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March 2013 time for shoes!

997 replies

Plonkysaurus · 21/02/2014 17:18

New thread ladies...

OP posts:
BettyOff · 01/05/2014 06:17

Pud do you mean GMC? If so that just tells you if they're a registered doctor currently practising and if they have any current cautions or convictions for poor practice. It doesn't tell you anything about what level they are, reputation, skills or previous concerns but it is a good starting point.

Pudtat · 01/05/2014 06:39

Ha, yes gmc. Sorry, my phone really really doesn't believe that's what I wanted to say! I must've corrected it 4 times but obviously it should have been 5! Grin

somethingbeginningwith · 01/05/2014 09:50

stormy so glad the charity shop work went well. How often will you be there? Did you enjoy it?

Milk times here are between 5 and 7 flozzes when he wakes up then 7 flozzes before bed. Breakfast is about 9am, lunch time (nap dependant) ranges from 12pm-2pm and dinner is 5:30pm.

I've not even thought about private vaccines. Should I? I should.

plonk I'm paying for Mudderella this week Grin

doli I love the toddle stage too. We bought DS a play tent and he was so excited that when Grandma came round, he ran up to her, grabbed her hand and pulled her into it. He also adores being outside and has fantastic tantrums when the back door is shut.

I want to say something exciting or interesting but I'm at work so creativity is stifled. However, BF came round last night and is already showing a gorgeous little 19 week bump. She came for bath time and DS, in true show off form, showed her exactly how frightful overtired bathtimes are!

Shatteredmamma1 · 01/05/2014 09:53

Pud I've not even thought about vaccines over what we've had. Betty are you getting the Men B one? I'm not so fussed about the pox.

Well done stormy hope it continues to go well!

Ladies how do I name change? Feeling the need for the new thread we're nearly at!!! Grin

Plonkysaurus · 01/05/2014 11:54

shattered go up to the top of the page, hover over the bit that says My Mumsnet, go down to my account, and click it. You can re-enter a username of your choice there.

Pud go for it! We can hammer out the details later. But if you pay for it you've committed, so we WILL find a way to get you there.

Doli I love the toddler stage. It's so funny. Until DS decides to dive headfirst of the bed/sofa/highchair. And well done on the glazers. Another diet coke day? It's not diet coke weather here, sadly, but if it were I'd suggest sending them up. I'm ever so stressed and could really rather do with a diet coke moment. How do you feel now after your run?

eco I think DS read your post. He now 'goes bananas' at every possible opportunity. Grrr. I constantly feel like I'm a bad guy for forcing him into his car seat or pushchair, but obviously it's a phase. Not much fun when he does it as I'm removing a pooey nappy mind.

Well I feel ever so middle clarss, and I've just ordered a veg box from a company that might rhyme with Sable and Mole. Mostly because MN are running adspace for them declaring a free bottle of prosecco. I just thought I'd dangle that carrot in front of all your stressed mummy noses.

I need to have a tiny rant. Went for a swim last night, and was counting down the lengths until I could get out and go for a steam. It's such a great motivator. It was lovely, I felt so relaxed and sleepy/happy. And then some obnoxious little twerp came in and was just, well, so bloomin' obnoxious! I'm sure they shouldn't let 16 year olds in the spa facilities. He couldn't stand the 'uncomfortable silence' so decided to tell me about going to Blackpool with his gay friend of a friend. You just can't beat a bit of juvenile homophobia but I wish you bloody could. And he was just so loud! He was quizzing me on all sorts and found it hilarious that I have a baby. WIBU to make a tiny complaint against thicko shouty children the younger gym members going into the spa?

OP posts:
dolicapax · 01/05/2014 19:01

Plonky sadly it wasn't the weather here today either, so not a diet coke in sight. I feel let down. As does DH, but for a different reason. It really would have been nice if they had finished the roof before the heavens opened and half flooded us out. Slight exaggeration there. To be technically accurate about it I think the phrase should be pudddled us out.

Legs are absolutely fine today, which has got me thinking. If I could get DH to agree to toddle watch should she wake early, I could potentially nip out for a half hour run every morning at 6am. I'm sick to death of never getting any exercise. I want to run, and swim, and rule the world the rest of it.... but I want doesn't get, so perhaps I should just embrace the wobble Grin

Ah, I think it must be milk time...

ecofreckle · 01/05/2014 20:31

Oh plonk, ggrrr. That uninvited interruption in the steam room used to naff me off too. I liked to sit cross legged on the top shelf and meditate. Until some thick around the middle fifty something man starts yapping about how hot it is. Hot? I'll give you hot you wanker Angry

Sorry about that plonky inspired rant.

