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He has eaten a fat ball

309 replies

ManifestoMT · 06/03/2014 00:09

And complained to me that it was a bit greasy.


the fuckwit has eaten the fatballs made by the children in a park last week and left in the fridge to solidify.

I have no idea what culinary delight he thought they were supposed to be.

I wouldn't mind but he was there when they made them!

OP posts:
K8Middleton · 06/03/2014 00:30

So... will you be making them again? Perhaps post the recipe as they are so delicious? Wink

ManifestoMT · 06/03/2014 00:30

Oh I think he needs double bagging tonight. Undies and pjs.

I still can't comprehend how he managed it.

The sunflower seeds confused him.


OP posts:
ManifestoMT · 06/03/2014 00:32


A Great tit if there ever was one.

OP posts:
fortifiedwithtea · 06/03/2014 00:33

Haha Grin let us know if he starts nest building

kotinka · 06/03/2014 00:36

This reply has been deleted

Message withdrawn at poster's request.

ManifestoMT · 06/03/2014 00:36


A Great tit if there ever was one.

OP posts:
ADishBestEatenCold · 06/03/2014 00:41


MrsCakesPremonition · 06/03/2014 00:45
ManifestoMT · 06/03/2014 00:51

Well a small victory small child has appeared in the main bed so old peckerhead is in sparebed. The only downside is that I have to sleep on his side of the bed.
Which doesn't smell right.

No anal leakage so far.

He is snoring. Must be effects of whiskey drunk whilst watching the match.

Let's hope the alcohol has killed any bacteria.

Lard is rendered pig fat isn't it. So it must have had some heat processing. I think I am clutching at straws

OP posts:
silverten · 06/03/2014 00:55


Straight to Classics I think....

ballsballsballs · 06/03/2014 00:56

PMSL at 'a bit greasy'. Grin

BelleOfTheBorstal · 06/03/2014 01:02

He was with you when you made them? Oh dear god!

musicposy · 06/03/2014 01:07

Please stop, I have tears of laughter streaming down my face and I'm going to wake the rest of the household!
DH has eaten dog biscuits before (I suspect less accidentally than he makes out) but fat balls!
I'm so tempted to make some now and leave them out.....

toomanyeasterbunnies · 06/03/2014 01:07

I'm failing miserably at trying not to laugh too loudly! Grin

musicposy · 06/03/2014 01:12

You could give him those charcoal dog biscuits that soak up fat and stop dogs farting; I reckon that would help.
No need to tell him what they are - just present them as breakfast biscuits. He'll be well away.

GoldfishCrackers · 06/03/2014 01:14

Stop it! No matter how much I try to stifle the laughter I'm making the whole bed shake and am going to wake the whole house if I'm not careful.

Butterandnutellaplease · 06/03/2014 01:14

Do you think he pulled the string through his teeth to get the last little fatty morsels off or did he just chuck that down his gullet too?Shock

recall · 06/03/2014 01:23

I can't believe he ate them even though they were strung together GrinGrinGrin very very funny

Bumpiemalumpie · 06/03/2014 01:27

oh god, woke the new born with my stifled laugh not the snoring DH!!!

DrewsWife · 06/03/2014 01:31

I'm laughing hard internally. I'm desperate to laugh out loud! Grin

SaggyOldClothCatPuss · 06/03/2014 01:33

OMG! Grin Grin Grin
That sounds like something dp would do! Men!!!

Patilla · 06/03/2014 01:51

Oh this is hilarious. I'm sat here holding a baby who has not long been sick and whose tummy is still making odd gurgling noises.

This has cheered me up thank you.


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CalmaLlamaDown · 06/03/2014 02:32

I'm on a night shift and it made me laugh too, and there's not too many laughs around here at the moment I'm telling you.

Did his mates eat them too? They won't be allowed to come to your house no more.

NoArmaniNoPunani · 06/03/2014 03:02

I've never heard of a fat ball, it sounds vile.

Hopefully the lardy poo will wait until he's in the work toilet

Morloth · 06/03/2014 03:11

My DH would totally eat a fat ball if it was sitting the fridge.

He would probably also then tell me they were nice.

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