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He has eaten a fat ball

309 replies

ManifestoMT · 06/03/2014 00:09

And complained to me that it was a bit greasy.


the fuckwit has eaten the fatballs made by the children in a park last week and left in the fridge to solidify.

I have no idea what culinary delight he thought they were supposed to be.

I wouldn't mind but he was there when they made them!

OP posts:
Termagant · 06/03/2014 08:16

This Is Just to Say

I have eaten
the fat balls
that were in
the icebox

and which
you were probably
for the birds

Forgive me
they were weird
so nutty
and so greasy.

Apologies to wcw!

Catsmamma · 06/03/2014 08:18

what a ninny!

and yes...i need a string update.

Degustibusnonestdisputandem · 06/03/2014 08:19

I'm sorry, but I'm having a damned good chuckle at this!

Bluestocking · 06/03/2014 08:21

Is he preening himself? Does he regard this as a feather in his cap? He should be treading on eggshells after that performance. Try him on a chorus of The Birdy Song. etc etc.

GerundTheBehemoth · 06/03/2014 08:23

OldLady, you shouldn't use grill pan/roasting tin scrapings or other cooked soft fats in fatballs, they can damage birds' plumage, and are often also salty - garden birds can't really tolerate salt. Lard/suet all the way for the birds.

Grill pan scrapings are fine for husbands and partners though :)

ohfourfoxache · 06/03/2014 08:26

Oh dear op, what have you married?

Keep a close eye on your dc - just in case they have inherited the fat loving genes.....!

Grumpla · 06/03/2014 08:39

Oh Termagent! GrinGrinGrin

KurriKurri · 06/03/2014 08:42

GrinGrinat this thread.

My dog ate a fat ball once (her excuse = she's a dog). The resulting diarrhoea had to be seen to be believed, and (sorry to those eating breakfast) because it was so greasy it shot out of her like a bullet from a gun Grin

ErrolTheDragon · 06/03/2014 08:45

I thought it was going to be a toddler at the 'put everything in my mouth' stage... not a fully grown man.

Lard needs quite a bit of heat to render it out of the meat so it's sure to have been well cooked. And fat balls don't make wildlife sick so your DH may escape unscathed.

My neighbour puts fat balls out for the birds - a squirrel keeps stealing them and eats them sat on the fencepost, and once I saw it burying one in our lawn. Its a fat, happy squirrel.

Silverfoxballs · 06/03/2014 08:46

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NymodigFruOla · 06/03/2014 08:53

at 'snack on a rope' Grin

Cocolepew · 06/03/2014 08:54
Moodykat · 06/03/2014 08:55

This is literally the best thing I have read in days! Was feeling really shitty this morning and reading about your massive tit has made me feel much better! Thanks!

bigTillyMint · 06/03/2014 08:56

Did it have nuts and stuff in the fat?
ComeIntoTheGardenMaud · 06/03/2014 08:57

Fantastic reworking of the William Carlos Williams poem!

AryaOfHouseSnark · 06/03/2014 09:05

I noticed this in active convos yesterday and presumed it was about a toddler or a dog. I was Shock when I saw that a grown man ate them.
Greasy ?
Confused about the seeds ?
I have to know about the string.

Strawdolly · 06/03/2014 09:06

Classic Grin

AtYourCervix · 06/03/2014 09:07
lucysmam · 06/03/2014 09:07

Can always rely on MN to brighten up the boring bus ride to town Grin Grin

PumpkinsMummy · 06/03/2014 09:10

shamelessly place marking to enjoy the tale of the result once it has worked thru his digestive system. Your poor DH, I wonder if he knows how much joy he has brought to so many MNers. Maybe you could remind him when he's shitting out his lungs?!

kotinka · 06/03/2014 09:10

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Floggingmolly · 06/03/2014 09:13

Why were they in the fridge? A trap for the unwary indeed.


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traininthedistance · 06/03/2014 09:14

Fab Termagant Grin

This thread should be in Classics!

OnceUponAThyme · 06/03/2014 09:16

there is no emoticon that will express my mirth!
I need to know what he thought of the string in them Grin

Anniecarrieson · 06/03/2014 09:25


Your DH will be the yardstick against which all other fuckwits are measured.

He forgot to put his trousers on and went to Tesco?
Yeah, but at least he didn't eat a fat ball.

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