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Racing through the threads - runners thread number 5

999 replies

Sirzy · 18/05/2014 20:26

Thread for all runners no matter how slow or inexperienced you are.

Last thread can be found here

OP posts:
briteside · 22/06/2014 20:00

How brilliant to read about everyone's runs! Some great fun (Potato race Blathers ?) and fab 10km time emummy and your son's excitement made me smile cardiff

postmanpat I know exactly what you mean, I had the same - I ran 4 time last week and ate pretty well but STILL gained weight. I am hoping it is fluid retention and will even itself out. It sucks...

I ran a 10km RFL yesterday. I did it in 1:07 which wasn't too bad considering it was so hot & I hadn't trained as well as I could have. It is also a minute faster than my previous 10km I am happy (But already planning another 10km race next month!)

briteside · 22/06/2014 20:02

And the new total, before I forget!

1391.8 + 10 + 3.75 = 1405.6 km

briteside · 22/06/2014 20:04

Oh...and with Orange total makes it 1417.6 km

Sirzy · 22/06/2014 20:08

Didn't make the Race for life. Was changed and ready to go when DS had a big asthma attack so spent the morning in A and E instead :(

Hopefully get out for a run tomorrow instead

OP posts:
Knackerelli · 22/06/2014 20:19

Oh Sirzy, so sorry to hear about your DS. Hope that he's ok now? Was it the hot weather do you think? Thanks

cinnamongreyhound · 22/06/2014 20:37

Oh no Sirzy, hope he's home safe now.

briteside · 22/06/2014 20:44

Oh no Sirzy! So sorry to hear that. I hope that DS is better. How scary for all of you.

ThursdayLast · 22/06/2014 20:59

Oh poor mini Sirzy Thanks

Morrigu · 22/06/2014 21:07

Oh no Sirzy is he home now? I recognised your name from the children's health asthma thread (ds has uncontrolled brittle asthma) and your poor ds seems to have it tough at times. Really hope he's ok Thanks

originalpiratematerial · 22/06/2014 21:10

Sad Sirzy - poor DS - asthma is a bugger isn't it (my first ever serious boyfriend had it and we had numerous trips to A&E). I really hope he's feeling better now.

BetsyBell · 22/06/2014 22:07

SOrry to hear that sirzy, I hope he's recovering now Flowers

Very hot 4k intervals this evening


SeymoreButts · 22/06/2014 22:29

Sorry to hear that Sirzy Sad I hope DS is recovering well.

Sirzy · 22/06/2014 22:37

Thanks all. Yes at home but on 4 hourly inhalers so I have just had to set an alarm for 2.30 am!

OP posts:
emummy · 23/06/2014 07:09

Glad he's a bit better Sirzy, hope the night went well and you all got some sleep

Sirzy · 23/06/2014 07:52

thanks emummy. Got a few hours sleep thankfully!

OP posts:
Morrigu · 23/06/2014 10:13

Glad he's ok Sirzy. Hope you both have a restful day today.

SoftKittyWarmKitty · 23/06/2014 11:56

Gosh Sirzy, hope he fully recovers soon. How worrying for you.

I ran my first ever 10k today, hurrah! Bit slow at 1hr 9 1/2 mins - had to walk a really hilly bit in the woods and it was pretty hot but I made it! So pleased, as I only started running two months ago. I seriously need to consider entering the Great Yorkshire Run at the end of September, don't I? I've never entered a proper race before, parkrun is the nearest thing to a race that I've done, so bit scared .

My 10k brings the total to 1431.6. Getting close to that 1500k now Smile.

feetheart · 23/06/2014 13:01

Sirzy - glad you got a little sleep, hope DS is on the mend now.

softkitty - that's brilliant, well done you :)
Is Great Yorkshire Run 10k or half marathon? Big races are fantastic (I've done Silverstone half and Great North Run), nerve wracking in the lead up but amazing when the running starts.

cinnamongreyhound · 23/06/2014 13:26

Well done SoftKittyWarmKitty! Why not enter a smaller race in the mean time, there are always lots of lower key ones going on. Try here, I usually go on the norfolk one.

SeymoreButts · 23/06/2014 14:22

Well done softkitty! It's such a satisfying milestone, I had to stifle the urge to fist pump after mine, very British.

I'm glad DS is feeling a bit better sirzy I hope you're not too tired today.

Just 3k to add today, still sore from yesterday, I think I'll take a couple of days off! 1434.6

SoftKittyWarmKitty · 23/06/2014 16:05

The Great Yorkshire Run is a 10k, which is why I feel a bit more confident about entering now I know I can complete that distance, albeit slowly. Might look at last year's finishing times to check runners' times.

karatekimmi · 23/06/2014 17:25

softkitty I always look at the previous years results to see how well a slowcoach like me will fit in!! We'll I'm dressed and ready to go, but it feels a bit hot!! I don't go until 6.45 so I'm hoping it'll be a bit cooler then!!


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SoftKittyWarmKitty · 23/06/2014 19:56

Well I definitely wouldn't be last I don't think - quite a few runners last year were pushing 2 hours. I think the course is pretty flattish too and where I run is quite hilly some of which I walk so think I'd be ok. Might register when I get paid.

karatekimmi · 23/06/2014 20:42

a hot 9.7km from me, a good run for a Monday, but I wont get a run on Wednesday as I am helping to organise a handicapped run for my club.


cinnamongreyhound · 23/06/2014 21:06

A lovely 6.4km doggy run for me, we had massive storm an hour before we went so there were puddles everywhere! I was soaked but had fun and now have nettle stings and mossie bites as well as wrinkly toes :)


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