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Beachbody thread 4 (P90X, Insanity, T25 etc)

999 replies

RoastieToastieReastie · 13/06/2016 12:44

I hope you can find me! I went to post in the old thread but it had reached its limit.

Here's to an energetic, fit, healthy, and strong summer ahead.

OP posts:
Purpleraindeer · 06/02/2017 18:18

It's probably that you're not used to t25 anymore tso . I always find that when I go back to a workout. Also t25 always tricks me - I remember it as 'easy' as it's only 25mins and it surprises me every time. I only hope you didn't start with total body circuit!
Hope your first day at work was ok. I was like a zombie after mine so I'm very impressed you've worked out too Star

disappointed101 · 06/02/2017 18:27

Proud of myself..I am progressing. I managed to do some moves using the medicine ball. I didn't dare last week as I thought I would face palm. I trusted myself this week to do push ups on the medicine ball. Getting stronger at the other moves. I really am enjoying thus workout programme even though they are like an hour long each.

Theromanempire · 06/02/2017 18:30

I think it is the fact that T25 has no breaks - all the other BB workouts seem to so it really is relentless for 25 minutes which is bloody hard! I agree with Purple and I hope you didn't start with Total Body Circuit Grin

Hoping to do 21df Plyo fix shortly if DH ever gets back from work Hmm lovely long 30 second breaks in that Grin

yumyumpoppycat · 06/02/2017 22:27

Tsoto well done on getting started on T25, you might find it better working out in the eve? If you have done t25 before dont forget that when a beginner first does it they spend a fair bit of time watching the moves etc which prob makes it less hardcore. I defo used to spend a portion of the workouts just watching in dismay ;) Also it could have been an off day, sometimes workouts are a lot harder than other days. Take breaks when you need them, have water nearby, modify if you need to, and maybe only do a couple a week and build up to more. I defo agree with Roman and Purple, I am used to taking breaks now so speed 2.0 was a shock to the system when I did it recently. One other thing to remember is that some of the first phase workouts are actually harder than the second phase Confused

Well done dissapointed Star. I was looking at sandbags (they were on hot deals ;) ) and that brought me to an article about lifting weights on unsteady platforms and how it can be more effective than just lifting heavier weights on a steady platform.

Hope you enjoyed plyo roman. I would defo prefer a secret room workout with shaun T than Leandro. Actually if everyone could have a 1:1 PT session with any of the BB crew who would you pick? I would prob go with Chalean and ask her why she wore those boots??? In all seriousness the non slacker in me would go with shaun T, but part of me thinks autumn seems the least scary.

Tsotofamily · 06/02/2017 23:27

Purple - thanks, my first shift back is Wednesday

Yumyum - my aim is to try next one in the evening as doing it this morning totally ruined me for the rest of the day although I did go out this afternoon and done w2r1 of c25kShock how I don't know lol

Well done everyone on the workouts. I'm definitely having a rest day tomo

Purpleraindeer · 07/02/2017 20:51

I gave your 1:1 personal beach body training some thought poppy! I'd go Shaun t if it was nice Shaun t like in max30. If it's angry Shaun t from asylum I'd say Tony Horton. I like his attitude that it doesn't have to be perfect but you have to try.

In that vein I did back to the core again. That last move (reverse plank) is basically impossible for me

yumyumpoppycat · 07/02/2017 21:17

Purple I am with you on nice Shaun T - I would prob need hip hop abs shaun though Grin

Yes that reverse plank is weird, I also hate tricep dips which also involve unnatural hand placement, I had a go just then at the plank thing to remind myself and my arm made a weird pop Shock

Tsoto I am v impressed you did a run yest!

pilates for me yest, and skipped through Hammer iso speed (skipped the pullups that is!) , today was chisel agility..I was able to shave off a good 10 minutes by skipping a lot of the talking.

Purpleraindeer · 07/02/2017 21:44

I can never turn my hands the way you're supposed to - it hurts my wrists. Do you know whether that means I'm not getting full benefit?

yumyumpoppycat · 07/02/2017 22:48

I don't know tbh Purple, but its prob not worth an injury, this instruction shows three different hand positions to allow for shoulder or wrist problems, my wrists are very weak too - I really really struggle with any kind of tricep dips, tricep pushups etc . Actually what I also find hard is wresting on my elbows (sphinx plank) because my elbows are so nobbly!