Doli it's a shame those guys can't work on a wet day. I'd say diet coke man toiling in the summer (it is may now so I feel I can get away with that) rain in a t shirt is a Very Good Thing Indeed. I'm fed up with only baby accompanied
walking for exercise too. I long to be reunited with my man so I can get out there into the sexy, heavy may blossom air and run. I love that you said "I want never gets". Something I remember my mum saying to us as children (and adults!). Do you say "no such thing as can't" as well?

Something so what does a back door closed tantrum look like? Bedsides the obvious fake crying we also have bouncing up and down if standing and kicking both legs out and down if lying down. Is this normal behaviour? How did I teach her to do that? Yikes. And they're only one.

Yummy what is the pain you were talking about. Simple Simon here is confused. Hope it's gone whatever it is.

Today was another one of working during naps. I'm feeling very motivated currently. Sod's law that I feel I could sit and come up with great things for twelve solid hours at precisely the time when I can't do that. In between naps we had a lovely walk through our local woods. I go at least every other day and today I noticed a wood carving that cheered me. And then I noticed another and another and another and I wasn't even really looking because I was daydreaming about teenage times in the month of May Either I've been very unobservant or they cropped up overnight guerilla carving style. Lovely!

This afternoon it was park. Again. But a different one today. Ecotod is pretty physical. Quite daring. Which makes park visits fun. Not so much.

In other news, our IFA who has
worked with me on financial stuff for years informs me that due to an oversight on his part (in relation to the rented house I love but shouldn't Wink) our mortgage on new house is very unlikely not to fecking happen. Currently I am calm. But I won't be soon.

This evening I share my bath with bolognese. Jamie recipe. It's d
dribbling down my chin ma larkin style. (Before I met Doli and we had that chat about our appearances, she was ma larkin in my head.....ha ha ha, how wrong was I?)

Plonkysaurus · 01/05/2014 21:22

Bloody hell Eco. I hope you've got one big eclair in the house for when that little mortgage coloured gem hits home. Incidentally I'm currently working with Shelter on a campaign about tenants rights in the uk. When will this awful housing nightmare end? We're still very much in limbo. The wedding is very much looming.

I could scream.

Instead I'll ask - how on earth do you eat spag Bol and manage to mn simultaneously while in the bath? I am currently bathwards too and gripping my phone betwixt both paws lest it fall to watery doom.

do you have an ample chest shelf for bowl?

OP posts:
ecofreckle · 01/05/2014 21:31

Plonk I am very irresponsible with my phone. I certainly do not have a chest shelf, sadly! I did in the early baby days :-) And I have one of those wooden bath shelf things that stretches across the bath. That houses my Vouvray and dinner and book and could, in theory, catch my phone! When dh is here I like to eat with him mindfully and sociably but when alone I'm hopeless and multi task.

BOO! That was to help you test your boob shelf Wink

yummychocolate · 01/05/2014 21:54

I meant period pains eco. Will post properly tomorrow. Night all.

dolicapax · 01/05/2014 22:22

Eco me, Ma Larkin?!!! I love that Grin.

Bolognaise in the bath sounds like an excellent plan, but I do have a question. Like how do you ever get to have a bath? Here it is a super quick shower to the backing strains of MAAAaaaaaaMaMaMaaaaaaaa or nothing at all, except at weekends. At weekend baths do happen, but somehow end up with DH sitting on the loo (just sitting... nothing else) next to me, and dolitoddle peering over the edge of the bath, solemnly handing me her bath toys one by one to play with. I mean it's nice to do stuff as a family and all, but...

I hoping all things mortgage related go the way you want them to, and quickly.

Plonky I've just been on facebook, and seen the Meridian shelf. I have one of those Grin, and in answer to your friend's question 'who needs a kg of peanut butter?' well, anyone with good taste of course Wink

A chest shelf though, that I don't have. Unless I'm upduffed, in which case I do, but then it's balancing on a stomach shelf which somewhat diminishes the allure. I were Ma Larkin though, I could stack a whole library on there and have room for my lunch. I'm not sure if that would be a good thing.

Right, bed. madam is in bed. DH is in bed. Why am I up? Am I insane? I must be. Night all.

Plonkysaurus · 01/05/2014 22:44

I just had to Google Ma Larkin Grin. Doli if you feel another name change coming on I think that's got to be a contender.

And thank you for agreeing with the Meridian shelf. Every home should have one.

Eco I like your bath solution, very pragmatic. You're obviously a seasoned bather. My bath is always after everything essential has been done, never in the day unless ds is at nursery and it's a slow work day,

Right, bed.

