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Beachbody thread 4 (P90X, Insanity, T25 etc)

999 replies

RoastieToastieReastie · 13/06/2016 12:44

I hope you can find me! I went to post in the old thread but it had reached its limit.

Here's to an energetic, fit, healthy, and strong summer ahead.

OP posts:
yumyumpoppycat · 14/06/2016 22:24

Ouch sounds painful hope the g & T works eleanor, isn't magnesium good for cramps too, think you can get spray magnesium directly for your legs.

Purple, I was doing my easy kettlebell workout the other evening and it did cross my mind that although I was enjoying the actual workout I wont have the shaunt t afterglow effect!

Actually was it Katie that asked about the kettlebells, I forgot to say this is the one I do, but its probably too easy for you katami . I particularly like the 25 min core workout. Think I am ready to move up from 6kg bell but it involves quite a lot of moves where the bell is close to my head and I am a bit too nervous of smacking myself in the head with an 8 kg bell!

EleanorAbernathy · 14/06/2016 23:16

Ooo I found some magnesium tablets in the drawer - I've washed a couple down with the g&t! Now I need to drink some water as dehydration can cause it too apparently. It feels like I've been doing Shaun T's calf hops all day! Grin

Purpleraindeer · 15/06/2016 07:38

Well done for taking such rapid emergency action with the G&t Eleanor. You could join St. John's ambulance! Grin

Just googled chaturanga runs. Holy hell. That looks ridiculous. I might try one tonight but I suspect it will end in me flopping on my tummy.

Rest day today. Have worked out 4 days in a row which is the most I can normally handle. Will be finished insanity at the weekend. Can't decide what to do next. I quite like jacksters doing new work outs plan so might do that for a bit before I start asylum. Boobz - are you still set on 1 August or could I persuade you to do it with me?

Boobz · 15/06/2016 08:09

Gosh it's busy in here.

Thanks for all the congrats - ha ha.

Just did Max Interval Circuits. It is getting super hot in Rome now so I'm always very sweaty post work out (more than normal I mean).

Purple I promised myself to do 60 days of Insanity Month 2 + Ab Ripper X... I have stopped and started so many times various things (P90X, Goliaz etc.,) due to marathon training and cancer etc... I really feel like I should finish 60 days so I know I have done one cycle! And tbh it's working - I am finding my abs and my weights shifting, so I don't want to upset the apple cart with something new until I get to my target weight (which is still a good 4-5kg away).

So yes sorry - Aug 1st for me - but don't wait for me!

Travelling today and tomorrow - house hunting - exciting! Going to see these two:

Vauxhall One

Kennington One


Happy Beach-bodying everyone - will catch up and name check tomorrow when I have more time.

caitlinohara · 15/06/2016 10:13

Boobz How exciting. Will that be the last move for you do you think? When we moved a few months ago we said never again, it was so stressful. They both look lovely, i don't know London that well so don't know how the location differs though.

Eleanor I like your style Grin. Creative dieting is very much my thing. Having realised the other day that I had a 30g protein deficit I promptly ate an entire bag of chocolate peanuts. I know. Quick thinking. Wink

Feeling all twitchy this week, it's recovery week and I feel restless, despite the Core Synergistics hell. Kenpo X last night and I added weights for the block sequence, the elbow sequence and the vertical punches because I didn't feel it was doing anything. Does anyone here use ankle weights? I haven't for ages but I might dig them out next time for Kenpo to give a bit more resistance on the kicks. I used to use them all the time. Once tried them for either T25 Lower Focus or TBC, can't remember which, but I could barely walk down the stairs the following day! Blush

Bloody Stretch today. Yawn.

Getting slightly worried about Minnie and Jelli, please come back and tell us you survived the few couple of days of Insanity and T25... we really don't want that on our conscience Grin

Hi to everyone else! Keep going guys!

onlywhenyouleave · 15/06/2016 10:38


Boobz definitely prefer the second house - it looks much more stylish Smile Living in London is an alien concept to me (just thinking what I could buy up here for that money - it would be a bloody castle Grin) but I have always felt I have missed out by not living in a city, even for just a short while!

Purple enjoy your rest day - they are there for a reason (I am sure Autumn says that in one of her workouts!)

Caitlin am laughing at you doing TBC with ankle weights - that workout is just the worst ever so why would you make it even harder?? I tell you, you are all maniacs on this thread Wink

Eleanor love the G&T medicine - very quick thinking! Hope it has got better now - I hate calf cramps in the night as they are so painful. The body is a strange thing sometimes Hmm

Did Rip'T Up this morning but wasn't really feeling it so probably didn't put as much effort in as I could with the plank stuff and superman pulses etc. Need to try harder tomorrow...