Purpleraindeer · 08/02/2017 06:51

Thanks poppy. I've been doing hand position 2 so I guess that's ok. Not feeling nearly as creaky this am as I did last time after back to the core so I guess I'm getting used to it. Not sure how I'll fit in a workout tonight as won't be back until late. Need to do one tho as cant fit one in on thurs....

disappointed101 · 08/02/2017 09:59

Yummy my 1.1 would be Shaun T. I find him the most motivating out of all of them.
Roman I totally get you...I love breaks. I hate workouts that roll from one move to the next.
Anyway rest day for me. I usually get my workout in at 6.30am. Sod's law the gritters are out super early when I wanted to sleep longer. Grr! Yesterday was plyocide. It felt easier somehow this week..maybe I could push a little more. Yesterday I got a little off track with nutrition so felt guilty and did some turbojam. Love turbojam...not on acid like turbofire. I need to seriously stop getting the munchies in the evening and raiding the granola.

yumyumpoppycat · 08/02/2017 10:43

Purple hopefully you find time to work out.

I watched a slightly cheesy prog on 4 last night about exercise, the male presenter was blind so dp's eyes popped open for a minute but he fell back to sleep unfortunately! DP hardly ever stays awake in the eve when watching tv. Anyway worth a watch even though I skipped the netball and rowing parts - I might try to become one of those --weirdos== efficient people doing yoga while brushing teeth etc. Actually I had already started ironing standing up when watching tv in the eve instead of sitting down doing it - apparently sitting is bad bad bad and basic working out can't compensate for lots of sitting, which is sad as I quite like sitting down.

Dissapointed well done on Plyocide turbojam has really good reviews but have never seen it at a decent enough price for how old it is.

Looks like shaun t is in the lead Grin

Total body chisel today - I quite like that one and felt comfortably using only slightly lower weight than autumn! I also now find I prefer using the stability ball than the step for bench press etc now I have the hang of it, but no regrets about buying the step as it fits nicely in the bay window behind a small sofa/big arm chair, and there is something quite fun about the step with weights exercises. I am a wee bit concerned though as my arms seem to be stronger than my legs, which is wrong, but I think its just that I find lunges really hard regardless of with or without weights - something to work on.

Have a great day everyone.

yumyumpoppycat · 08/02/2017 10:45

Oh Reastie have you had your injection - hope you are doing ok Flowers

Theromanempire · 08/02/2017 12:31

My 1:1 would be with Autumn as you all know I have a girl crush on her Grin I just find her manner and coaching really encouraging and supportive. Second choice would be Shaun T for the same reasons. It would not be Leandro as he is odd and smiles inanely and says 'ay' A LOT and it would not be Chalene as she is just far too bouncy and perky for me (I follow her on FB and find her a bit irritating and the exercise videos she posts also involve a lot of inane grinning and flinging her hair around). I can only assume she was paid a lot of money to wear those boots Grin

Ooh interesting video about hand position in reverse planks - I cannot do it with my hands turned in towards me bum as it is just too uncomfortable in my wrists. However I can do it with my hands turned away from me but have always felt I am 'cheating' in some way but now I can do it like that without the guilt. Still a bloody hard exercise though - particularly in Upper Focus which has a variety of reverse planks in abundance Hmm I cannot do tricep dips either but I think that is more to do with my arms not being strong enough to hold my body weight Blush

I also follow Tania (from T25/Insanity) on FB but find the constant posts about how wonderful her life is a bit wearing - I realise it is all part of the same MLM model as Juice Plus etc and they have to portray it as such to recruit other coaches but it really is boring to read it over and over again.

I think my lesson is that I should prune my FB a bit Grin

disappointed101 · 08/02/2017 15:03

Yummy turbo jam is on the secret site. Search using the names of the individual workouts!

Purpleraindeer · 08/02/2017 21:30

Stronger arms than legs poppy? Wow. I was just looking at my weedy pathetic arms in the mirror and thinking I needed to get a bit stronger so I'm a bit jealous. Am just setttling in to watch that channel 4 show. I like a fitness programme.

Am really glad I publically committed to workout tonight as definitely wouldn't have bothered if I hadn't. Had a long day, early lunch and found myself having to do a workout on an empty stomach at 8pm. Did plyo. Feeling pleased as managed to static jump the length of the ladder for the first time! My lateral jump was better too. Am pleased with that.

Hi to everyone else Smile

Tsotofamily · 09/02/2017 21:50

Hi all
I haven't managed to fit in amy t25 since being back at work, I did get out this evening and do w2r2 of c25k. Day off tomo planning on taking dogs out on a nice long walk as they haven't been out properly in last 2 days then will try fit in a workout in the afternoon.

Only skimmed through but well done on all the working out

Reastie · 10/02/2017 15:39

Hi all, thanks for thinking of me. I've been too miserable at lack of exercise to face coming on here and getting jealous at what you are all doing Blush but thought I really should poke my head in.