OP posts:
StormyBrid · 01/05/2014 23:00

I just bathe when DD's gone to bed. Which is usually by 7pm. I appreciate I'm lucky Fartypants goes down so easily!

It's been a busy week so far including cutting the lawn with kitchen scissors, a mad cleaning spree, the whole second season of Game of Thrones in one thirty five hour period. Definitely bedtime. Fingers crossed for peaceful nights all round.

StormyBrid · 02/05/2014 09:21

If anyone would like to learn from my mistakes, I have just discovered those plastic-backed waterproof bibs shouldn't go in the tumble dryer. RIP Sammy the Whale.

Also, snot! Again! Argh!

StormyBrid · 02/05/2014 16:51

Where is everyone today?

ecofreckle · 02/05/2014 20:05

No idea, but I'm here. Wouldn't miss an over familiar Friday darling Storm.

Doli my baths occur when I have said "night night, it's sleepy time" to Ecotod, put the light out and retreated. The bathroom is next to her room so the very first thing I do is turn on the tap. Then mn. Sometimes recently if I'm on my own I take plonky's approach of making sure other jobs are done first like washing up and toy tidying. But when I have dh he does that whilst I bathe. I think Dolitoddle retires a bit later than Ecotod though so you have less evening to play with and probably prioritise talking to your husband or reading a good book. The bathroom has a lock on it so for me it has a particular brand of quiet about it that being the mother of a toddler doesn't often afford you.

We looked at beetles in the wood today. Ecotod wanted to touch but the beetle was less keen. Library trip to swap books I'm bored of reading at bedtime and a flapjack making session and the day seems to have gone. Although I did have a lovely friend over to natter/moot some work ideas with whilst afternoon nap occurred. I have a lot of catching up to do.

Did I mention we have an infected thumb? Any other mums of thumb suckers beware. Ecotod has a lump on her thumb since having teeth, I guess where the teeth catch the skin much like my poor nips Anyhow, other day it developed a huge yellow pus filled blob. Nice. Pharmacist took one look and said nurse needs to see that. They made her see a doc. Doc prescribed antibiotics. The pus blob burst whilst she was sucking but I'll gloss over that in case anyone is eating and so I thought I'd just be vigilant and see if she developed any other symptoms rather than just give the drugs. She hasn't yet become unwell 48 hours on so I have not given any medicine. It felt a bit like overkill for a manky thumb. Anyone think that foolish? I want to do what's best for her.

Yummy you must be feeling a bit better today? This coil business no longer gives me painful periods, six months on, but the heavy bleeds are yuck.

Right, what to say to leave you with something other than blood and pus to think about? My dh is due back any minute and we have Philomena to watch on DVD over a nice glass of something cold and white. Simple pleasures :-) Happy long weekend everyone. Mwah as it's Friday!

yummychocolate · 02/05/2014 21:23

Im lurking but really too tired to post and namecheck. I had a three day week but feel guilty for feeling tired as some work longer hours than me.

Im feeling better today thanks eco. It's the opposite with me. I have bad pains but little bleeding. I don't know what is better though.

we need a new thread chatterboxes. Happy bank holiday weekend everyone.

WottaMess · 02/05/2014 22:06

Just a quick Friday hug everyone. I had a day holiday and lovely family lunch and have just got back from wine club book group which was nice and grown up. Mwah!

WottaMess · 02/05/2014 22:08

Oops. Blush My name change is showing! Grin

Still have the feline snoring on the sofa if that's any help. Wink

Plonkysaurus · 02/05/2014 22:26

New thread you lovely mothers right here

OP posts:
dolicapax · 02/05/2014 22:38

Stormy my presence on-line is largely dependent on the nap situation, and it was situation all systems go today. The toddle didn't stop. When it comes to sleep refusal the girl is a pro.

It wasn't all bad though, what with it being a diet coke day and all, making our numerous trips through the kitchen carrying two tea towels (the toddle not me) marginally more interesting than might otherwise have been the case.

Eco septic thumb sounds really quite grim. I vaguely remember in days of yore my dad bathing my thumb in warm dettol water several time a day for the same reason. Not an antibiotic in sight. I'm still here, all digits attached, if that helps.

Yummy we appear to be on the same cycle. Which is kind of weird to know! Opposite problem here, no pain, but lots of mess, and I forgot to buy the necessary meaning tomorrow will require one of those embarrassing shopping trips where all you want is a basket full of wimmins stuff. And chocolate.

On that note, sweet dreams.

WottaMess · 03/05/2014 07:43

Thanks for new fred Plonk.


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