I was correct about DH and the Plyo fix workout yesterday - he moaned all the way through, kept stopping and is apparently unable to bend his knees properly. then when he was done, said 'I quite enjoyed that' - could have fooled me Hmm Still think the enjoyment was mainly watching Autumn and all the other ladies (and laughing at the poor man in the group called Beyoncé).

yumyumpoppycat · 15/06/2016 10:41

Both houses look gorgeous Boobz, I have a thing for brick houses though so the vauxhall one for me! Not from that side of london so don't know about location.

Grin El, Purple and Caitlin, having an image of us all with some sort of BB survival pack of G&T and choc peanuts, who needs E&E!

I NEED to get on with house work, this is why I prefer work work. At least I did P90x3 lower body, which was fine but my knees were a bit criky craky. Think I need to up the weights a bit (used sets of 2.2 and 6kg) what did you use for that workout Purple? I think I got all the reps in and only really modified floor work - the side plank tap I did the most basic option. I am not very good at raising my legs high though so I guess I could work on all that before increasing weights? Might get the pull up bar tomorrow and do the upper body, either that or an insanity.

Hope everyone is enjoying the sunshine

PS Minnie are you ok after you need some G&T ;)

MinnieF1 · 15/06/2016 10:43

I am still alive - sorry for worrying you Grin I didn't manage to do the first insanity last night as I was ill yesterday. I am planning on doing it tonight instead and I'll definitely report back!

Good advice about treating the first week as a gradual introduction. I think the reason I've been putting it off is that it seems a bit daunting but I shall just take it at my own pace to begin with.

I'm interested to know (and a bit sceptical) are the before and after pictures on the website really just the result of 60 days of insanity workouts?

yumyumpoppycat · 15/06/2016 10:43

Hi Only cross posts, your husband doesnt like change does he Grin I am not keen on superman's - I am not flexible enough to do them properly and don't really see the point, maybe if I had done thim with weights I would.

yumyumpoppycat · 15/06/2016 10:45

Phew {puts back G&T in first aid kit} I think some of it is diet Minnie and fake tan but people on here are getting results.

Boobz · 15/06/2016 11:23

I am not a big fan of change either - hence not taking Purple's Asylum challenge up yet!

onlywhenyouleave · 15/06/2016 12:03

Yumy I cannot do superman pulses with even the lightest weights we have (about 1.25 kg Blush) - my back and shoulders just aren't strong enough.

Minnie I agree, it is daunting but just do what you can do - at least that is better than doing nothing and everyone starts somewhere (even those super fit freaks on the DVD's Grin)

I forgot to say that after yesterday Flat Abs Fix session, my abs started hurting yesterday evening. Then, every time I turned round in bed last night, they hurt and then (TMI) when I went to the toilet for a poo this morning, just the act of squeezing caused my abs to scream in pain Hmm That is one hell of a workout - haven't had DOMS like that in my abs ever!

RoastieToastieReastie · 15/06/2016 19:11

Jackster I haven't done a huge amount of piyo because of my arm/neck injury but I do like it. I've done it more to compliment other programs than on its own.

Goodness me lavender you're making me feel tired with all your workouts! Don't you feel too physically exhausted at the end of the last workout? I just couldn't do all that in a day.

Boobz love the links, how exciting. I like the look online of the second one more but don't know the area well.

Caitlin I never thought of ankle weights for kicks, genius!! I might try that. How do the month two p90x workouts compare to month 1? It's been so long since I last did then I can't remember. Set to start month two on Saturday.

Eleanor hope the magnesium has helped. I had terrible leg cramps when I gave up sugar and it turned out it was similar. I remember going to the chemist in desperation to stock up on magnesium and I think calcium as well but I can't remember what the calcium did or how it worked (or maybe I remembered that wrong and it was just magnesium). It got better the next day but it may have done that all on its own!

Minnie let us know how you go. I reckon those before and after shots are real but likely they have followed the diet plan as well as the workouts. It's a workout you could do a lot slower than they do it in the DVD and not work as hard and not see great results or you could completely throw yourself into it and see major results.

Only that sounds like your abs had some hard work!