Worst week EVER this week. Two 30 minute cycle rides, a 30 minute super easy relax yoga workout that wasn't a workout at all, more relaxation, and attempted to go swimming yesterday but after 6 minutes (yup, all of six minutes) gave up and got out as I was just too exhausted. I have no idea if I'm getting the bug dd has been off school with on and off all week or if it's lack of sleep from dd being ill and coping with the family bereavement or it's lethargy from lack of exercise but I have no energy.

Injection booked for Monday and knee still not right :( sorry, I'm not exactly a barrel of laughs am I. Usually even when I'm on holiday I do minimum four workouts per week so going from every day hard work to practically nothing is a big thing for me

disappointed101 · 10/02/2017 16:33

Bless you :( must be so frustrating Reastie. Have you listened to any of Shaun T's podcasts? He hurt his wrist/arm a while back and couldn't do any upper body. There might be something where he talks about how he dealt with that.
tsoto well done for continuing the runs!
Purple, well done on the ladder jump! That is some achievement,
As for me, I am getting better! Did 2x10 push up side arm balances on med balls. I also had a go at plyo style push ups called boing push ups on the stability ball. I managed 2 or 3. Will try and get more next time!
I have a week off work now so can leave the workouts till later in the day!

yumyumpoppycat · 10/02/2017 18:31

Reastie keep posting, I can't believe how much you have actually done this week exercise wise, I thought you were going to say none - you are an inspiration in all honesty. Agree with dissapointed idea re shaun t, also tony horton has had injuries. I was reading running like a girl a week or so ago and there was a bit on injuries in that which made me think of you. To be fair though your injuries have been affecting you much longer than the writer in that book so its no wonder that its getting you down now.

wow that sounds pretty hardcore on the plyo pushups etc dissapointed!

I did power hammer today - planning to try heavier next time but it is quite tricky to do with good form.

Purple sadly I think my arms are rubbish but my legs are even more rubbish. Amazing work on jumps that is mind boggling to me.

Purpleraindeer · 10/02/2017 21:27

I've just googled boing push ups and medicine ball push ups. ShockShock that is awesome disappointed! Respect.

Reastie - I'm with poppy on this one - your rubbish no exercise is some people's hardcore week. I bet all the emotional stuff has knackered you out too. It's shit being out of the routine though - I totally understand why you're fed up.

Did strength today. Wasn't as bad as last time. Phew. Game day tomorrow. Eek. Am finding asylum overall tough going - I'm feeling very tired and much hungrier than normal. I really notice it as when I'm physically tired it disrupts my sleep and I wake up earlier which is annoying. Am going to hang in there and hope I adapt a bit. I remember the same happening when I did insanity. Prob need to up protein but struggling a bit to make it work.

Purpleraindeer · 11/02/2017 11:57

Oh my goodness. Just did game day. It lasted forever! 57 loooong minutes. Strange workout really - some of the sports are good but some are just weird and some very difficult moves too. There was a lot of huffing and stopping from me today.


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Reastie · 11/02/2017 12:33

Purple is game day the one where he goes through different sports, I think you start with a run on the spot run?

Did isometrix p90x3 this morning and had to modify for injuries. Not a super workout but allowed my heart rate to go up despite non impact. Better than nothing I suppose. Wanted a cycle ride but it's freezing and snowing out and I've got a sore throat so thought it best to stay in and I'm limited as to what DVDs I can do. If you have any ideas for cardio workout DVDs without knee impact and not involving the shoulder or elbow would love to hear.

I could never do medicine ball push ups when I did p90x2. I felt I wasn't strong enough and I'd do myself more harm than good iykwim. P90x2 is fab for core stuff.

I will look at the podcasts but thing is Shaun t I assume could still do leg work. I feel stuck with most things cut out.

yumyumpoppycat · 11/02/2017 14:42

Purple I think well done for finding parts of Game day doable, the review i read made me quickly decide to give it a miss for now.

Reastie I cant think of anything unless you go with secret site and google some of the taichi type ones I have seen advertised on the dvds, or country heat maybe? Piyo is supposed to be low impact but I guess some of it may be no good for your shoulder. very difficult. I am actually very tempted by this but dp has said no <a class="break-all" href="//" rel="nofollow noindex" target="_blank">bike :(( I am trying really hard with my spending at the mo though and resisting all sorts of things so its a good call from dp.

prob cardio of some kind for me today too.

yumyumpoppycat · 11/02/2017 14:44

I didnt mean to do the blue face was supposed to be ((

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