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He has eaten a fat ball

309 replies

ManifestoMT · 06/03/2014 00:09

And complained to me that it was a bit greasy.


the fuckwit has eaten the fatballs made by the children in a park last week and left in the fridge to solidify.

I have no idea what culinary delight he thought they were supposed to be.

I wouldn't mind but he was there when they made them!

OP posts:
TheCunkOfPhilomena · 06/03/2014 15:36

You Are Killing Me

one of those artisan treats sort of scotch egg things

Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin

MyGastIsFlabbered · 06/03/2014 15:36

Grin @ artisan scotch egg!

NymodigFruOla · 06/03/2014 15:37

"If he is into foods with string on I would hide your tampons OP hmm he will be in for a shock if he pops one of those in his mouth". Oh blimey, this gets funnier and funnier Grin

"He said as I bought stuff at tebay services he thought it was of those artisan treats sort of scotch egg things" - now I'm Grin Grin

CinnabarRed · 06/03/2014 15:37

The twig is brilliant!

bigTillyMint · 06/03/2014 15:39

Artisan Scotch Egg Grin

From Tebay services Grin

But it must have tasted soooooo vile

KittieCat · 06/03/2014 16:01

I clicked onto this thread assuming said fat ball might've been munched by a curious toddler. Oh, how wrong I was.

KingCrimson · 06/03/2014 16:11

Just out of interest, did he eat it cold, or microwave it?

Bagtrainlady · 06/03/2014 16:12

I can't stop sniggering on my bus home! Artisan fatballs! With string & twigs - I am making Mutley-like noises as I try not to roar laughing on the bus!

FrimpongDench · 06/03/2014 16:16

Do all artisan scotch eggs come with strings? Was he thinking it was part of some early/late Halloween hanging apples game?

Quinteszilla · 06/03/2014 16:16

Artesan scotch egg. Somebody should tell Gails....

DramaAlpaca · 06/03/2014 16:22

This is the funniest thread I've ever read.

I'm at my desk trying not to work snigger.

Artisan scotch egg Grin Grin Grin

You have brightened up my day. Thank you Smile

anklebitersmum · 06/03/2014 16:24

I have tea coming out my nostrils OP, and an "It's not just a fatball it's an M&S fatball" mental image so thank you for that Grin

My DH embarassingly would more-than-likely eat the fatball whilst grazing in the fridge for easy food and have the cheek to complain about it being "a bit greasy" Confused

notso · 06/03/2014 16:33

Grin I am just imagining him marching in to Tebay services demanding a refund for the greasy scotch egg!

Rooners · 06/03/2014 16:34

Twig? Grin

MavisGrind · 06/03/2014 16:39

In fairness to OP's Great Tit, an artisan scotch egg which looks/tastes like a fat ball is exactly the sort of thing you'd find in the farm shop at Tebay services! If not at Tebay then definitely at Rheged. [local]

Badvoc · 06/03/2014 16:39

My dh would so eat a fat ball.

YoureAllABunchOfBastards · 06/03/2014 16:42

I bet you a tenner these are in the shops by Christmas....

CalamityKate · 06/03/2014 16:55

Omg that's brilliant and SO the sort of thing DH would do!

He once ate a load of cheese cubes that he found in a tub in the fridge. Trouble is they were cubes I'd cut up as dog treats, had been there over a week and during that week had been in and out of my pocket and consequently were covered in crumbs of dog biscuit, assorted pocket fluff and dog spit.

A couple of weeks ago I made chocolate mousse using just chocolate and water. Gorgeous if you like dark chocolate but very intense. He declared that "God that mousse is horrible! Far too bitter for me. Didn't like it at all" but needless to say he ate a whole ramekin full ....

They're so thick at times.

ManifestoMT · 06/03/2014 18:56

Ok the last bit of the saga.

I have got in from work now and thought a picture of the remaining fat balls would just round this off perfectly.

So 3 kids, 2 mine one friends, made the fat balls. All 3 balls were in the fridge.
I went in to retrieve one to take a picture and smallest one comes up behind me.
Oh we have to hang those up for the birds" "
yes I just need to take a picture"
Well take a photo of mine

That's not mine .... Where's mine gone.....
Lower lip quivering...

She knows it's hers cos different colour string apparently.

She is just about to have a massive hissy fit but stopped in her tracks when I said daddy ate it by mistake.

But it's for the birds. Mummy why did daddy eat it?
She told the oldest one and they have not stopped laughing

A family legend has begun.

I expect to be outed tomorrow as it will be all round the playground. I know some school mums go on mumsnet as I tell them how hilaire it is.

Off to photo the ball

OP posts:
ManifestoMT · 06/03/2014 18:58

King crimson it was raw not cooked raw lard with loads of seeds a sunflower seeds sticking out of it

It's the most obvious fat ball ever

OP posts:
DameFanny · 06/03/2014 19:03

Please please say you'll start adding string to his plate... Please?

essexgirl46 · 06/03/2014 19:06

my dog broke into the cupboard under the stairs once and ate some fat balls then pebble dashed the kitchen with liquid shit.....the heating had been on and it had sort of baked onto the surfaces it had hit...the smell hit me as i put my key in the lock and i had to clear up the mess whilst doubled in constant retching convulsions...i phoned my now ex husband who was "too busy" to help......don't buy fat balls any more.


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Catsmamma · 06/03/2014 19:07

i have been thinking about this all day and sniggering but's an affront to your cooking....

the man who eats a fat ball and claims it to be a bit greasy.

I think you have had perfect provocation to kill.him.dead.

ManifestoMT · 06/03/2014 19:14

Ahhhh you can't add pictures in classics

I will nip over and post in chat.

Then again do I really want to prove that I actually know someone that dense never mind have 2 childen to him.

OP posts:
FuckYouChrisAndThatHorse · 06/03/2014 19:15

Oh I love this so much Grin

I'm going to find ways to slip "fat ball" into conversation tomorrow Grin

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