Well, I went to yoga today. Probably tmi but it's day 1 of af today and I always have a really bad heavy day. When working out at home this doesn't bother me as no one is there to see any potential leaks. I was nervous before the class that my mooncup would squeak during the class (sometimes in some positions the sort of vacuum it makes gets loosened and it can make weird slightly squeaky farty noises) but then once we started stretching I realised I should be more likely about it leaking as moving in to all the positions meant I could feel it dislodging at times and potentially causing a spillage leaking down. And, of course I was sitting at the front of the class so it would be obvious to everyone. So I spent the whole time stretching as little as possible and not using my core at all for fear of mooncup leak or squeak. Luckily disaster averted, but I think next time I'll make sure I plan better or do something else on that day. I was lying there worrying about it and thinking of how I'd tell you all about my predicament later to give you a giggle and be glad of why we usually workout at home!

OP posts:
onlywhenyouleave · 15/06/2016 19:55

roastie I had an embarrassing leak incident a couple of years ago in a yoga class Blush fortunately I had black pants on but a little went onto my mat and I ended up leaving early as I knew if I sat down/led down on the mat again, it would get so much worse. Never been back to that class again even though I absolutely loved it Sad

Being a woman is shit sometimes!

RoastieToastieReastie · 15/06/2016 20:45

Only that's rubbish :( I'm sure people didn't notice, or if they did they would just feel sympathetic. Stupid periods (apart from boobz that is, hers isn't stupid at all!).

OP posts:
yumyumpoppycat · 15/06/2016 22:59

Gah periods, defo a reason to workout at home! That and wee leakages ...which actually doesn't really happen to me anymore not sure if that is because exercise has improved my pelvic floor? Glad crisis was avoided but shame it spoiled your class, hmm I think any good yoga teacher would firmly approve of mooncups, hear the farting noise and give you an immediate gold star Grin

Only you should try the class again too, stuff like that happens all the time I'm sure.

Also roastie I got chalean today and it didn't come in a box and was a bit bashed. Was yours in a proper box? The different pases sound v similar to the body coach might actually try the diet plan this time. When are you planning to start?

yumyumpoppycat · 15/06/2016 23:01

Also Only there is no way they keep track of who was on what yoga mat and prob spray and wipe them all to get rid of sweat etc without looking too closely!

lavenderhoney · 16/06/2016 06:27

How did you get on with insanity Minnie? I did max plyo last night and then a bit of Callenetics but by then it was 10.30pm.

Roastie I'm not tired, I mean I am when I start but I just do it. I think " come on it's not for long" and otherwise I'd just be hanging about thinking " I should be doing insanity"

Exercise pretty much is my life apart from the DC! Work gets in the way because I'd rather be out running or something:) I have quite a few troubles and exercising stops me thinking about them, and I feel better. I do have a new bf who likes lovely restaurants which is nice because I like getting dressed up and miss my old London life sometimes. I'll know if the relationship has legs because if it hasn't I'll be thinking " I could be at home doing insanity:)" and leaving early.

Boobz, how is the house hunting? The one in Vauxhall looks nice, the other tons of work, but maybe it's just cosmetic? I don't know either area though.

caitlinohara · 16/06/2016 13:35

What's that thing called when women's menstrual cycles synchronise with each other if they live together or spend lots of time together? Or is that witchcraft a myth? Because I just got my period as well. Angry Grin

Roastie I didn't find month 2 any harder than month 1 to be honest, and it's mostly the same because you still do Plyo, Legs & Back, Yoga and Kenpo. So it's just Chest, Shoulders and Triceps instead of Chest & Back, and Back and Biceps instead of Shoulders and Arms. I think all of them are as hard as you want to make them because you decide the weight and the number of reps, so you are not necessarily trying to keep up with the DVD like with the other workouts. When you did it last time, did you complete the whole 90 days? Are you finding it easier this time around? I start month 3 next week where the month 1 and 2 workouts are mixed up and I am quite looking forward to it. NOT looking forward to doing Crap Synerbloodygistics later. Angry I am in no mood, I tell you. No mood.

Lavender My mum and my sisters both swear by Callanetics, I've done it a few times but god that woman is annoying!! Do you do the whole original hour long workout or are there shorter ones? I can identify with what you said about exercise helping you through difficult times. I hope you are ok and the new bf also provides some distraction!

Re the superman pulses with weights - JM has that move in one of her workouts, I remember the first time I tried it I literally felt like my hands and feet had been nailed to the floor. Blush

How was the house hunting Boobz? And hi to everyone else, hope you all have a lovely day Smile

EleanorAbernathy · 16/06/2016 16:14

Roastie my mooncup fell out when I was doing Insanity once Blush I'm glad I was at home! DP laughed at me though.

