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He has eaten a fat ball

309 replies

ManifestoMT · 06/03/2014 00:09

And complained to me that it was a bit greasy.


the fuckwit has eaten the fatballs made by the children in a park last week and left in the fridge to solidify.

I have no idea what culinary delight he thought they were supposed to be.

I wouldn't mind but he was there when they made them!

OP posts:
godmum56 · 15/01/2022 20:15

dammit i didn't notice it was a zombie

SpookyScarySkeletons · 15/01/2022 16:18

I would like to thank the poster who's DH accidentally sent their DS to school with a tub of leftover fat for the birds rather than his pasta salad for reminding me of this thread 😂

Perpop · 14/01/2022 23:49

This thread is the best thing that’s ever happened to me

DeerMyDear · 14/01/2022 23:34

Crying laughing

godmum56 · 14/01/2022 22:00


Because there was football on the telly I nipped to a mates few accidental Vinos and home.

He thought I had left them for snacks.

I don't know what to do.

buy extra toilet paper, a strong toilet fragrance block and a pot of sudacrem....and go and stay in a hotel for a couple of days Grin
Thewiseoneincognito · 20/12/2021 10:26

OMG just read this after it being mentioned. 😂😂😂😂😂😂 hilarious- will brighten up your day that’s for sure!

Lightbringer · 29/05/2018 16:34

Those scotch eggs at Tebay services are bloody good! Don't look like fat balls though...

Toddlerteaplease · 12/05/2018 12:31

Sitting in cafe Nero crying with laughter at this thread!

MissusGeneHunt · 24/04/2018 23:07

This has got to be the funniest thing I've read for yonks.... Superb!

kaytee87 · 06/04/2018 21:10

I can't breathe 😂😂😂

My husband just came in from another room because he thought I was crying because I was snorting with laughter.

Dizzybintess · 05/04/2016 08:28

My grandma once was in the kitchen cleaning her teeth and my mum had wrestled a jelly baby off the dog. It had teeth marks drool and hair all over it. Because grandma was blocking the bin my mum put it on a piece of kitchen towel to pop in the bin later.
My grandma thought it was a treat left for her so popped her falsies back in and had a good old chomp on it. We all sat there horrified and none of us had the heart to tell her. Poor grandma x
I still can't believe a grown man scoffed a fat ball

BreakingDad77 · 06/03/2015 13:46

I heard at a large international conference, plates were brought out with a starter with discs of meat arranged in a vertical stack, due to the long time to serve all tables and the usual famished state people are in, some began eating theirs.

To which as bowls of boiling oils were coming out a panicked restaurant manager quickly ran around telling people to stop!

SoDiana · 04/01/2015 16:58

I have drank engine oil from a Lilt bottle, smuggled a lump of solidified grease thinking it was toffee and finally commented on the spicy sauce on the olives which was in fact, green chillies with mayonnaise. In my defence, I was a child in the case of the former two.

wtffgs · 26/12/2014 10:22


Posh, v senior colleague once ate pot pourri at a social event! ShockGrin

jelly6jane · 26/12/2014 02:33

this has really made me laugh. You shouldn't worry as he IS a grown up and therefore responsible for his own actions ;)

McChocolate · 23/03/2014 11:41

DH has just extracted himself from the bedroom, worried I am crying. Well I am, but from laughter. Couldn't stand up straight for a while there.

mathanxiety · 14/03/2014 14:37

From the look of horror on DD1's face, it wasn't one bit like cheese.

nolongerbumpieorlumpie · 14/03/2014 14:27

I want an update on the aftermath!!

Hogwash · 14/03/2014 13:38

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Message withdrawn at poster's request.

SDTGisAnEvilWolefGenius · 14/03/2014 09:55

Would that be soap for artisans, soap made by artisans, or soap made FROM artisans, mathanxiety? Grin And did it taste nice?

mathanxiety · 13/03/2014 23:42

DD1 once took a bite of what she thought was cheese samples on a plate in the Whole Foods Market. It was actually artisan soap, lovingly handcrafted and very pricey and clearly marked 'Artisan Soap'.

ErrolTheDragon · 13/03/2014 18:58

Once when my ILs visited, FIL helped himself to a handful of nibbles. Except it was pot pourri.


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CleopatrasAsp · 13/03/2014 18:28

This thread is hilarious. I was once baking but had to leave the mixture in a bowl as some relatives turned up. As I was faffing about making tea one of the relatives pinched a bit of the mixture saying: 'Oh, marzipan, my favourite!' I really don't think it was his favourite since he had just eaten raw ginger biscuit dough - still, serves him right for putting his germy fingers in my baking!

boofted · 13/03/2014 16:33

I have not laughed as much as this for a long long time. Brilliant. DH laughed a lot too. Probably because he would do something like this.

frumpity33higswash · 13/03/2014 13:20

sounds rude and indijestible

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