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It is a fact universally acknowledged that a woman in her thirties in possession of a ticking biological clock MUST be in want of a baybee.

999 replies

ArielThePiraticalMermaid · 04/03/2013 19:52

The former thread proved full of sadness and most vexatious disappointments, wherefore we know not :(. Therefore the BESH will be donning their empire dresses and enlisting the assistance of Captain Wentworth and his admirable breeches and Mr Darcy smouldering damply in his transparent white shirt both of whom with their pleasing countenances and sound judgements and enormous fortunes, in short both of whom are everything a young man ought to be in the expectation that happier times may be ahead for the BESH.

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FrankellyMyDearIDontGiveADamn · 05/03/2013 17:47

X-posts with you there Bugs, sounds like a plan. How do you feel about it all?

JustplainoldBuggerlugs · 05/03/2013 17:47

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JustplainoldBuggerlugs · 05/03/2013 17:49

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EuroShaggleton · 05/03/2013 17:56

Bugs, other than the usual lifestyle stuff (no drinking & smoking, etc), I'm not sure there is much you can do. If you read around there are some supplements that are supposed to help, but nothing seems to be definitive. They are worth a go though, I guess.

Remember spaff plays a huge role in embryo quality too. Our clinic told us that it is the swimmers that carry the embryo forward after day 3 and there are loads of studies about sperm DNA fragmentation and its role in miscarriage. After Thursday, if this goes the way I expect, I will be talking to KFZK about the frag test. Anecdotally, a friend of mine had an mc with her ex - they tried for ages, one pregnancy, ended in mc. He had a problem with alcohol and was far from clean living, but the drs focussed on her
as she had PCOS. With a new partner she got pg first month of trying with her first and second with her second (chem preg first month that time), so that does suggest that it was not an egg problem with her first husband. I'm not suggesting Mr Bugs is in the drinking league of her ex, but that a lot of people focus on the woman when an embryo is half her DNA and half his.

Verily this is a very un-Austen like post. I shall pause for a moment to admire Miss Frankel's wonderous endometrium and good egg growing skills.

JustplainoldBuggerlugs · 05/03/2013 17:57

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Northey · 05/03/2013 17:58

On the ivf fred we iz all about the high protein for good quality eggs, bugs.

missfrankel, my feelings will not be repressed. You must allow me to say how ardently I admire your endometrium.

EuroShaggleton · 05/03/2013 18:01

Heh, love it norf.

lovesLemonDrizzleCake · 05/03/2013 18:04

Verily my ladies, you have been much occupied with dashing young doctors, needlework and shed-copulations Shock. This evening I have been very diverted in the perusal of your epistles. Sadly my own contribution to this flowing conversation will have to be short as I shall be taking a turn around the park in a pack of wanton women wearing unflattering garments. However I must add my delight at the handsomest endometrium that ever was seen, well done lady Frankel. I was most perturbed to notice the waste of candle sticks that donkey and the northerly lady have produced by unnecessary worrying, I sincerely hope the mood and hysteria will improve.

YAY for the follies frank. Sorry bugs I know nothing about egg quality! Lady Merkin you make me laugh!!

lovesLemonDrizzleCake · 05/03/2013 18:05

Grin norf

"and how bloody annoying your family is"

Northey · 05/03/2013 18:28

Don't laugh. I just poafed. On day 3 of a very heavy droid. Negative, obviously. Why?

FrankellyMyDearIDontGiveADamn · 05/03/2013 20:44

I won't laugh Norf, I went to today's appointment half-hoping they'd do the scan and say "whoopsadaisy there's something in here!"

Northey · 05/03/2013 21:47

I think that every scan I go to, frank .

Have just had a grim evening out. I heartily wish I'd never gone. Every second sentence seemed to be about people having babies or people trying to have babies or people miscarrying babies. Just fuck off, all of you.

ArielThePiraticalMermaid · 05/03/2013 22:27

Bah to the lot of them.

I wonder how one would go about starting to get on with the rest of one's life? Giving up hoping. And being ok with that. I think I'd have to use some kind of contraception, so you get off the endless monthly merry-go-round. Just thinking about it.

OP posts:
Northey · 05/03/2013 22:32

Like some kind of eternal Mary Bennett.

How are you this evening, rie?

ArielThePiraticalMermaid · 05/03/2013 22:41

I was feeling dreadfully glum, but then you said "eternal Mary Bennett" and I laughed.

Honestly, some women go on the pill to reduce boob pain??? Shock It's making me grumpy in the extreme.

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Northey · 05/03/2013 22:49

I am also dreadfully glum. And sad and lonely. And nothing is cheering me up.

Just the thought of starting all over again. Again!

Northey · 05/03/2013 22:50

How long till you can stop the pill?

ArielThePiraticalMermaid · 05/03/2013 22:53

24th March. Then a few days off while apparently I should have a droid. Then stabbing.

I'm trying not to sound moany. Ok, well I'm not trying that hard. Sorry.

OP posts:
ArielThePiraticalMermaid · 05/03/2013 22:55

Sorry, didn't see your post there Norf. Sigh. If only we were RL friends, close by and stuff. We could drink wine, eat nachos and watch back to back episodes of p&p followed by s&s followed by Four Weddings.

OP posts:
Northey · 05/03/2013 23:00

I know. We could take it in turns with the cat.

I am also moany tonight, so don't worry about it.

EuroShaggleton · 05/03/2013 23:01

Rie I was offered the Pill when I went to see a consultant about extreme PMT, including mega boob pain, a few years ago. I declined, took evening primrose and B vits and it improved massively.

Norf I'm with you re: starting again.

I've just had a surprisingly lovely evening out. It was a work networky thing, and I was somewhat lacking in enthusiasm but made myself go rather than spend another evening at home googling shyte about fertility and miscarriages. It was actually great. We were being taught to make sushi. Then got to eat our creations. It was very absorbing. When I left I realised I hadn't thought about my womble once in at least a couple of hours. Which was nice.

ArielThePiraticalMermaid · 05/03/2013 23:05

Glad you had a lovely evening Euro.

I trust you wore you most becoming bonnet?

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Northey · 05/03/2013 23:05

I'm glad you had a nice time, euro. Try not to think of your womble at all. I'm sure we will both feel better in the morning.

EuroShaggleton · 05/03/2013 23:12

Rie I'm hat person, so rest assured, a bonnet is worn on a daily basis mainly to stop my hair going frizzy, which it does at the merest hint of any precipitation.

MavisCruet176 · 06/03/2013 13:29

Glad you had a good evening euro

Where is everyone today?

My turn around the bar room turned out to be most unladylike Blush

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