I'm not sure if it was the magnesium or the gin and tonic but I am now cramp free and in working order, so finally got around to doing Beta Core Cardio! I found it quite tough, VERY leggy - but that could be cos I've had a few days off. Off for a walk now then I'm going to scrub the plaster in the bedroom - what fun!!!

yumyumpoppycat · 16/06/2016 17:09

Doesn't that happen in nunneries Caitlin? Grin

Glad you're feeling better eleanor!

I did Jillian's newish dvd killer arms... there were a lot of moves potentially copied from Shaun T like others have said, it reminded me of some of the gamma workout (one arm burpees) - it was REALLY tough for level 1! Interestingly I watched the form dvd for chalean extreme aswell today and she cautioned against rapid weightlifting as it is less effective and there waas quite a lot of quick reps.

caitlinohara · 16/06/2016 18:14

yumy fairly sure there are nuns in thus thread Grin

Not sure about fast/slow weightlifting. Tony says in X3 that time under tension is the key.. But I've read elsewhere that completing the movement is more important, so doing 6 curls slowly is not as good as completing 10 curls faster, as long as form is good. Confused


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RoastieToastieReastie · 16/06/2016 19:18

Eleanor Shock to mooncup falling out, that must've been a hardcore insanity workout! Glad the legs are better.

Boobz how did the viewing go?

Interesting about the weightlifting. I guess with pump they do quick and slow reps to please everyone! When I lift too fast I worry my form isn't good as I'm go busy with reps.

It's true with periods and women living together isn't It? I always thought it was but never quite understood how it worked.

Yumy my Charleen DVD program didn't come in a box. P90x3 did but gamma t25 and Charleen didn't it came in a bag with the resistance band. I'm not sure when I'm going to start it. I'm going to do p90x until DD is on Summer Hol then swap to p90x3 or t25 gamma, then back in September I'm going to finish p90x and then maybe I'll do it then. I might use a cardio workout from her program instead of a p90x cardio workout. Let me know when you do it to know what it's like.

Caitlin last time I did p90x I didn't do it as a program. DD was small and I couldn't do it every day as she wouldn't let me so I did 3-4 workouts a week roughly in order of the programme (although now I can't remember, it may have been a legs, an arms, and a cardio one a week). I remember I never did abs X and did feel stronger arm muscle wise but also I did it straight after insanity and felt I lost cardio fitness. Because I didn't do it often enough I didn't see amazing results, but then I didn't expect to as I was in the midst of my weight loss. This time I'm definitely fitter in general but I also struggle more as I can't do moves because of that pesky arm/neck injury. Last time I never bothered with logging reps and weights but I'm really enjoying doing it this time.

Lavender I love your comment about knowing the relationship has legs if you won't be rather wishing you'd be doing insanity!

Core synergistic so today, didn't nail it as was bored through it and had a lot to do so it was a case of get it done and on to the next thing, but I did it. Rest day tomorrow then start of month two tomorrow.

OP posts:
onlywhenyouleave · 16/06/2016 19:36

I have proper munchies today! Cannot stop eating for some reason Hmm have done really well since starting this diet 8 weeks ago and managed my hunger much better than I thought but not today Shock just finished off a tube of Pringles for no reason whatsoever!!

I am thinking of doing P90x3 after my holidays in Sept for a new challenge - how does it compare to T25?

Purpleraindeer · 16/06/2016 21:39

Lots of good chat in here today!
I won't be able to remember all the things I wanted to say, but will try my best...
Did some chaturanga runs. They're absolutely nails. Good luck to any of you who do them in a work out Shock
No way can i do supermans with weights either. and Shock to whoever suggested ankle weights!
Someone was asking re weights for the leg work outs in p90x3 - I use 8kg and sometimes 4kg.
Minnie - those before and afters are from people who follow the diet too. Without the diet you'll be fitter but not necessarily have changed your body much. you do need to cut cals to lose weight. I was annoyed when I realised that.
And boobz - totally understand wanting to see insanity thru when you're getting results. I have to say I'm amazed at how effective it is. I look a lot leaner in my legs and tummy now. Still not actually lean tho!

Did the cardio conditioning/cardio abs epic tonight. Didn't work quite as planned as DC started fighting because they were tired so broke off half way thru to put them to bed and then finished after they'd gone down. Only max plyo to go now!
Can't remember who did the hardcore ab workout (poppy?). Hope you're ok today.well done for hammering your abs so much you couldn't poo - that's taking it to a whole new level Grin

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