 50/50 choice but when all said and done my body has to carry it. Luckily he is very good with the foot and back rubs ;)

I guess I'll see. He's pretty sensitive so I suspect i'll get spoiled at Xmas bless him but I guess am i asking for anything? Well, we're doing up the house and we're a little broke so probs not. But ask away if you want to i say!

MrsTerryPratchett · 12/12/2017 18:43

I had a 'screamer' next to me in labour. I was very quiet (just my way of coping) and one of the nurses asked me if I was OK with all the noise. Not sure what she thought the other woman could have done. Anyway, I said, "oh whatever gets her through" and the nurse said, "well she got a very nice diamond tennis bracelet so you might want to scream a bit" Grin

So scream a lot and you might get jewelry. Or something...

sausagerollsrock · 12/12/2017 18:45

Yes! The gift of hopefully a squishy, healthy baby.

Efferlunt · 12/12/2017 18:46

Well it was a joint decision to have a baby and love and support it for 18+ years so it’s a joint responsibility. Not sure where a present would fit into that.

JediStoleMyBike · 12/12/2017 18:46

@CL1982 - I didn't realise people actually used the sisterhood term without irony! Is it a thing?!

13sleepstillsanta · 12/12/2017 18:47

Not an expectation but in our culture. The woman who gives birth always gets lots of gifts. My husband always gets me a gold jewellery.


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ny20005 · 12/12/2017 18:49

I expected some flowers as our ds was born on our first wedding anniversary. I didn't even get a card 🙄

Push presents are a bit grabby I think

Cheeseandwineandgin · 12/12/2017 18:50

I told my husband I wanted an eternity ring when our baby was born. He was due just before mothers day so had the idea we could go for lunch and do some ring shopping. Turned out DS was unwell when he was born and spent a week in the nnu. He got out of rhe nnu on mother's day and I never got my ring. I've kept the card he gave me but really couldn't care less about the ring now. Getting him out of the unit was better than any ring.

TammySwansonTwo · 12/12/2017 18:53


Horrendous twin pregnancy. Emergency c section. Two months in nicu, then me spending two weeks in a shitty recliner next to a HDU then caring for a baby with a serious illness (and another baby), a completely ruined body and not so much as a bloody Elizabeth Duke necklace. My husband needs to up his game, clearly.


Push presents. Ugh.

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